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Displaying 121–132 of 157

National Institute For Reproductive Health

The National Institute for Reproductive Health (NIRH) works across the country to advance proactive policy on the state and local levels to ensure that all people have access to reproductive health care, including abortion care. Using a partnership model, we provide state and local advocates with strategic guidance, hands-on support, and funding to create national change from the ground up.

Chicago Foundation for Women

Chicago Foundation for Women invests in women and girls as catalysts, building strong communities for all. CFW funds organizations working to solve the biggest problems facing women and girls: economic insecurity, violence, and access to health care and information. In addition to grantmaking, CFW invests in developing women leaders and advocates, and brings together diverse coalitions to collaborate, share resources and develop solutions.

Impact Stories
Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners of the Americas

W/NP is a progressive and viable humanitarian service organization actively implementing programs in both Wisconsin and Nicaragua. W/NP's goals are to promote mutual understanding and establish lasting relationships among citizens and institutions of Wisconsin and Nicaragua; foster volunteerism and self-help attitudes through the implementation of economic and social development projects; leverage development assistance funds from public and private sources.

Voices for Children Foundation - Miami-Dade County

Voices For Children raises funds to support Miami-Dade's Guardian Ad Litem Program in their efforts to recruit, train, and support Guardians Ad Litem, court appointed volunteers who serve as advocates for the best interests of abused, abandoned, and neglected children involved in dependency court proceedings. Additionally, Voices For Children provides direct financial assistance and other resources to meet these children's medical, educational, and social needs.

Mother and Child Hospital Foundation

Our mission is to partner with maternity hospitals in order to transform the quality of healthcare and patient experience by: Helping the medical staff have access to resources that ensure quality care; Raising funds to meet maternity hospitals' immediate and emerging needs; Increasing access to perinatal care of women, especially those in need through awareness-raising and advocacy campaigns and education classes Providing basic necessities for families in need with newborn babies.

American Himalayan Foundation

AHF was founded over 30 years ago to help people in the Himalaya who were in need and had no one else, and that principle still guides us every day. What we do is basic: we make change - positive, tangible change - happen. We build and support schools and students; train doctors and fund hospitals; care for children and elders; plant trees and restore sacred sites. We help Tibetans rebuild and sustain their culture both in exile and in Tibet.

Farm Up Jamaica Ltd

Create food security by educating underserved communities on how to use Regenerative Climate Smart Agriculture to replace carbon emitting farming and reforestation practices. Focus on training women and youth on sustainable farming practices to help create long-lasting livelihoods. Reduce the importation of foreign food and increase the export of healthier organically grown food. Collaborate with international corporations to help fund the reduction of carbon through Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies to support underserved farming communities. Reduce crime and poverty by creating opportunities.

The Advocacy Project

The Advocacy Project - A Voice for the Voiceless The Advocacy Project (AP) helps marginalized communities around the world take action against the root causes of their disempowerment in a way that benefits society as a whole and produces social change. To do this, we partner with community-based advocates who represent these communities and share their problems. Our support for partners is innovative and effective. First, we deploy Peace Fellows (experienced graduate students) to help partners tell their story, launch campaigns, and strengthen their organization: we have deployed 274 Peace Fellows since 2003, and in the process given our Fellows a unique experience. Second, we help partners to raise funds and manage their campaigns: we have raised over $2.5 million for partners, and are currently seeking funds through Global Giving for exciting projects in Nepal, Vietnam and Uganda. Third, we promote the work of partners internationally, using new methods of story-telling such as advocacy quilting: over 300 women have produced embroidered panels for our quilts, which have been shown throughout North America and Europe. AP is a 501(c)3 organization, based in Washington DC. Visit us at

Rescue:Freedom International

Rescue:Freedom International is a non-profit 501(c)(3) that works to rescue victims of human trafficking, to provide holistic aftercare services, and to prevent the growing travesty of exploitation. Created to empower local efforts with international support and expertise, we support a growing network of service providers in eight countries who are familiar with and sensitive to the culture and community within which victims live. By mobilizing resources, knowledge, and funding, we work together to restore lives broken by sexual slavery through programs such as night shelters, safe houses, medical clinics, and vocational training.

Stories Foundation

We believe every person has a story and every story has value. We exist to empower communities to end the cycle of human trafficking by starting and supporting social enterprises that raise awareness, offer opportunities for economic independence for survivors and fund the fight against human trafficking. Currently Stories Foundation operates the Freedom Food Truck and Storyteller Catering. In the future we hope to operate a Cafe and sell food products. All with the goal of spreading awareness about human trafficking and empowering people to make a difference through purposeful purchasing as a first step

Viet Dreams

Viet Dreams is a 501(c)(3) charity non-profit organization founded by musicians, artists, and music enthusiasts who all share a common goal - to provide disadvantaged children in Vietnam and United States with better educational opportunities and a more healthy, sustainable way of living. It is our duty to provide these children with vital medical supplies and educational assistance so that they may live better lives and one day fulfill their dreams. 100% of every dollar donated goes to our projects. Some of our projects include donating bicycles and helmets, granting scholarships, medical supplies, workshops and most recently, providing access to clean drinking water , which will reduce water-borne illness among children. Our organization also collaborates with local networks and other non-profit organizations such as Hope for Tomorrow, ICAN, Friends of Vinh Son, Fund for Vietnam, Children of Vietnam and Because Vietnam in order to successfully create an environment where every child is safe, self-sufficient, and able to pursue their education. But what sets our organization apart is our unwavering commitment and passion. We are devoted to giving these children a healthier lifestyle and a promising educational future. Our efforts are focused on children living in the poorer, rural areas of Vietnam. We do not discriminate among ethnic backgrounds, religions, minorities or medical circumstances. Every child deserves our assistance. We use our musical talents to raise the necessary funds to support our projects. The majority of our funding coming from benefit concerts, auctions, sponsors, and selling CDs and various artworks. We hope that our efforts and commitment will serve as a powerful reminder that there are many children in Vietnam who still need our help. Our goal is to give these children an opportunity of a lifetime and to make their dreams a reality. "Clean Water in Vietnam - A Project of Viet Dreams"

The Kasiisi Project (Girls Support Program)

Since 1997, the Kasiisi Project has aided education in and around Kibale National Park in rural western Uganda, East Africa. Founded initially as a link between the research-based Kibale Chimpanzee Project and the local community, the Kasiisi Project now works with several research groups in and around the park to target critical issues for the survival of the forest and support of the local population. We support early childhood education, promote conservation and health education, provide daily school lunches, train teachers, encourage literacy through libraries and computer usage, fund secondary school and college scholarships, and address the special needs of girls.