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Displaying 241–252 of 287

Safe Place

SafePlace works for societal change to prevent sexual and domestic violence while offering crisis intervention, education, and long-term advocacy services. SafePlace was formed in October 1981, by the merger of Rape Relief and the Women’s Shelter Services, two programs operated by the YWCA since 1973 and 1976, respectively. Since our inception, we have been both a dual domestic violence and sexual assault provider agency in Thurston County. We are a private non-profit organization. Our sexual assault program is one of the oldest in the nation. A board of directors, staff, and over 90 trained volunteers operate the agency. Our general purpose is to empower survivors to make decisions about their lives, by offering supportive services, resources and information.


Soroptimist International of North San Diego (SINSD) is a vibrant, dynamic organization for women, committed to improving the lives of women and girls in our local communities and throughout the world. Our members are working moms and retired women; business owners and corporate executives; attorneys, teachers, physicians and all professional women. We share our time, talents and financial resources by engaging in awareness, advocacy, and action to enrich our community and make a difference in the lives of women and girls. SINSD members work together, through fun and friendship, to: - Improve the lives of women and girls - Help women achieve economic and political equality - Serve as a global voice for women - Provide outstanding leadership development opportunities for women - Support educational opportunities for women and girls.

Kids In Danger

Kids In Danger (KID) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting children by fighting for product safety. KID was founded in 1998 by the parents of sixteen-month-old Danny Keysar who died when a portable crib collapsed around his neck in his Chicago childcare home. Although the portable crib had been recalled five years earlier, word of its danger had not reached Danny’s parents, caregKID’s mission is to save lives by enhancing transparency and accountability through safer product development, better education and stronger advocacy for children. We fulfill our mission by reaching out to caregivers to spread safety awareness and recall information, serving as a watchdog on regulatory agencies and manufacturers, and working with designers and engineers to make safety a top priority

La Casa de las Madres

La Casa de las Madres was founded in 1976 by a group of Bay Area women, most of whom had experienced domestic violence as victims or as daughters of abused mothers. Deeply motivated by the death of her mother, one of the founders set forth to establish a place where women could seek refuge from domestic violence; where they would be safe, cared for, and allowed to regain physical strength and self-esteem. Their refuge would be named La Casa de las Madres--The Home of the Mothers. Today, La Casa offers emergency shelter to women and their children while providing advocacy, counseling, family-based services and referrals. Our downtown office houses our two 24-hour crisis lines, Drop-In Counseling Center, Teen Intervention and Prevention Program, and Community Education and Outreach Program as well as our administration.

Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence (CA)

Next Door Solutions’ (NDS) mission is to end domestic violence in the moment… and for all time by helping survivors rebuild their lives. NDS serves women and children who are financially, ethnically and linguistically diverse: • Crisis Services: 24/7 Emergency Shelter and Hotline – women and children receive safe haven from abuse, and safety planning and other supportive services; callers seeking crisis counseling, vital information and referrals receive an immediate live voice response by a highly trained bilingual English/Spanish Advocate. • Community and Systems Advocacy - clients receive peer counseling, safety plan development, legal advocacy, and assurance and comfort. • Support Groups - Women connect and create a healing environment for each other through 16 groups throughout the county • Self-Sufficiency Program – women empower themselves and enhance their financial independence and self-sufficiency through comprehensive, compassionate, woman-defined case management, workshops in financial literacy, job readiness, and educational advancement, and permanent housing.


TESSA was established in May 1977 in response to a high rate of calls to local law enforcement from women threatened or assaulted by their partners. At the time, Domestic Violence was considered a private matter and resources were difficult to locate, if they existed at all. With assistance from within the legal and philanthropic communities TESSA ermerged as an information provider and resource referral service. That initial effort has evolved into a multi-faceted agency that includes a confidential Safehouse, Victim Advocacy, Counseling and Children’s Programs, a 24/7 Crisis Line, and Community Outreach and Education. Through these efforts, TESSA strives to realize our vision of a community free of personal violence for all. Fundamentally, we do three things: 1. Provide immediate safety at our confidential Safehouse for women, children, and other victims escaping abuse. 2. Empower survivors through programs and support such as Advocacy and Counseling. 3. Create a safer future through Education and Outreach to schools, businesses, and other organizations. TESSA’s mission is to help women and their children achieve safety and wellbeing while challenging communities to end sexual and family violence. Confidentiality | Inclusivity TESSA is the only provider of confidential services specifically for victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (DVSA) in El Paso and Teller Counties. Confidentiality is afforded to the agency via Colorado Revised Statute (CRS) 13-90-107 (k) and is broken only in the following cases 1) Suspicion of Child Abuse/Neglect (CRS 19-3-304) 2) Duty to Warn and Protect (CRS 13.21.117) 3) Danger to Self/Others 4) By written release of information signed by client. TESSA promotes the values of inclusivity amongst all levels of the agency. We embrace an anti-oppression ideology to understand and integrate culturally inclusive principles into policy and practice and provide services to victims of without regard to race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, physical or mental handicap, marital status, language, or age. Staff receive ongoing training around the ideas/issues of oppression, racism, sexism, heterosexism, and classism and in the readily accessible provision of programs and services that reflect the culture and tradition of the client being served.

Rainbow Services, Ltd.

Rainbow Services seeks to end the cycle of family violence. Our mission is to be the South Bay’s primary provider of services and shelter for anyone wishing to escape the cycle of domestic violence. Our holistic approach provides a full-range of support and secure housing to empower individuals and families as they transition to stability and independence. Rainbow Services also offers education for organizations, businesses and the community at large to increase awareness of domestic violence in order to bring an end to the cycle of abuse and violence in families. Since 1983, Rainbow has provided a 24-hour hotline, shelter, and multiple supportive services in Spanish and English to DV survivors and their children. The families we serve are either homeless or at-risk of homelessness because of domestic violence, and our goal is to help DV survivors become equipped to make healthy relationship choices. This translates to providing shelter and supportive services aimed at increasing their physical and emotional safety and ensuring they have access to support, tools, and resources to live healthy, safe, and violence-free lives. Each year, we help more than 400 adult survivors of DV and their children as they seek to end the cycle of family violence.

Tompkins County SPCA

Founded in 1902, the mission of the SPCA of Tompkins County is to protect companion animals. We are the first open-admission, no-kill shelter in the country dedicated to preventing animal cruelty and overpopulation. not only do we steward animals, but the environment as well. our “green” shelter, known as the Dorothy and Roy Park Pet Adoption Center, was LEED- Certified Silver in 2004—the first shelter to achieve this status in the united States. our best practices in shelter operations and programs serve as effective examples for other shelters across the country striving to achieve no-kill status. We strive to foster a community in which the need for sheltering abandoned, neglected and homeless and abused animals is diminished; and we work ceaselessly to place medically and behaviorally healthy, treatable or manageable animals in loving homes. We provide leadership in cruelty investigation initiatives, educational outreach, and pet population control. We promote responsible pet stewardship by providing behavioral issues-counseling as needed for adopted animals and their owners, as well as behavior training for shelter dogs to increase adoption rates and ultimately nurture and enhance the human-animal bond.

Arkansas Sheriff's Youth Ranches

The Arkansas Sheriffs' Youth Ranches' mission is to address, remedy, and prevent child abuse and neglect by creating safe, healthy, and permanent homes for children. Our philosophy has always been that it is better to build a child rather than repair an adult. Founded in 1976 by a group of sheriffs and concerned citizens, the Ranch began as a single cottage (mobile home) that served as shelter to three young boys. The Ranch now consists of three campuses across Arkansas with eight cottages for boys and girls. During its history, the Ranch has been "a place to call home" to more than 1,200 children and touched the lives of many more. Many of the children who come to the Ranch are often the product of a broken home of abuse and neglect, lacking the nurturing relationship of a loving family. The Ranch provides a healthy home environment filled with emotional support to help each child learn to trust those around them and cope with their emotions, all the while learning responsibility and building self-confidence. When children enter the Ranch, they are surrounded with individuals who care about their immediate needs and their future aspirations. It is the Ranch’s commitment to every child – a commitment that extends from the Board of Directors to management personnel, administrative staff, house parents, support staff and volunteers – to help them believe in themselves and lead fulfilling, meaningful lives. Residents may stay at the Ranch through post-secondary education until they are socially and financially prepared for independence and have stable employment. More than 900 children have experienced life at the Ranch, and for those and many in the future, the Ranch will always be a place to call home.


WomenSafe serves people across the gender spectrum who experience sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking Hotline Services – Through a 24-hour hotline, we provide crisis intervention, problem-solving assistance, safety planning and emotional support. Advocacy Services – We offer information and referrals to all community resources over the phone and in person. Advocates offer support, advocacy and referrals related to the Relief from Abuse Order, family and criminal court processes when it’s related to domestic and sexual violence. Advocates will accompany survivors to the hospital to offer support and advocacy when receiving medical attention following an act of sexual or domestic violence. Systems Advocacy – We work to change the multi-system barriers that support violence against women. Our goal is to create systems that support safety, dignity and wholeness in the lives of everyone in our community. We do this through individual advocacy, community collaboration and participation in statewide policy making. Underserved Communities Outreach – WomenSafe provides targeted outreach to the smaller, less populated towns throughout Addison County and Rochester. This includes outreach to migrant workers and other immigrants. Language Line interpretation services are available for hotline callers with limited English proficiency. Language Line provides interpreters for 170+ languages. WomenSafe can also arrange for in-person interpreters. Our advocacy services are free and confidential, regardless of citizenship status. Support Groups – We offer drop-in support groups for survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence. Childcare is available with advanced notice. Call our hotline for specific days and times or for more information. Supervised Visitation & Monitored Exchanges – When a partner separates from an abusive partner, it is often a time of increased risk for the parent and children. The Supervised Visitation Program @ WomenSafe (The SVP) provides increased safety for children and parents during supervised visitation and monitored exchanges. Services are provided by a trained monitor in a safe, impartial and child-friendly environment. For more information, please call The SVP directly at 388-6783. Community Education – We offer trainings, presentations and awareness activities on topics related to domestic and sexual violence to schools, community groups, businesses and other organizations and professions. Sample topics are: healthy relationships, sexual harassment versus flirting, effects of domestic violence on children, and child sexual abuse prevention. Presentations are individually tailored to meet the needs of the audience

Missing And Murdered Indigenous Women Usa

MMIW USA's number one mission is to bring our missing home and help the families of the murdered cope and support them through the process of grief. We give them hands-on support and guidance and if we don't have the answers, we get the answers so that these families do not feel abandoned and alone in this struggle like so many have before them. Our broader goal is to eradicate this problem so that the future generations thrive. We are doing that through education of the threats that they face and self-defense. We started a monthly program to do just that. It is called Staying Sacred and we educate and have self-defense lessons at every meeting. Our strength lies in the fact that every single one of the staff and volunteers have been assaulted or trafficked and our passion is to be the kind of organization that we needed growing up and beyond.

Life Span

Life Span empowers survivors of domestic and sexual violence to demand safety as a human right through client-centered services and leads social change through accountability, community engagement, and systemic advocacy.