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Displaying 133–136 of 136

Unsilenced Voices

Our goal is to rehabilitate Victims of domestic violence and spread awareness to create sustainable change surrounding this epidemic in communities around the globe. Unsilenced Voices was specifically formed to open up the conversation about Domestic Violence. Through speaking nationally and internationally about domestic abuse and sexual defilement, we hope to inspire survivors to speak on their own accounts. We are building shelters in Ghana and Sierra Leone, where we hope to give strength to the numerous women and children fleeing domestic violence in those countries. We are working in both countries with our partners on sensitization programs, comprehensive trainings and counseling for community members and victims of domestic violence.

Restoring Hope International Foundation

To model to our rescued girls in Peru what a happy and healthy family is like. To provide for them love - in addition to the emotional, psychological, and physical security that they did not have before arriving to us. To provide for them a good education so that they can become agents of change for their society, culture, and world. Most importantly: We serve to be an expression of God’s heart towards the children He gives us. His heart is expressed very well in Psalm 68, verses 5 and 6 – “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families…” We consider it a privilege to be used of Him to provide a family for the children and youth that He has placed into our hands.

Maine Coalition To End Domestic Violence

Mission Statement The Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence (MCEDV) mobilizes collaborative community action with and on behalf of a statewide network of Domestic Violence Resource Centers to ensure all people affected by domestic abuse and violence in Maine are restored to safety and perpetrators are held accountable. MCEDV builds partnerships that promote public policy, education, and systems advocacy to create and encourage a social, political, and economic environment that fosters communities where the diversity, dignity, and contributions of all are respected and celebrated, and domestic abuse and violence no longer exist.

Hogar de Ninos Regazo de Paz, Inc.

-Since 1995 we started a shelter for abuse children living in Puerto Rico. The Board of Director has established as our mission: -To provide a (shelter) Home enviroment for batered, abused, abandoned and/or domestic violence children and to provide for all their basic needs. Offering them the proper environment for a healthy development. -Facilitate the restoration of their individual, family and social values through good example, and the participation of the children in safe and healthy community activities. -Increase public awareness and knowledge through presentations, conferences and orientation in different commmunity forums, covering topics related to children and their well being. -Our main goal is to continue receving and helping as many children that we can afford. And to have resources to continue. -Since we start we have serve and shelter 437 kids with particular contiditions and needs, from Puerto Rico and others, living in the island, that are from other countries (China, Mexico, Dominican Republic).