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Displaying 577–588 of 795

Tru Light127 Ministries

Our Mission is to shine truth and light in to the world of hurting children. We seek to stop the flow of children from “aging out" of the system and moving from placement to placement while in the system. We seek to stop them from becoming a sad statistic of hopelessness. We seek to do this by being their voice in a world that ignores them, supporting them with tangible services to meet their real needs, and empowering them with the knowledge and self-esteem they need to pursue their dreams. We will empower and equip individuals, communities, and churches to move in God's call in James 1:27 to care for the orphans. By doing so, we can change the course of their lives from a sad statistic to a productive citizen of society full of hopes, dreams, and ambition to do more.

The Elephant Project

Our mission is to develop new ideas and implement new solutions to address the short and long-term threats to elephant survival, providing them a new future free of cruelty and death at the hands of humans. Our unique approach of developing communities that will end poaching and illegal trafficking, implementing humane economies within host countries and by creating non-invasive research facilities, we will bring transformational change to this epic struggle while bettering the lives of the indigenous population and the host government. The Elephant Project will create self-sustaining and self-funding sanctuaries and communities reducing the need to constantly fundraise for the project. This project is designed to be a model that can be used all over the world to protect endangered species, better the economies of the host country, provide skills training, jobs, healthcare and educational opportunities for the indigenous population.

The Butterfly Tree

The Butterfly Tree's aim is to improve the lives of vulnerable people living in remote villages in Zambia. To advance the education and improve the facilities in rural schools, giving every child a chance to be educated. To protect the health of patients by developing the rural clinics offering support sevices, medical supplies and equipment. To relieve poverty and improve the living conditions of socially disadvantaged communities teaching them how to become sustainable.

Bamyan Foundation

Bamyan Foundation is a registered non-profit, non-partisan and an all-volunteer section 501(c)(3) charity in the Washington DC area. We are dedicated to promoting and providing support to at-risk populations in Afghanistan in the following key areas: education, healthcare, women empowerment, community development and youth programs. We believe that improvements in these areas will result in sustainable and equitable social development and stability in Afghanistan.

Impact Stories
Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners of the Americas

W/NP is a progressive and viable humanitarian service organization actively implementing programs in both Wisconsin and Nicaragua. W/NP's goals are to promote mutual understanding and establish lasting relationships among citizens and institutions of Wisconsin and Nicaragua; foster volunteerism and self-help attitudes through the implementation of economic and social development projects; leverage development assistance funds from public and private sources.

Non-Stop Media - SHIRZANAN

Shirzanan works to expand access to sport for Muslim women and girls worldwide. We use sports and media to catalyze discussion and advancements in women's rights and gender equality. We produce and disseminate stories - particularly to populations whose governments limit free information and women's rights. Shirzanan is the Persian word for "female heroes" and an apt description of the Muslim female athletes who triumph over cultural, social and religious barriers to excel at sport. We promote them as role models who speak out and stand up against discrimination. To shape a positive narrative around Muslim females and counter stereotypes exacerbated by mainstream media, we train female journalists to cover female athletes and train female athletes as role models and advocates. We uphold the Olympic Charter's statement that "The practice of sport is a human right." Everyone deserves access to sport and its consequent health, academic, economic, social and gender equality.

Sarvodaya USA

The mission of Sarvodaya USA is to facilitate individual and community development to meet basic human needs, reduce material, social and spiritual poverty, and enhance the quality of life for all. Values All human beings must have access to resources to meet their basic needs. All human beings have the capacity to give and receive, and in the process, to transform themselves, the environment, and their society. Recognition of all people's common interests and strengths

Wilderness Inquiry

Wilderness Inquriy's (WI) mission is to create a more inclusive, socially integrated world through shared outdoor education and adventure programs that connect people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. For 35 years, WI has provided inclusive, transformative outdoor experiences for more than 350,000 people. The organization connects people to the natural world and to each other, inspiring personal growth, environmental stewardship, and strong communities.

Voices for Children Foundation - Miami-Dade County

Voices For Children raises funds to support Miami-Dade's Guardian Ad Litem Program in their efforts to recruit, train, and support Guardians Ad Litem, court appointed volunteers who serve as advocates for the best interests of abused, abandoned, and neglected children involved in dependency court proceedings. Additionally, Voices For Children provides direct financial assistance and other resources to meet these children's medical, educational, and social needs.

Project Esperanza

Project Esperanza is a non-profit organization that began as and remains a Virginia Tech student organization. Project Esperanza serves to connect the Blacksburg, Virginia community and the Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic community through service. Our programs are designed to work toward breaking the cycle of poverty present among the lower social classes in these two communities, as well toward breaking the cycle of apathy present among the upper classes.

Tanzania Development Trust

The Trust Deed of 1975 says "The objects of the Trust shall be to relieve poverty and sickness among the people of Tanzania by means of the development of education, health and other social services, the improvement of water supplies and other communal facilities and the promotion of self- help activities." Interpreting the Trust Deed for the needs of the 21st Century we add: "In making grants, the Trust tries to promote equal opportunities and projects which improve the environment".


Our two fold mission: To harness the power of dance and dance movement therapy to heal, empower and transform individuals into active citizens and change makers. To build the ecosystem for DMT for Change across Asia and create leaders and changemakers in the field, especially from underprivileged communities. KS's work addresses three Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Equality, Eradication of Poverty and Good Health and Well Being.The core of KS's work takes place in community settings. This consists of the conducting of Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) sessions for survivors of trafficking, survivors of sexual violence, people with mental illnesses and other marginalized communities. The NGO has created a unique, culturally contextualized module of DMT known as Sampoornata (fulfillment). KS's DMT-for-change model redefines a survivor's relationship with her/his body and helps her/him to overcome trauma, guilt, and shame. Sampoornata is designed to be a vehicle for empowerment: DMT process enables them to form a vision for their life and live with confidence and positivity. Along with this KS has developed its dance based module on sexual and reproductive health and rights that aims to install positive gender relations amongst adolescents. In this way, KS is contributing to the Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality. Women and girl children are empowered to overcome social stigma and restrictions and make independent choices. By encouraging women and girl children to seek employment, KS contributes to the Sustainable Development Goal of eradicating poverty. Another way in which the NGO contributes to this goal is through its 'childhood to livelihood approach'. Through this approach, individuals who have gone through the DMT process and who want to take it up as a profession go through a two-year Training of Trainers (TOT) programmed, after which they can be employed as Dance Movement Therapy practitioners. In this sense, they use the arts for economic progress. Additionally, the participants of the TOT programme go through capacity building, from which they get a range of skills that enable them to be employed in various other jobs. Most importantly, the TOT programme creates a new set of change makers from amongst the community. KS contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of Good Health and Well Being, not only by helping individuals overcome their trauma but also by working in community, institutional care and Health Care Settings. KS conducts DMT in marginalized communities, mental hospitals for people living with mental illnesses. . The activities and aims of the DMT sessions are specially modified to suit the clients. Sampoornata has contributed greatly to developing services that help expand our understanding of mental health and aid in the development of cost effective, sustainable services that are less intrusive and easy to replicate across populations. WORKING POPULATION: Kolkata Sanved believes that everyone has the right to live a life of dignity. Often there are many structural barriers that deprive marginalized communities of this basic entitlement. Therefore Kolkata Sanved aims to reach out to these communities to ensure their rights. This includes Working with children, youth and adolescence: Childhood is a period with potential the potential to influence developmental outcomes. KS work's work with young people include helping them optimal development outcomes. KS works with all categories of young people. Its general well being program is aimed at children in general whereas its direct intervention programs are aimed at children who are at risk. Groups falling within this category are 1. Children and youth living in: Red light areas Railway platforms Rural and urban slums Government and NGO-run shelter homes Children in conflict with Law School children 2. Working with survivors of trafficking exploitation and violence: Most survivors of violence undergo intense trauma, KS helps to empower survivors through their trauma based interventions so they can reclaim their lives. This works on fulfilling the goals of gender equity and good health and well being. In lieu of their work KS found that a lot of violence happens in the context of gender based discrimination. For this purpose KS launched the module on sexual and reproductive health and rights that enables adolescents to work towards the goal of gender equity. This unique model uses dance as a tool of education and awareness. 3. People living with mental illness (PLMI): KS works with people living with mental illness to help in the process of their recovery. Through its general well being program KS ensures PLMI are able to gain the life skills necessary for reintegration. 4. Secondary stakeholders and beneficiaries include, care providers, academy participants, researchers and stakeholders within the government sector. KS also reaches out to other civil society members through campaign.