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Displaying 349–360 of 797

Women's Refugee Commission, Inc.

Our mission is to improve the lives and protect the rights of of women, children and youth displaced by conflict and crisis. we research their needs, identify solutions and advocate for programs and policies to strengthen their resilience and drive change in humanitarian practice.

Center Against Rape And Domestic Violence

The mission of the Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence is twofold: * to provide services and support to those affected by sexual and domestic violence, and * to provide education and leadership within the community to change the societal conditions that cultivate these forms of violence.


TrustAfrica is an independent foundation that strives to secure the conditions for democratic governance, equitable development and African philanthropy. They convene dialogues, award grants, build knowledge, and provide technical assistance to advance these goals. TrustAfrica is led by seasoned professionals from over a dozen countries across Africa and the Diaspora. They operate from a conviction that Africans must set the agenda for the continent’s development and take the lead in implementing it. Their theory of change holds that greater citizen engagement in political and economic governance enables societies to become more stable, more prosperous, and more equitable. They operate from a firm belief in democratic principles and a deep commitment to social justice.

Pride Center Of The Capital Region

To promote the well being of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer identified people and those discriminated against based on gender identity and expression. The Pride Center envisions an LGBTQ community in which individuals feel safe, secure and affirmed where they live, work, worship, and play. The Pride Center is an integrated part of the social fabric of the Capital Region, advocating for equality and justice for our community, leveraging our rich history to drive continuous development and strategic adaptation to meet the changing needs of the community, facilitating empowerment, enrichment, and self-expression in the community. They are committing to the advancement of the Capital Region as a place where LGBTQ people can thrive.


WITNESS makes it possible for anyone, anywhere to use video and technology to protect and defend human rights.. We empower people to transform personal stories of abuse into powerful tools for justice, promoting public engagement and policy change.


Act4Africa aims to change five million lives. Improving health/well-being, gender justice, and income generation for women in Africa's poorest communities We plan to do this through education which can encourage independence.

Orangewood Childrens Foundation

The mission of Orangewood Children's Foundation is to provide life-changing prevention and intervention programs for abused and neglected children, young adults and at-risk families through one-on-one support and community partnerships to end the cycle of child abuse.

Advancement Project

Catalyst California advocates for racial justice by building power and transforming public systems. We partner with communities of color, conduct innovative research, develop policies for actionable change, and shift money and power back into our communities.

South Asian Americans Leading Together

South Asian Amer­i­cans Lead­ing Togeth­er (SAALT) is a nation­al move­ment strat­e­gy and advo­ca­cy orga­ni­za­tion com­mit­ted to racial jus­tice through struc­tur­al change, which means we focus on trans­form­ing insti­tu­tions while lever­ag­ing incre­men­tal change as a means to shift con­di­tions and pow­er. We do this through fed­er­al pol­i­cy and advo­ca­cy, local and nation­al part­ner­ships, coali­tion build­ing (i.e. NCSO) and strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tions. We con­vene ded­i­cat­ed spaces for South Asian orga­ni­za­tions across the coun­try to engage in polit­i­cal edu­ca­tion lead­ing to strate­gies and nar­ra­tives to real­ize our vision.

Gays Aginst Guns

Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy


Non-profit social entrepreneurial venture harnessing the power of technology for social benefit. Benetech has adopted a core set of principles to guide our vision and decision making. We refer to these concepts daily in evaluating our work and our plans for the future. 1. Social Change Through Technology—Benetech is about creating positive social change at scale, and we use technology as the vehicle to drive it. Technology is a great way to get to scale and to reinvent the way people are doing business throughout the social sector. We’re not about profit; we’re about impact. 2. We Get Stuff Done—Benetechies are intensely results focused. We aim high, and then try to exceed our commitments. This means that we fully commit to the fields where we operate, learning as much as we can and following through on our promises. And we measure what we do so that we know we’re getting stuff done. 3. Right Stuff Right—Just three words that convey so much. We ensure that our work is up to world-class standards, focus on doing the right thing where we can make the maximum impact, and conduct business in an ethical way. When we’re trying to make a decision about something, the way forward is just so much clearer when someone asks, “Yes, but are we doing the right thing right?” 4. Open Over Proprietary—We’re an open-source organization. Not only our software but also the content we create is almost always available under Creative Commons licenses. And we value transparency. What’s really important is the mission, and we trust that being clear and open will lead to the best possible outcomes. There is information that we do consider highly proprietary: the information shared with us by our users and partners. We’re pragmatic enough to adopt a proprietary approach when we think it’s the best way to accomplish our mission goals, but we always lean toward being open. 5. Partnership Over Going Alone—Benetech’s strength is in developing technology responsive to real-world needs, but we can’t do it alone. In so many areas, we have chosen the partners who have deep knowledge and deep trust networks. Benetech provides what they are missing—the technology development expertise and the connections with top tech communities and companies. Our partnerships result in better ultimate social impact when we’ve built trust with the people with whom we’re working. 6. Value Flexibility—We respect our team and their commitment to do what it takes for social change. As part of that commitment, we prioritize flexibility both for and from our team members. This allows us to do more with less, without sacrificing teamwork and spirit. Our entrepreneurial approach also requires flexibility. When you’re creating something new, it never goes according to plan. We are always alert to better ways to accomplish the social objectives. 7. Personal and Professional Development—We care about the professional development of our staff and foster personal learning, growth and service—whether that’s helping a team member pursue graduate studies, become a better public speaker or deeply understand the challenges our users face. Benetech builds the careers of our team members while we benefit from their service to our mission. Ultimately, we’re helping to lead a movement to have technology fully serve humanity. We speak regularly to students and to professionals, sharing our love for our work and hoping to inspire a fresh crop of social entrepreneurs and innovators.

Iranian Childrens Right Society

promoting children’s rights in legal, cultural and social spheres through closely collaborating with selected organizations and individuals in addition to generating and or disseminating content through social media.