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Displaying 337–348 of 797

Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy

OICA creates awareness, takes action, and changes policy on behalf of children and youth. Our mission and statewide leadership role is based on the belief that all children need to be: safe, healthy, and heard. 

American Himalayan Foundation

AHF was founded over 30 years ago to help people in the Himalaya who were in need and had no one else, and that principle still guides us every day. What we do is basic: we make change - positive, tangible change - happen. We build and support schools and students; train doctors and fund hospitals; care for children and elders; plant trees and restore sacred sites. We help Tibetans rebuild and sustain their culture both in exile and in Tibet.

Communities For A Better Environment

The mission of Communities for a Better Environment (CBE) is to build people’s power in California’s communities of color and low income communities to achieve environmental health and justice by preventing and reducing pollution and building green, healthy and sustainable communities and environments.  CBE helps residents in urban areas to change the environmental policies and practices that put their health and well-being at risk. CBE utilizes three integrated strategies to impact change in its target communities: community organizing, science-based advocacy, and legal intervention.

Liberty In North Korea

Working with the North Korean people to accelerate change. We believe the North Korean people will achieve their liberty in our lifetime. We exist to empower the North Korean people to bring that day forward.


RainCatcher is a non-profit organization that’s committed to help 1 percent of the 1 billion people without access to clean drinking water in the next 5 years changing 10 Million lives forever.

Rock the Vote

Rock the Vote engages young people in our democracy and builds their political power by registering, educating and turning them out to vote, by forcing the candidates to campaign to them, and by making politicians pay attention to youth and the issues they care about once in office. We use music, popular culture, new technologies and old fashioned grassroots organizing to engage and mobilize young people to participate in every election, and provide the information and tools they need to do so.  And we amplify the actions of those young people who step up to claim their voice in the process in order to create political and social change.

Fundacao Dorina Nowill para Cegos

To make the social inclusion of visually impaired people easier by respecting individual and social needs, through specialized products and services

Global Relief Association for Crises & Emergencies, Inc.

GRACE Mission To foster social change through strengthening families and eradicating the vulnerabilities of human trafficking. GRACE Vision serves as the framework to accomplish the stated mission. Our vision is to see families rise above poverty and abolish human trafficking. We do this through: *Provision of a Family Resource Center providing a safe environment and educational enhancement programs for children *Provision of English Language Studies *Provision of nutritional support enhancing the growth and development *Provision of educational scholarships to mitigate school attrition rates *Provision of adult enrichment courses enhancing the educational, financial, and social skills of parents and guardians *Establishing and building relationships with families *Provision of venues of growth and development for antitrafficking workers; thus, promoting longevity *Establishing community partnerships to enhance effectiveness *Conducting Research to understand best practices in antitrafficking work

Youth Together

Grounded in our commitment to peace, unity and justice, Youth Together addresses the root causes of educational inequities by developing multiracial youth organizers and engaging school community allies to promote positive school change.

Girl2B Foundation

Through the empowerment of education, Girl2B Foundation works to give every young girl a chance to reach her full potential, freeing her from the unfair cycle of poverty, and making her an agent of change.

The SAFE Alliance

Our Mission: To lead in ending sexual assault and exploitation, child abuse, and domestic violence through prevention, intervention, and advocacy for change. Our Vision: A just and safe community free from violence and abuse.

Colorado Organization For Victim Assistance

The Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance (COVA) is committed to fairness and healing for crime victims, their families, and communities through leadership, education, and advocacy.  By operating in an inclusive and compassionate manner, COVA creates solutions and positive change.