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Displaying 361–372 of 390

Coburn Place Safehaven Ii

Coburn Place empowers victims of intimate partner violence to live as survivors. The vision of Coburn Place is of a world where every adult and child may live free from intimate partner violence, housed stably and safely, with adequate financial resources.

Black Lives Matter Help Us

BLACK LIVES MATTER HELP US.ORG is an organization meant to empower the black community to overcome the stigmas, labels and preconceived notions that keep us from being our best. They are a one-stop shop designed to offer an array of free services under one umbrella.

Rahab's Daughters

Rahab's Daughters specializes in rescue, rehabilitation & reintegration of survivors of trafficking. We offer survivors of human trafficking, shelter, clothing, education, vocational training, and the ability to create a dream Plan that empowers them to start making choices for their own lives and break free from being controlled by someone else.


Gikers' mission is to educate, engage, facilitate and expand the LGBTQIA community participation in healthy outdoor activities thru free or low-cost hiking, cycling, kayaking, ski and snowshoeing events year-round. Key segments of the LGBTQIA community targeted with outreach efforts include urban, low-income and elderly members.

Aschiana Foundation

Aschiana Foundation invests in the education and well-being of vulnerable children in Afghanistan to give them hope for a brighter future and to contribute to lasting peace and security for the nation. We provide education, meals, medical care, and vocational training to working street children through Aschiana in Afghanistan. Our Foundation provides the necessary financial support to enable the life impacting programs in Afghanistan.

Borderland Rainbow Center

The Borderland Rainbow Center's mission is to create a community space in which lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex (LGBTQI) people and their allies can heal, grow, and empower themselves and others. This substance-free space will connect LGBTQI people to resources for improved physical and mental health, economic stability, legal rights, education, spiritual and cultural enrichment.

ASSET India Foundation

The primary mission of the ASSET is to provide computer literacy for education towards alternate livelihood and as a means of AIDS prevention. The program is designed to assist the children to attain a level of education and familiarity with technology that will enable them to free themselves from being chained to the same profession. The ASSET India Foundation supports Education of the children using Computer Based Functional Literacy and small business ownership using Microfinance.

Centro De Trabajadores Unidos En La Lucha

CTUL is a nonprofit workers center focused on providing leadership development to low-wage workers throughout the Twin Cities. We are an organization by and for low-wage workers, dedicated to achieving fair pay, safe conditions, basic dignity, and a voice in the workplace for ourselves and future generations of workers. Through CTUL low-wage workers have recovered nearly $2 million in stolen wages and damages, and won policy changes improving the lives of thousands of workers.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

Freedom From Religion, Albuquerque (FFR-ABQ) is working to keep state and church separate and to educate the public about the views of non-theists. They are gradually "coming out of the closet," speaking truth to power as non-believers providing a balance to religious influences. They call themselves "non-theists" or "free-thinkers," which means "a person who forms opinions about religion on the basis of reason, independently of tradition, authority, or established belief.

Council Of Parent Attorneys And Advocates

COPAA's mission is to be a national voice for special education rights and to promote excellence in advocacy. Our primary goal is to secure high quality educational services for children with disabilities. COPAA is premised on the belief that the key to effective educational programs for children with disabilities is collaboration -as equals- by parents and educators. This is the premise of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, the federal statutes that guarantee children with disabilities a free, appropriate public education.

Ark Inc

The primary concern of Ark Crisis Children’s Center is the safety of the children and families they serve. Ark also understands the important role we play in providing critical child care in times of crisis. The need for their services is greater than ever before. Ark has always provided free care to children whose families have nowhere else to turn. This includes working parents who have no access to safe, affordable care for their children.

Homeless Persons Representation Project

HPRP's mission is to end homelessness in Maryland by providing free legal services, including advice, counsel, education, representation and advocacy, for low-income persons who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Our staff and volunteers pursue this mission by offering legal services through outreach in shelters, soup kitchens, welfare offices, community centers and on the street. Our direct representation informs broader-based systemic advocacy and impact litigation to address the root causes of homelessness.