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Our mission is to impact the health of mothers by putting them at the heart of improving reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health. Our Mentor Mother Model empowers mothers living with HIV, through education and employment, as role models to help other women and their families access essential services and medical care. Through this Mentor Mother Model, we work with governments, local partners, and communities to: - Eliminate HIV infections in children - Reduce maternal and child mortality - Advance healthy development of newborns and children - Improve the health of women, adolescents, and families - Promote universal access to reproductive health and family planning - Overcome stigma and discrimination - Champion gender equality - Support livelihood development for families and communities

Fundacion Via Cocina

Fundacion Via Cocina is a community based project focused on improving the health and economic development of vulnerable women, youth and underprivileged in Medellin Colombia. With a personalized training and mentoring system sharing healthy food recipes, cooking techniques and applied financial planning and entrepreneurial small business fundamentals, we build a program for individuals and families based on their current reality, applying the training to objectives created with them, for them, in their own home. Additionally, we provide classes to individuals and groups who want to learn to cook healthy dishes with local ingredients for their families, transforming them into uncommon flavors that are low in fat, oil, salt and sugar-free. These activities look to decrease frequency and severity of non-communicable diseases in the communities, including obesity, diabetes and cholesterol.

Child Find Of America

To help create a world in which every child can thrive in a safe, healthy, and legal environment, Child Find of America provides professional services to prevent and resolve child abduction and the family conflicts that can lead to abduction and abuse. Our free programs and services are available nationally and internationally. Our 1-800-I-AM-LOST help line connects callers to our in house location staff who search for missing, kidnapped, and runaway and parentally-abducted children. Our Parent Help program provides professional services design to defuse family conflicts that can lead to abduction and abuse. Our case managers assist with crisis intervention, conflict management, safety planning, parenting skill-building, and training programs for allied professionals.

The Cupcake Girls

The Cupcake Girls is a Portland and Las Vegas based nonprofit that provides confidential support to those involved in the sex industry as well as trauma-informed outreach, intensive case management, and referral services to provide prevention, and aftercare to those affected by sex trafficking. Today, we are the only organization in the country to partner with our clients without agenda in building comprehensive, holistic plans to help them pursue their goals and objectives, working to ensure that we’re matching the right solutions to the right individual, at the right time. We provide nonjudgmental support to empower our clients. Some of the services we offer are: medical & dental care, domestic violence & safe house support, counseling, government assistance & welfare, educational assistance, tax support, career coaching, and much more. Come learn more by visiting

Clackamas Women's Services

The mission of Clackamas Women's Services is to break the isolation of domestic and sexual violence. Clackamas Women’s Services helps individuals and families experiencing and healing from domestic and sexual violence, child and elder abuse, stalking, dating violence, and trafficking. We work with survivors currently experiencing violence to plan for their safety, as well as help to heal from trauma in the past. Our programs and services are free, confidential, available in multiple languages, and with any accommodations needed. Our support is available regardless of gender identification, sexual orientation, age, and immigration status to ensure anyone escaping violence can access the resources they deserve. We honor the depth and diversity of lived experiences across our community. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic or sexual violence, call our 24-hour Crisis and Support Line at (503) 654-2288 or (888) 654-2288.

Gay for Good

Gay For Good mobilizes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ+) volunteers and allies to promote diversity, foster inclusion and strengthen ties to the broader communities where we live and work. We aim to increase LGBTQ+ visibility and representation, cultivate understanding, and build positive relationships between diverse groups of people, while helping the environment, animals and people in need through acts of service and kindness. To carry out our mission, Gay For Good provides training and resources to community leaders who plan and lead inclusive group volunteer experiences for LGBTQ+ people, allies and others to volunteer together, network and have fun in twenty-one chapter cities, and growing. Gay For Good was founded in 2008 and has a proven track record of success. We have organized over 2,300 service projects in support of 785+ different nonprofit organizations and causes across the U.S. All are welcome. Volunteer. Donate. Or both! #PledgeToDoGood


Women's Resource Center (WRC) believes that all people should be free from the crimes of domestic violence and sexual assault. Those who are victims of these crimes should have access to services that assist them in recovering from their trauma and moving forward in their lives. Women's Resource Center is dedicated to providing the highest quality supportive services, counseling, shelter and education to women, men and children involved in or threatened by domestic violence or sexual assault. Women's Resource Center vision is that the agency is the recognized leader in providing quality, compassionate, innovative services to families affected by domestic violence and sexual assault. Through Women's Resource Center's education of future generations, victim empowerment and community awareness, we will create an environment where domestic violence and sexual assault are neither tolerated nor accepted. Women's Resource Center's Core Values support the agency's mission and drive program planning toward the achievement of our vision. Specifically: 1) Domestic violence and sexual assault are always wrong and must be stopped.; 2) These crimes impact the entire community and the community has a moral obligation to take ownership of the problem and its solutions.; 3) Everyone has a right to live in a violence-free home where they are treated with respect and dignity.; and, 4) Victims can be empowered to enhance their lives.

Seeds for a Future

Perched atop the buried pre-classic Maya city of Chocola, the village of Chocola on the back slopes of the volcanoes that form Lake Atitlan, is poverty stricken yet poised to become a model of cultural celebration and self-sufficiency. What it needs most is leadership training and technical support to develop its potential for diversified agriculture, archeological-tourism, health care for its families and education for its children. In its simplest terms, the mission of Seeds for a Future is to help this impoverished community plan and achieve prosperity based on balanced development principles that protect cultural tradition, the natural environment and preserve the Mayan and post-colonial history of the town. Seeds for a Future traces its roots to the period from 2003 through 2006 when many Earthwatch Institute volunteers came to Chocola to work on the archaeological site, which was then being excavated under license from the Guatemalan government. The volunteers embraced being associated with an important archaeological endeavor and learned about the vast pre-Classic Maya city that may hold keys to the early development of Mayan language, system of time and other fundamental cultural practices. At the same time, many of us fell in love with the community, its families and children and the fabulous, healthy mountain environment. As a result, groups of volunteers organized to help a community struggling with terrible poverty and deprivation to find a way to prosperity without destroying their way of life or the delicate balance of their natural environment. A vision emerged among a core of volunteers, Guatemalan visionaries and local leaders in which Chocola is seen as lifting itself into a more healthy and prosperous community based on its historic farming skills, adding value to its coffee, vegetable and cacao producers and through community cooperative action. In the future, there is great promise for the development of Chocola as a tourist destination based on archaeo-tourism; conservation of the natural resources in which the community is embedded and conservation of one of the first and greatest coffee processing plants (beneficios) established during the 1890s. But we also discovered in the early years that before Chocola could begin to realize its potential, the people needed training in identifying their own vision for the future, learning to work together and acquiring the technical skills needed for success. Overcoming 500 years of economic and social servitude is not easily done, but real progress is being made and our program has been recognized as ground-breaking, by the Guatemalan Ministry of Culture and others. Four operating principles guide the work we do: We provide information and technical assistance to the people of Chocola to help them evaluate new opportunities and to plan. We provide direct funding and other forms of support for community requests for assistance on specific projects. These requests must come through Chocola leadership and must demonstrate sustainability and a willingness and capability of the community to provide part of the needed resources. All programs must aim at achieving self-sufficiency. We will help with programs that governmental agencies believe may be of value, provided that they too meet the same test as is noted for the community above. All such requests must be consistent with our mission to help the people and do no harm to either the Maya archaeological site or to the 1890 Coffee Finca site. In all of our programs we try to ensure that the participants become more engaged in the social and civil fabric, that they gain self confidence in their ability to change their own future for the better, and that we provide knowledge and coaching for a sufficient period of time that their activities and new ideas become self-sustaining in the community.


Non-profit social entrepreneurial venture harnessing the power of technology for social benefit. Benetech has adopted a core set of principles to guide our vision and decision making. We refer to these concepts daily in evaluating our work and our plans for the future. 1. Social Change Through Technology—Benetech is about creating positive social change at scale, and we use technology as the vehicle to drive it. Technology is a great way to get to scale and to reinvent the way people are doing business throughout the social sector. We’re not about profit; we’re about impact. 2. We Get Stuff Done—Benetechies are intensely results focused. We aim high, and then try to exceed our commitments. This means that we fully commit to the fields where we operate, learning as much as we can and following through on our promises. And we measure what we do so that we know we’re getting stuff done. 3. Right Stuff Right—Just three words that convey so much. We ensure that our work is up to world-class standards, focus on doing the right thing where we can make the maximum impact, and conduct business in an ethical way. When we’re trying to make a decision about something, the way forward is just so much clearer when someone asks, “Yes, but are we doing the right thing right?” 4. Open Over Proprietary—We’re an open-source organization. Not only our software but also the content we create is almost always available under Creative Commons licenses. And we value transparency. What’s really important is the mission, and we trust that being clear and open will lead to the best possible outcomes. There is information that we do consider highly proprietary: the information shared with us by our users and partners. We’re pragmatic enough to adopt a proprietary approach when we think it’s the best way to accomplish our mission goals, but we always lean toward being open. 5. Partnership Over Going Alone—Benetech’s strength is in developing technology responsive to real-world needs, but we can’t do it alone. In so many areas, we have chosen the partners who have deep knowledge and deep trust networks. Benetech provides what they are missing—the technology development expertise and the connections with top tech communities and companies. Our partnerships result in better ultimate social impact when we’ve built trust with the people with whom we’re working. 6. Value Flexibility—We respect our team and their commitment to do what it takes for social change. As part of that commitment, we prioritize flexibility both for and from our team members. This allows us to do more with less, without sacrificing teamwork and spirit. Our entrepreneurial approach also requires flexibility. When you’re creating something new, it never goes according to plan. We are always alert to better ways to accomplish the social objectives. 7. Personal and Professional Development—We care about the professional development of our staff and foster personal learning, growth and service—whether that’s helping a team member pursue graduate studies, become a better public speaker or deeply understand the challenges our users face. Benetech builds the careers of our team members while we benefit from their service to our mission. Ultimately, we’re helping to lead a movement to have technology fully serve humanity. We speak regularly to students and to professionals, sharing our love for our work and hoping to inspire a fresh crop of social entrepreneurs and innovators.

Sustainable Development Association (SDA)

We strive to build & strengthen the capacity of the communities and empower the people particularly poor, marginalized and excluded to address their development needs through integration and coordination at local, provincial and national level. Objectives: 1. Conflict Resolution and Promotion of Peace & tolerance in the society 2. Empower deprived segments of society Women, Minorities, Children, Laborer and peasants to secure their basic rights. 3. To advocate for provision/Improvement of Education, Health, clean drinking water and sanitation facilities. 4. To work for promotion of human rights specifically of women, minorities, labor and peasants rights 5. To promote the democratic values and political education and struggle for Empowered Local Governments 6. To work for Climate Resilient society Approach: A participatory approach is followed towards socio- economic and political development of communities. Local knowledge and wisdom is on priority basis and sense of ownership is promoted among the target communities. STRATEGIES: SDA has implemented integrated strategy for the development and empowerment of deprived communities. Following strategies have been adopted for the intervening: Committees of SDA on Thematic Areas to analyze the issues, plan and implement program. Social Mobilization Capacity building Technical and financial support Research and knowledge building Advocacy and Networking Targeting poor and most deprived communities Focusing specially on women, children and farmer's development and empowerment Networking and Cooperation Strengthening local groups and other CSOs through providing capacity building opportunities VALUES: Following values are kept as belief at the centre in all our decisions and functions: Religious and cultural freedom Equal Learning's opportunities for all Peace, tolerance and democracy Gender equality and equity Participatory decision making Transparency and accountability Thematic Focus: Our all programs are scrutinized with the lens of Gender and environment which are the cross cutting theme in all the activities. Organization works in the following thematic area; 1. Democracy, Governance & Social Services 2. Human Rights 3. Peace & Tolerance 4. Environment Protection

Feed the World

Feed The World's mission is to empower poor smallholder farm families to feed themselves and provide for the future through sustainable farming. Guiding Principles - Seeds of Dignity and Hope are planted in the hearts of our smallholder farm families as they work together to provide for themselves and build a better future. Transparency & Accountability means that we will do exactly what we promise to do in the communities we serve and that we will be open and honest with our donors in communicating how funds are being used. Lasting Self Reliance is achieved as families obtain sufficient knowledge and education, manage resources wisely, and prepare for the future so that they will continue to thrive after our support ends. Sustainable Farming is practiced by smallholder farm families as they plan, plant, and harvest food for themselves and their livestock, while building human capacity to recognize and enhance the efficient use of their natural resources. Nutrition & Income are the core benefits to smallholder farm families as they grow and produce foodstuffs that provide for a nutritionally balanced diet on an economically sustainable basis. Scientifically Proven Methodology guides the implementation of agricultural best practices with our smallholder farm families and on our demonstration farms. We also support further scientific research through partnerships with universities, governments, and other non-governmental organizations (NGO's). Mutual Respect is the goal of our in-country agronomists, nutritionists, and animal scientists as they interact with smallholder farm families, seeking to understand the "why" behind traditional practices, and always exploring new possibilities. Training & Education in sustainable farming, nutrition, food preparation, and hygiene are key to ensuring that lasting self reliance is achieved by smallholder farm families. Honoring Culture means that our programs work within the local cultural framework to empower and educate smallholder farm families without imposing an outside culture on them. Family Focus involves both women and men in all aspects of decision making, training, and education; and keeps children and parents united and working together on their land. Feeding the Spirit means that while Feed the World does not identify itself with one particular religion or belief system, we honor the spirituality of all human beings and serve all program participants irrespective of their beliefs or social station. Pay It Forward means that we expect our smallholder farm families to pass on their seeds, stock, and knowledge to other families in need once they have successfully provided for themselves.


WomenSafe serves people across the gender spectrum who experience sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking Hotline Services – Through a 24-hour hotline, we provide crisis intervention, problem-solving assistance, safety planning and emotional support. Advocacy Services – We offer information and referrals to all community resources over the phone and in person. Advocates offer support, advocacy and referrals related to the Relief from Abuse Order, family and criminal court processes when it’s related to domestic and sexual violence. Advocates will accompany survivors to the hospital to offer support and advocacy when receiving medical attention following an act of sexual or domestic violence. Systems Advocacy – We work to change the multi-system barriers that support violence against women. Our goal is to create systems that support safety, dignity and wholeness in the lives of everyone in our community. We do this through individual advocacy, community collaboration and participation in statewide policy making. Underserved Communities Outreach – WomenSafe provides targeted outreach to the smaller, less populated towns throughout Addison County and Rochester. This includes outreach to migrant workers and other immigrants. Language Line interpretation services are available for hotline callers with limited English proficiency. Language Line provides interpreters for 170+ languages. WomenSafe can also arrange for in-person interpreters. Our advocacy services are free and confidential, regardless of citizenship status. Support Groups – We offer drop-in support groups for survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence. Childcare is available with advanced notice. Call our hotline for specific days and times or for more information. Supervised Visitation & Monitored Exchanges – When a partner separates from an abusive partner, it is often a time of increased risk for the parent and children. The Supervised Visitation Program @ WomenSafe (The SVP) provides increased safety for children and parents during supervised visitation and monitored exchanges. Services are provided by a trained monitor in a safe, impartial and child-friendly environment. For more information, please call The SVP directly at 388-6783. Community Education – We offer trainings, presentations and awareness activities on topics related to domestic and sexual violence to schools, community groups, businesses and other organizations and professions. Sample topics are: healthy relationships, sexual harassment versus flirting, effects of domestic violence on children, and child sexual abuse prevention. Presentations are individually tailored to meet the needs of the audience