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Displaying 193–204 of 310

Open Arms Worldwide

Open Arms partners with Christian churches to implement and maintain gospel-based programs to bring hope to at-risk children in the church’s local community. Open Arms Worldwide (Open Arms) envisions a world where all children grow up understanding that they are beautiful and precious in God’s eyes and are enabled to discover the hope and future that He has for them.

COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale

Through the commitment, motivation, determination and professionalism of its staff, COOPI aims to contribute to the process of fighting poverty and developing the communities with which it cooperates all over the world, intervening in situations of emergency, reconstruction and development, in order to achieve a better balance between the Global North and the Global South, between developed areas and deprived or developing areas.

Hope Pregnancy Center Of Brazos Valley

Nurturing families going through transitions by sharing Christ's love All services are free, confidential and there are no eligibility requirements to benefit from our services. We take no federal or state funding.

Leben und Lernen in Kenia e.V.

(LLK) Leben und Lernen in Kenya e.V. (also registered in Kenya as Live and Learn in Kenya Int'l as our daughter organization) provides funds to send needy children to school with everything necessary.

Girls Education International

The mission of Girls Education International is to expand and support educational opportunities for underserved females in remote and developing regions of the world. We work with existing non-governmental and nonprofit organizations in the regions we serve. These local organizations already have relationships and infrastructures in the rural communities where we work that allow us to build upon and maximize existing resources.

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women

Creating a world where no woman or girl is ever bought or sold. The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW) is one of the oldest international organizations working to end the trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and girls. Through an approach rooted in women’s rights and human rights principles, we advocate for strong laws and policies, raise public awareness and support survivor leadership.

Health Poverty Action

Health Poverty Action's charitable purpose is 'to preserve and protect the health, through the provision of primary health care, of communities who receive little or no external assistance because of political instability and / or conflict'. Our Vision A world in which the poorest and most marginalised enjoy their rights to health. Our Mission We work to strengthen poor and marginalised people in their struggle for health.

Salt and Light Coalition

At Salt & Light we believe that holy yoga, fitness, proper nutrition, and spirituality will change the world. With 25,000 women and girls falling prey to trafficking every year in Chicago alone, we manifest change by providing a volunteer-driven, one-year long program for survivors of trafficking with the dual goal of healing and empowering women to get jobs in the wellness sector.

Heart and Hand for Handicapped

Heart and Hand for the Handicapped (HHH) is a not for profit 501(3) organization founded in 1971 run by volunteers. We raise funds to support organizations in India and the United States that empower differently able children with physical or mental challenges. "Funds have been donated to over 200 organizations in India and over 25 in the United States. Our expense ratio per IRS filing is less than 15% of the revenue. Organizations that receive our grants must meet or exceed our rigorous standard for qualification. It includes but not limited to frequent updates as to the use of grants. We raise funds through annual dinners, walk-a-thons, direct mail solicitations, United Way, matching gift programs. We also accept donations of stocks and bonds. Our Promise We will continue to conduct ourselves with the highest ethical and moral standards and prove worthy of your trust.

Ms. Foundation For Women

The mission of the Ms. Foundation for Women is to build women's collective power to realize a nation of justice for all.Beliefs and Values Statement: Our work is guided by our vision of a just and safe world where power and possibility are not limited by gender, race, class, sexual orientation, disability or age. We believe that equity and inclusion are the cornerstones of a true democracy in which the worth and dignity of every person is valued.


Pact envisions a world where those who are poor and marginalized exercise their voice, build their own solutions, and take ownership of their future. Pact enables systemic solutions that allow those who are poor and marginalized to earn a dignified living, be healthy, and take part in the benefits that nature provides. Pact accomplishes this by strengthening local capacity, forging effective governance systems, and transforming markets into a force for development.

Video Volunteers

Video Volunteers is a social media network that leverages the power of media to expand and accelerate positive social change, empower communities, overcome illiteracy and provide a real platform for voice among marginalized people in the developing world. By developing innovative and sustainable media platforms for production and distribution, focused on the needs and requirements of the poor and voiceless, we empower communities to create and share their own solutions to rights violations.