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Displaying 193–199 of 199

Decade Of Human Rights, Inc. Aka Human Rights For All Now

Founded in 1989 as a non-profit, international service organization with a deep belief in the power of human rights learning for economic and social transformation. We have worked directly and indirectly with our network of affiliates and partners in over 60 countries around the world to develop and advance the learning about human rights as way of life, enabling women and men to re-imagine their lives and discover their own power to define the destiny of their community. Participating in the planning of their future, the human rights framework provides them with the guideline to pursue their hopes. We are being constantly revitalized by actions being taken in the community to create a space for a meaningful change as a result of internalizing the praxis of human rights. Assuming social responsibility, people move away from humiliation to belong in their community in dignity with others. Programs are planned by, for, and with communities to: - Catalyze and enhance mentoring and monitoring; - Promote gender equality; - Enhance local human and social development programs; - Take actions to overcome discrimination; - Strengthen citizens' equal and informed participation in the decision-making process - Enable people to become agents of change

Hand to Hand Foundation

The reality for many underprivileged people in Pattaya, is a life that is entrapped by poverty and abuse. Their lives are marked by a lack of adequate care, food, shelter and an uncertainty about the future. Many of these people earn a meager living as street vendors, garbage collectors, prostitutes or beggars. Drug & alcohol abuse is common in these communities, making them very dangerous places for children to grow up in. Those living in the slums are also at constant risk of abuse and exploitation, and a way to break out of this cycle of poverty seems almost impossible. Slum dwellers are often without the benefits of a house registration, which is needed to access healthcare, education and other government support services. In addition, without a birth certificate a child faces an entire lifetime of living as an 'alien' in their own home country. Hand to Hand is a Christian organization that is based in Pattaya, who recognise that human rights apply to all age groups. We seek to protect those who are marginalised regardless of their race, age or religion. We achieve this by showing them the love of Jesus Christ through prayer and, on a much more practical level, by providing services such as helping them acquire legal documentation and offering food, clothing and educating the poor.

Youth Sport Trust International

The Youth Sport Trust is an independent charity devoted to building a brighter future for young people. We are passionate about helping all young people achieve their full potential by delivering high quality physical education (PE) and sport opportunities. Through 20 years of experience, we have developed a unique way of maximising the power of sport to grow young people, schools and communities. We believe in the power of sport to change young people's lives for the better. Our programmes focus on using sport as a vehicle to improve young people's: Wellbeing: Our work develops children's fundamental movement skills, equipping them with the confidence, competence and enjoyment of sport needed for a lifetime of activity, as well as good physical and emotional health. Leadership: Our work supports the personal development of young people and their progress at school, as well as preparing them for the challenges of life ahead. We support young people to develop a range of positive character qualities, such as: creativity, aspiration, resilience and empathy. Achievement: PE and sport delivered well is proven to impact positively on attainment and academic achievement. It can engage young people in learning and support the development of skills needed for success in the classroom, including: communication, teamwork and self-management.

The Volmoed Trust (for Healing And Reconciliation In South Africa)

The Volmoed Trust (for Healing and Reconciliation in South Africa) is a retreat and conference centre in Hermanus, Western Cape, South Africa. The focus of its mission for the past thirty four years of its existence is reconciliation, focused on racial reconciliation, and reconciliation within families and groups. Volmoed is an Afrikaans word meaning 'full of hopeful courage'. It provides a beautiful, peaceful space in nature, as a container for confronting the difficult issues of race, gender, family conflict, differences of culture or religion or class. This beautiful, peaceful place provides the setting for courageous conversations and difficult dialogues. Many people have found that Volmoed affords them the opportunity ro confront and discover their differences, or their brokenness, and find resolution, wholeness and peace. There are many stories over the years, of reconciliation reached in very challenging situations. Groups and individuals come for training programs, conferences focused on reconciliation, group learnings, wellness retreats and relaxation. It is a very special place, the perfect place for its dynamic Volmoed Youth Leadership Program (VYLTP). This vibrant program is forming a movement of courageous young leaders who ignite transformative justice in their communities, for the planet. The program gathers diverse groups of young leaders age 19-26 years of different races, classes and genders from South Africa and other countries for a residential ten-week program at Volmoed. The mission is to form and train wise, strategic leaders for the future of our communities, our countries and our planet, by creating a safe space of learning through courageous conversations that empowers them to facilitate transformative justice in their own communities and countries.

Pachamama Raymi

Our mission is to facilitate integral and sustainable prosperity in rural families and their environment, discovering and strengthening their potential, cooperating with companies, governments and local institutions. We are a non-profit civil association based in the city of Cusco, Peru. We have implemented proven projects to eradicate poverty in more than 280 rural communities in various countries around the world. In Peru, since 2008, in Tanzania since 2015 and in Nepal since 2016. The methodology we use in Pachamama Raymi, is a training system that was developed since 1988 by our president, we implemented it with the same elements in the various projects we promote. Some of these elements are used by other institutions in Latin America, Europe and Africa, such as contests between families. Our main objective is to break the vicious circle of environmental degradation and rural poverty, making communities and rural families improve, substantially and sustainably, the management of their natural resources, achieving prosperity. We don't have political or religious affiliation, we do have concrete goals in the task of eradicating poverty, through the promotion of sustainable practices. Our Objectives are: Break the vicious circle of environmental degradation and rural poverty in 90% of the communities where we work, achieving within three consecutive years that more than 60% of the population change the management of their natural resources for one that generates the recovery of such resources and prosperity. Get 60% of the families of each community to obtain: - Dignified and healthy homes, with food security. - Productive activities that in the short term generate income, almost constant during the year, above the level of the country's minimum wage. - Raise the self-esteem of the farmers with an optimistic vision of their future. - The plantation of 1,000 forest trees per family per year, with a percentage of tree life higher than 80% that will provide them with long-term income.

Asociacion Apadrina la Ciencia (Association Sponsor Science)

Apadrina la Ciencia (Sponsor Science) is a new initiative to promote scientific research and public understanding of science in Spain. It stems from the conviction that scientific research is a source of wealth and prosperity, and that investment in science is an investment in the future. Apadrina la Ciencia (Sponsor Science) was launched by a group of scientists with extensive experience in several research areas, who have joined efforts to promote communication and direct collaboration among scientists and the rest of society. Unlike other initiatives, the goal is not to obtain funding for their own research, but rather to secure resources through patronage, sponsorship and micro-grants to support science research and outreach in Spain. More than 200 internationally renowned scientists from different universities and research institutions support this initiative. Apadrina la Ciencia (Sponsor Science) aims to direct people's solidarity to support research on issues related to health, the environment and new technologies, with special attention to basic research, which is the foundation of scientific progress and technological development. Through job contracts and project grants, Apadrina la Ciencia (Sponsor Science) is a means by which citizen support can have an optimum return and maximum impact on the goal of strengthening the Spanish scientific system. Scientific outreach is a priority of Apadrina la Ciencia (Sponsor Science), to inform citizens about scientific advances and help to generate critical opinion on important social issues. One of the main objectives of Apadrina la Ciencia is thus to make science more accessible, especially to young people. Apadrina la Ciencia (Sponsor Science) will be a platform for meetings, discussion and collaboration between scientists and society. In addition, Apadrina la Ciencia hopes to involve all members of society, including institutions and companies, to help make our dream come true: to achieve strong, visible scientific research in Spain that generates knowledge and increases prosperity for society.

Bridge of Hope NGO for the protection of the rights of children and youth with disabilities

Bridge of Hope NGO is strong local non-governmental organisation, with an effective management and well established financial system, material resources and technical expertise in the field of disability and human rights. The NGO is recognized by national and local authorities and civil society partners in Armenia as the local initiator of inclusive education in the country and an NGO committed to the rights of children with disabilities to equal opportunities in education and community life. Bridge of Hope" (BOH) Armenian NGO is founded in 1996 by parents of children with disabilities and committed individuals from the field of health, education and social protection. Since then BOH has been promoting the disability as human rights issue and promotes the social inclusion of children and youth with disabilities so that their basic human rights are respected and implemented, they are able to make decisions on issues affecting their lives, live independently and with dignity and as active citizens participate equally in all community affairs. BOH programs are developed based on human rights and inclusive approaches for all children and youth including those with disabilities and with other forms of vulnerability. Thus, the organization's development work has influenced paradigm shift in existing approaches to disability issues in Armenia towards the reinforcement of social model of disability in Armenia. BOH has got strong cooperation with Local and National Governments, international organizations and civil society networks for promoting inclusive education and disability rights in Armenia. Since 1999 BoH projects have been focused on promoting inclusive policies, services and education to enhance equal protection and respect towards the rights, potential and dignity of all children who face exclusion, isolation and neglect because of disability and vulnerable social background. More than 25 different projects are realized since that time with financial support of many international organizations in collaboration with governmental and nongovernmental institutions. All the projects have had impact on education and social protection policies in Armenia. Due to this successful advocacy and cross-sectorial cooperation, inclusive education became a reality in Armenia. The development of inclusive education in has become a state policy and the government is committed to further the sustainable development of inclusion and equity in its education policies and the development agenda. For the contribution in development of inclusive education in Armenia, NGO "Bridge of Hope" has been awarded the Highest Award of the Ministry of Education of Armenia - Gold Medal. In 2014 "Bridge of Hope" became the winner of UNESCO Emir Jaber al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah International Prize 2013 to Promote Quality Inclusive Education for Persons with Disabilities (also please visit BOH community based services is another direction of its development work directed to creation of equal access for children and youth with disabilities to community life and independent living. In between 2001-2004 BOH has opened 5 centers for "Child Development and social inclusion" in Yerevan and 4 regional centers of Tavush Marz - Dilijan, Ijevan, Berd and Noyemebryan. These centers have become doorways from exclusion to inclusion for hundreds of young children and youth with disabilities and their families. The municipalities of Dilijan, Ijevan, Berd and Noyemebryan have provided these centers big buildings free of charge and cover 15% of running costs of the centers through the community budgets. Every year BOH raises funds from different national and international donors to keep the centers functioning and serving to more than 500 children and youth with disables and their families. Up to date about 1200 children and youth with disabilities (with physical, hearing and visual, intellectual, mental, behavioral and emotional problems) benefitted from BOH inclusive services, many of them have become a productive and active adolescents and youth leading independent and dignified lives. "Bridge of Hope" NGO is member of European Association of Service Providers for People with Disabilities (EASPD): , and Inclusion International: