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Amala Foundation

The Amala Foundation inspires the diverse youth of the world to live in unity, serve compassionately and lead peacefully. All of our youth programs are a place for empowerment and healing. Many of the youth we serve, including refugee and immigrant children, have experienced extreme poverty, child labor, gang violence, abuse and neglect; many have witnessed the atrocities of war and have literally run for their lives; many have been uprooted from their native cultures and struggle to integrate into an entirely foreign world. We provide a safe space for these youth to heal, express themselves, share their stories and connect with a loving and supportive community. The Amala Foundation is involved in a number of local, national, and international humanitarian service projects. Camp Indigo was started in 2002 and is now in its 13th year of offering a week-long day camp experience to Austin area children ages 4-12. Camp Mana, now in its eighth year, offers a similar experience over two days in Hawaii. Our One Village Project, including the Global Youth Peace Summit, is in its 7th year and serves more than 150 local, immigrant, international and refugee youth each year. Our Young Artists in Service program provides free art instruction to at-risk children in addition to creating inspiring murals at places like the Austin Children’s Shelter. The Gui Village Living Water Program was a humanitarian service project we successfully completed in 2005, installing two water wells in a Nigerian village, saving 3,500 people (including 2,000 children) from disease. Our partnership with the Bhatti Mines School in Delhi, India helps ensure 200 Indian children a day are receiving an education instead of being forced into child labor.

The Supply Hive

Supply Hive's mandate to help marginalized communities is not unique, but the deep intersectionality between groups and sustainability are. "Our focus is on promoting overall well-being, which includes taking care of our physical, mental, and spiritual health. At the same time, we place great importance on sustainability in terms of caring for our planet, as well as ourselves, and we strive to incorporate this value into our efforts towards achieving social justice."

The Abraham Fund Initiatives

The Abraham Fund Initiatives is an international non-profit organization working in Israel to advance coexistence and equality among Israel's Jewish and Arab citizens.  By promoting policies based on innovative social models, conducting large-scale initiatives, advocacy and public education, The Abraham Fund advances a cohesive, secure and just society in Israel.

The Montana Racial Equity Project

The Montana Racial Equity Project advocates equity and justice for historically marginalized, disenfranchised, and oppressed peoples in Montana. We educate, train, and activate organizers, individuals, groups, organizations, institutions, and businesses to invest in interrupting racism, bigotry, and prejudice whenever encountered.

Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation

The Empire State Pride Agenda is New York's statewide lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights and advocacy organization.

Friends Of The Delaware County Womens Commission

Established in 1990, Friends of the Delaware County Women’s Commission is a non-profit 501(c)(3), non-partisan, membership organization striving to: -Empower women and girls to achieve their fullest potential by promoting their full participation in the economic, political, and social life of Delaware County, PA, and -Promote timely issues of interest to women and girls in Delaware County, while furthering the work of the Delaware County Women’s Commission. Friends of the Delaware County Women’s Commission provides financial support to the activities of the Delaware County Women’s Commission, as well as sponsors educational and networking events, leadership breakfasts, workshops, publications, and annual awards dinners honoring women and companies of achievement.

American Friends Of The Parents Circle Families Forum

American Friends of the Parents Circle-Families Forum (AF-PCFF) shares the human side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the American public, to foster a peace and reconciliation process. The AF-PCFF is committed to supporting the Parents Circle-Families Forum (PCFF) through raising public awareness, constituency building and fundraising in the U.S.PCFF is a joint Israeli-Palestinian organization made up of more than 600 bereaved families. Their common bond is that they have lost a close family member to the conflict. But instead of choosing revenge, they have chosen a path of reconciliation.Through the different works of the PCFF, these bereaved members have joined together to take tens of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis on their personal journeys of reconciliation.

Auschwitz Institute For The Prevention Of Genocide And Mass Atrocities

More than 70 years after the Holocaust, genocide and other violent atrocities remain a threat to global peace and security. Since 2008, the Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities (AIPG) has worked to build a world that resists and prevents genocide, driven by the knowledge that governments and individuals can act to save lives before, during, and after the outbreak of mass violence, but that doing so requires training, technical know-how, resources, and a commitment to action among multiple stakeholders. We pursue a world where never again are people targeted for violence and death due to their identity. AIPG’s core programming trains, equips, and empowers government officials and community leaders with the tools to confront the risk factors and warning signs of violence based on identity-- an approach that no other organization takes. Our growing network of international alumni form a global architecture that is leading nations in preventing, responding to, and recovering from identity-based violence. We also facilitate the creation of regional and international cooperation networks to promote a multilateral approach to protecting vulnerable populations, strengthening democracy, and preventing mass atrocities.