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Displaying 229–240 of 310

Solidariedade Na Mokili

SOLIDARIEDADE NA MOKILI, a global nonprofit 501c3 public charity dedicated to addressing human development. We invest, empower and protect women and children creating healthy, sustainable and productive communities. Our organization places women and children in the forefront because we believe women are the heart of the family, as well as cultural, health and social balances within every community. Women play a central role in health development and education. As such, their empowerment is an indispensable factor for peace, social, economic, and environmental progress. We are convinced giving women the right to choose their lives independently, anywhere in the world, is one of the keys to meeting the challenges of this century.


Soroptimist International of Marysville is celebrating 30 years of service to our community. We are part of Soroptimist International, with over 95,000 members in 120 countries around the globe. Our focus is on service: we are committed to improving the lives of women and children in our community, our country, and around the world. at our local club level, we organize fundraisers to support various service projects chosen by the members. We do several hands-on projects and also donate money to projects that share our vision. We recognize exceptional women and girls with awards and monetary grants to help them continue their work.

Mother and Child Hospital Foundation

Our mission is to partner with maternity hospitals in order to transform the quality of healthcare and patient experience by: Helping the medical staff have access to resources that ensure quality care; Raising funds to meet maternity hospitals' immediate and emerging needs; Increasing access to perinatal care of women, especially those in need through awareness-raising and advocacy campaigns and education classes Providing basic necessities for families in need with newborn babies.

Mission Bambini

Our mission is to aid and support children suffering from poverty, sickness, lack of education or who have experienced physical or moral violence, by offering them the opportunity and the hope of a new life. It is an independent, lay organisation and is also designated an ONLUS (Non-profit organisation of social value). It operates without discrimination of culture, ethnicity and religion and upholds the United Nations rights of the child. The Foundation works around the world and is closest to the weakest and most neglected children offering them food, medicine, health care, education and programmes for social reintegration. In pursuing its goal, Mission Bambini is inspired by the following values: freedom, justice, truth, respect for others and solidarity.

Womens Transitional Living Center

WTLC’s mission is to help individuals and families escape the depths of domestic violence and exploitation. Since 1976, our guiding principal has been to end the cycle of violence and exploitation through comprehensive services grounded in evidence-based practices. With a strengths-based, survivor-driven and trauma-informed approach, survivors create healthier and safer lives. WTLC’s programs are flexible and responsive to each survivor’s unique needs. In this way, survivors from a range of backgrounds and experiences receive tailored support addressing personal barriers to long-term stability. Domestic violence and human trafficking are major public health crises, and community support and engagement is integral in WTLC’s work to create a world without violence


LifeWire's mission is to end domestic violence by changing individual, institutional and societal beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that perpetuate it. Domestic violence knows no boundaries; occurring in families from all racial and socio-economic backgrounds, domestic violence affects 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men in their lifetimes. LifeWire envisions a world in which every person lives in a safe environment, free from oppression and with the opportunity to thrive. LifeWire is a nationally recognized leader and the largest comprehensive domestic violence service provider in Washington State. We offer a 24-Hour Helpline, survivor-based advocacy, mental health therapy, innovating homelessness and housing stability services, and ground-breaking social change work.

Action Aid Usa

ActionAid is an international network building a just, equitable, and sustainable world in solidarity with communities on the frontlines of poverty and injustice. We know this can only be done by shifting power – towards communities and away from elites – and aid as traditionally practiced does not accomplish this. That’s why we take action in partnership with people on the frontlines of poverty and injustice. Together, we tackle the symptoms of unequal power – poverty, hunger, gender-based violence, climate change, conflict, and disaster – and challenge the ideologies, legal systems, and social norms that lie underneath.ActionAid USA is the U.S. branch of ActionAid International, which works in more than 40 countries to achieve social justice, gender equality, and poverty eradication.

American Himalayan Foundation

AHF was founded over 30 years ago to help people in the Himalaya who were in need and had no one else, and that principle still guides us every day. What we do is basic: we make change - positive, tangible change - happen. We build and support schools and students; train doctors and fund hospitals; care for children and elders; plant trees and restore sacred sites. We help Tibetans rebuild and sustain their culture both in exile and in Tibet.


Soroptimist International of North San Diego (SINSD) is a vibrant, dynamic organization for women, committed to improving the lives of women and girls in our local communities and throughout the world. Our members are working moms and retired women; business owners and corporate executives; attorneys, teachers, physicians and all professional women. We share our time, talents and financial resources by engaging in awareness, advocacy, and action to enrich our community and make a difference in the lives of women and girls. SINSD members work together, through fun and friendship, to: - Improve the lives of women and girls - Help women achieve economic and political equality - Serve as a global voice for women - Provide outstanding leadership development opportunities for women - Support educational opportunities for women and girls.

Farm Up Jamaica Ltd

Create food security by educating underserved communities on how to use Regenerative Climate Smart Agriculture to replace carbon emitting farming and reforestation practices. Focus on training women and youth on sustainable farming practices to help create long-lasting livelihoods. Reduce the importation of foreign food and increase the export of healthier organically grown food. Collaborate with international corporations to help fund the reduction of carbon through Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies to support underserved farming communities. Reduce crime and poverty by creating opportunities.

Lifeline Energy

Lifeline Energy is a non-profit social enterprise that provides sustainable information and education access to vulnerable populations. We achieve this by designing, manufacturing and distributing solar and wind-up media players and radios for classroom and group listening. Since 1999, we have distributed more than 500,000 power independent radios to provide on-demand access to information and education, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. Over the years we have received numerous awards including the Tech Museum of Innovation Award, a World Bank Development Marketplace Award and an Index: Design to Improve Life Award. In addition, our founder and CEO Kristine Pearson was named one of TIME magazine's Heroes of the Environment for 2007 and received the James C. Morgan Global Humanitarian Award in 2005.

Springs of Hope Foundation

Our mission at Springs of Hope Foundation, Kenya is to care for the Rift Valley region's growing number of families coping with the devastating reality of Sub Sahara Africa's HIV/AIDS pandemic. Our primary objective is to keep the family together whenever possible by providing food and assistance with school expenses. Most often the young children are left with very elderly grandparents who are unable to care for them. These children are cared for in our orphanage located in Molo, Kenya where we provide our children the best opportunity to grow up and thrive in a loving family environment. Through donations we provide homeless Kenyan orphans a nurturing, loving family home environment to grow up in and the knowledge that they will have the opportunity to reach their full potential, have a better chance in life and become productive citizens of the world.