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Displaying 25–36 of 596

American Foundation For The Blind

The American Foundation for the Blind removes barriers, creates solutions, and expands possibilities so people with vision loss can achieve their full potential.

American Association of People with Disabilities

The American Association of People with Disabilities is the nation's largest disability organization. We promote equal opportunity, economic power, independent living, and political participation for people with disabilities. Our members, including people with disabilities and our family, friends, and supporters, represent a powerful force for change.

National Federation Of Filipino American Associations

The National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization. Established in 1997, NaFFAA has been the standard bearer for promoting the welfare and well-being of the 4 million Filipinos and Filipino Americans throughout the United States. NaFFAA is the largest national affiliation of Filipino American institutions, umbrella organizations, and individuals. Its thirteen-member regions cover the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and the Pacific Islands. NaFFAA's vision is to serve as the voice of all Filipinos and Filipino Americans by uniting, engaging, and empowering diverse individuals and community organizations around three key areas: leadership development, civic engagement, and national advocacy

Council on American-Islamic Relations Minnesota

CAIR's mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

People For The American Way Foundation

People For the American Way is a national progressive advocacy organization that inspires and mobilizes Americans to defend freedom, justice, and democracy from those who threaten to take them away. For more than four decades, we have been dedicated to making the promise of America real for everyone and have worked toward a vision of a vibrant America where basic rights and freedoms are upheld for all, not just the wealthy and the powerful.

National Asian Pacific American Womens Forum

The mission of the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum (NAPAWF) is to build collective power of all AAPI women and girls to gain full agency over our lives, our families, and our communities.

Asian Pacific American Network Of Oregon

The Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO) Communities United Fund is a statewide, grassroots organization, uniting Asians and Pacific Islanders to achieve social justice. We use our collective strengths to advance equity through empowering, organizing and advocating with our communities.

National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)

Founded in 1944, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) is the oldest, largest, and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native organization serving the broad interests of tribal governments and communities. NCAI, a non-profit organization, advocates for a bright future for generations to come by taking the lead to gain consensus on a constructive and promising vision for Indian Country. The organization’s policy issues and initiatives are driven by the consensus of our diverse membership, which consists of American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments, tribal citizens, individuals, and Native and non-Native organizations. For nearly seven decades since its founding, NCAI has remained true to the original purpose of the organization: to be the unified voice of tribal nations. As outlined in the NCAI Constitution, our purpose is to serve as a forum for unified policy development among tribal governments in order to: (1) protect and advance tribal governance and treaty rights; (2) promote the economic development and health and welfare in Indian and Alaska Native communities; and (3) educate the public toward a better understanding of Indian and Alaska Native tribes.

American Friends of Beit Issie Shapiro

To advance the rights and interests of people with developmental disabilities by engaging in activities that assure them high quality support, education, social care and treatment services in their community.

American Center for Law and Justice

The protection of human and reliqious rights and liberties and the education of the public on such rights and liberties.

American Civil Liberties Union Of Indiana Foundation


American Federation Of Police And Concerned Citizens

The mission of the American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens is to promote and support the law enforcement profession, offer emergency and long-term support to law enforcement families and provide safety and crime prevention education to the general public, in addition to working to improve the relationship between civilians and law enforcement officers.