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Displaying 529–540 of 819

ZanaAfrica Foundation

ZanaAfrica Foundation supports adolescent girls in Kenya to stay in school by delivering reproductive health education and sanitary pads. We envision a world where girls in East Africa live healthy, safe, educated lives while defining their own purpose- a world in which Menstrual Health is recognized as a human right, and the onset of puberty as the most effective way to engage girls in a range of personal health decisions.

Positive Futures Network

The Positive Futures Network, publisher of YES! Magazine, provides powerful ideas and practical actions to support people's active engagement in creating a just, sustainable, and compassionate world.

Vital Voices Global Partnership

Vital Voices' mission is to identify, invest in and bring visibility to extraordinary women around the world by unleashing their leadership potential to transform lives and accelerate peace and prosperity in their communities.

Amigos de Iracambi (US)

Saving Forests: Changing Lives. Located in Brazil's Atlantic Forest, one of the worlds top five biodiversity hotspots, Iracambi's tagline is "Saving Forests, Changing Lives."

Impact Stories

Landesa champions and works to secure land rights for millions of the world’s poorest, mostly rural women and men to provide opportunity and promote social justice. We envision a world free of poverty. We are committed to a future in which all women and men who depend on land for their livelihoods have secure, legal land rights – one of the most powerful tools for lifting oneself, one’s family and one’s community out of poverty.

NetFreedom Pioneers

We are a technology nonprofit committed to inspire and bring positive social change to the world. We harness the medium of innovative, digital technology to promote education, learning, and empowerment - the building blocks to lasting change. Only empowered citizens can spark and sustain the change needed for a more peaceful, safe, and equal society. This is true for all of the major conflicts the world faces, ranging from climate change to gender equality, from violent extremism to poverty, and beyond. Our vision is a world where all are educated and empowered with the resources and abilities needed to achieve and preserve such a global transformation. To such an end, NFP develops and employs innovative technology that can overcome even the largest digital barriers.

International Rivers Network Dba International Rivers

International Rivers protects rivers and defends the rights of communities that depend on them. We work to stop destructive dams and promote water and energy solutions for a just and sustainable world.

Gray Panthers Nyc

The Gray Panthers envisions a world where the old and the young havemuch to contribute to make our society more just and humane, and in whicheach reinforces the other in goals, strategy, and action

Right To Life Services

Rhode Island Right to Life’s mission is to advocate for a state, nation and world in which the innocent lives of the unborn, the disabled, the elderly, and the ill are cherished by the citizenry and protected by civil law.

Family Care International

FCI envisions a world where no woman suffers preventable pregnancy-related injury or death, where childbirth is safe for mothers and their babies, and where all people are able to enjoy their sexual and reproductive health and rights. FCI seeks to improve the health and well-being of women, girls, and newborns in the developing world by working to: - Make pregnancy and childbirth safer - Ensure universal access to reproductive health care and information - Empower women, young people, and communities

Appeal of Conscience Foundation

The Appeal of Conscience Foundation, founded by Rabbi Arthur Schneier in 1965, has worked on behalf of religious freedom and human rights throughout the world. This interfaith coalition of business and religious leaders promotes peace, tolerance and ethnic conflict resolution. The Foundation believes that freedom, democracy and human rights are the fundamental values that give nations of the world their best hope for peace, security and shared prosperity. A crime committed in the name of religion is the greatest crime against religion.

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights and social justice around the world, partnering with those who confront unjust power structures, and mobilizing to challenge oppressive policies