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Food For Life Global Americas

Food For Life Global’s primary mission is to bring about peace and prosperity in the world through the liberal distribution of pure plant-based meals prepared with loving intention.Food for Life Global pursues its mission by providing organizational and operating support to Food for Life’s vegan hunger relief programs. Specifically, Food for Life Global assists these humanitarian efforts by coordinating responses to natural disasters, training volunteers, advocating for the international network, raising funds and gifting grants to our international network of over 240 affiliates, and educating the public on the mission and our solution to world hunger.

Take Her Back

Many wars exist in abstraction. This is not one of them. When a young girl is taken from her family and forced into prostitution, we Take Her Back. By conducting raid & rescue missions, we free underage sex slaves and take down the brothels that imprison them. At her core, every victim we save is loving, intelligent, and joyful. This is why our mission does not end with her rescue. Physically liberating her is just the first step. Our greater mission is to restore her stolen childhood. We are often called to act, but we are not always called to war. Will you fight for her? Take Her Back’s mission is to raise awareness and funds for the rescue, rehabilitation, and repatriation of sex trafficking victims in India. Our goal is to make this an international issue and help scale the operations, mainly through an influx of capital. We are building technology to better collect information on violations and present to the public to drive investments in raids. All raids are performed with the participation of local law enforcement agencies.

One Purse

One Purse uses the power of the purse, an item every American woman has in her closet, to provide sex trafficking survivors with an opportunity to live free, embrace redemption, and pursue a confident future through our Restore Her Dream Fund. At One Purse, we stand on the conviction that a life of sexual exploitation is not the dream of any woman or child. Our mission is to provide resources to fulfill the vocational and recreational ambitions of survivors, and create experiences that give them an opportunity to take hold of a new dream for their life.

Sos Ministry Mission Field The Streets Of America

Mission To offer spiritual counseling to all mankind further inspire to live honorably and restored the relationship with Almighty God (our creator) resulting in an inner resurrection from sin to a renewed state of life. Objectives The Holy and Sacred Almighty God Our Father-Saving Souls Missionary Incorporated objectives: To promote and introduce Almighty God Our Father as the creator to all mankind. To spread the true message of the Almighty God Our Father – the creator. To heal physically and spiritually for the followers/believers of the Almighty God Our Father – the creator. To possess and keep a good attitude/character as the followers/believers of the Almighty God Our Father – the creator, as Jesus Christ lives serve as a model. To obtain partnerships to the different detention centers for spiritual counseling activity. To provide basic necessities to detainees such as snacks, toiletries and other relevant goods pursuant to funds. To demeanor, a mission to Indigenous People meanwhile abiding IPRA RA8374 and local policies. To carry out spiritual advice/counseling to sick individuals, youth and families or anyone in need of spiritual guidance. To do all other acts necessary or expedient for The Holy and Sacred Almighty God Our Father-Saving Souls Missionary Incorporated and attainment of the purposes of the corporation and to have and exercise all the powers now or hereafter conferred by the Laws of the Philippines, upon non-profit corporations.