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Displaying 61–72 of 72

Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California

Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California's mission is "to advocate for civil rights, provide legal services and education, and build coalitions to positively influence and impact Asian Pacific Americans and to create a more equitable and harmonious society."

Vigilant Love

Building upon the legacy of Muslim American and Japanese American solidarity since 9/11, #VigilantLOVE is a healing and arts-driven organization that counters mainstream narratives of insularity. #VigilantLOVE organizes grassroots movement around Islamophobic ideologies that inflict personal, communal and state violence by creating spaces for connection amongst those identifying as Japanese American, Muslim American, Black, South Asian, Arab, East Asian, queer, trans, and interfaith accomplices.

Robbins House Inc

The Robbins House’s mission is to reveal the little known African American history of Concord and its regional and national importance. Our vision is to inspire conversation, expand understanding and contribute to a better society.

Trans Families/Gender Odyssey Alliance

Trans Families inspires hope, increases understanding, and creates a visible pathway to support trans and gender-diverse children and all those who touch their lives. As our mission states, Trans Families seeks to inspire hope, increase understanding, and create a visible pathway to support trans and gender-diverse children, and all those who touch their lives. As we’ve reflected on how we might best accomplish this, we’ve named what we feel is the core foundation of our work – showing up in a “heart first” way. Trans Families is committed to building community where connections are scarce. Families of gender diverse children often feel a sense of personal isolation, challenges finding accurate resources, and an inability to make connections with other families who have shared experience