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Displaying 73–84 of 581

Virginia Center For Inclusive Communities / Points of Diversity

Points of Diversity seeks to support the creation of an environment where people want to live, learn and grow by working to ensure that all community members have the tools to succeed by connecting, engaging, and being educated in cross-cultural discussions and experiences.

Friends Of The Delaware County Womens Commission

Established in 1990, Friends of the Delaware County Women’s Commission is a non-profit 501(c)(3), non-partisan, membership organization striving to: -Empower women and girls to achieve their fullest potential by promoting their full participation in the economic, political, and social life of Delaware County, PA, and -Promote timely issues of interest to women and girls in Delaware County, while furthering the work of the Delaware County Women’s Commission. Friends of the Delaware County Women’s Commission provides financial support to the activities of the Delaware County Women’s Commission, as well as sponsors educational and networking events, leadership breakfasts, workshops, publications, and annual awards dinners honoring women and companies of achievement.

Grupo Latino de Acción Directa (GLAD)

Grupo Latino de Acción Directa (GLAD) is an independent, non-partisan gathering of Latino members and allies and producers of the past Lane Latin@ Forums. We work to increase participation and visibility of Latinos in conversations that affect them. We aim to identify and support potential candidates to run in local elections with a platform that includes strong advocacy for the Latino community and partnerships with organizations and representatives countywide.

Voice Of Arkansas Minority Advocacy Council

We are committed to empowering the citizens of Jonesboro to enhance their quality of life through educational and entertainment programming that provides the link to current community affairs, events, and issues.

Montana Human Rights Network

The Montana Human Rights Network informs and organizes Montana residents so they can realize their power to create justice, equality, and solidarity in their communities. We challenge bigotry and discrimination, support marginalized people, and advocate for legislation that honors everyone’s basic rights.

Jewish Community Action

Jewish Community Action is a nonprofit organization made up of Jews from diverse backgrounds. It is unified in its commitment to building a more just society. It works with congregations and individuals to provide training, education and opportunities for action to address social and economic justice issues in Minnesota.

The Montana Racial Equity Project

The Montana Racial Equity Project advocates equity and justice for historically marginalized, disenfranchised, and oppressed peoples in Montana. We educate, train, and activate organizers, individuals, groups, organizations, institutions, and businesses to invest in interrupting racism, bigotry, and prejudice whenever encountered.

Freedom Project WA

Freedom Project supports healing connection and restorative communities both inside and outside of prison through the strategies of Nonviolent Communication, mindfulness, and equity.

Root Social Justice Center

The Root Social Justice Center is a Vermont based, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color BIPOC led racial justice organization centering blackness. The Root prioritizes BIPOC people and their communities by shifting resources to BIPOC for leadership, connection, healing, education and the arts and supports BIPOC led racial justice movement work.

Vigilant Love

Building upon the legacy of Muslim American and Japanese American solidarity since 9/11, #VigilantLOVE is a healing and arts-driven organization that counters mainstream narratives of insularity. #VigilantLOVE organizes grassroots movement around Islamophobic ideologies that inflict personal, communal and state violence by creating spaces for connection amongst those identifying as Japanese American, Muslim American, Black, South Asian, Arab, East Asian, queer, trans, and interfaith accomplices.

The Supply Hive

Supply Hive's mandate to help marginalized communities is not unique, but the deep intersectionality between groups and sustainability are. "Our focus is on promoting overall well-being, which includes taking care of our physical, mental, and spiritual health. At the same time, we place great importance on sustainability in terms of caring for our planet, as well as ourselves, and we strive to incorporate this value into our efforts towards achieving social justice."

Trans Families/Gender Odyssey Alliance

Trans Families inspires hope, increases understanding, and creates a visible pathway to support trans and gender-diverse children and all those who touch their lives. As our mission states, Trans Families seeks to inspire hope, increase understanding, and create a visible pathway to support trans and gender-diverse children, and all those who touch their lives. As we’ve reflected on how we might best accomplish this, we’ve named what we feel is the core foundation of our work – showing up in a “heart first” way. Trans Families is committed to building community where connections are scarce. Families of gender diverse children often feel a sense of personal isolation, challenges finding accurate resources, and an inability to make connections with other families who have shared experience