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United Planning Organization

OUR MISSION: Uniting People with Opportunities. The United Planning Organization, the designated community action agency for Washington, DC, was established December 10, 1962 to plan, coordinate, and implement human services programs for low-income residents in the Nation's Capital. For over 50 years, UPO has been in the forefront of the war on poverty. As the catalyst for economic security and growth for all Washington, DC residents, UPO has laid the groundwork for innovative social service programs such as weatherization and energy conservation services, Head Start, workforce development training and youth development. Today, UPO continues to provide residents with comprehensive resources for early childhood education; youth development; employment and training; family and community services; case management and referrals to other supportive services.

Tea Leaf Trust

Mission statement: To provide opportunities and promote ethnic cohesion through education. Our Aims: To deliver high quality, accessible educational programmes, both full time and part-time, to young people and children from the tea estates in the hill country of Sri Lanka; To effect social transformation in tea estate communities by highlighting the importance of community service, and instilling it as a core value in the youth through a series of practical programmes that develop their skills to give back to their communities; To improve youth employability and increase employment options outside the tea estates by facilitating the development of high-standard English language skills and professional skills; To facilitate the development of the emotional health of young people, enabling them to strengthen their positive coping strategies in order to with the complex societal issues that exist in their communities.

Ecuadorian Volunteers Association

EVA is a non-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and registered in the State of Illinois. It was created for the purpose of assisting Ecuadorian institutions devoted to educational, social, and health programs for the poor, neglected, and at-risk segments of the population. EVA is run by volunteers, and the various programs are implemented through network of viable, non-profit Ecuadorian institutions previously selected by a careful screening process. EVA requires that all the funds collected and distributed as yearly grants be only used for programmatic objectives of the organization it sponsors. EVA's Community Assistance Grant was instituted in 2008 to improve the quality of life of economically disadvantaged people living in the Chicago Metropolitan area where EVA is located. I Since its inception, we have been giving opportunities to advance educational, health, and human service programs in the local community.

The Curiosity Project

The Curiosity Project, is a nonprofit organization that drives social impact by providing health and entrepreneurial opportunities in communities where people have limited access to resources. Our vision is to positively impact global health through curiosity, connection and contribution. The Curiosity Project is built on a belief that when global health is explored with curiosity and authentic human connection, awareness arises to foster innovative collaborations that improve quality of life for all. Curiosity can truly make a positive impact on global health and inspire others to take action. The Curiosity Project is made up of international humanitarian workers, health care professionals and executives who have been to every corner of the globe generating connections and making an impact. They have spent decades in the field collaborating on healthcare trainings and creating projects to meet the needs UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Oak Rural Health Organization

Oak rural health organization is a non governmental, not for profit organization. Registered under the CAMA 1990 as an incorporated trustee by the Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal republic of Nigeria. OUR MISSION/AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ARE; To increase preventive health publicity and awareness among rural dwellers. To eradicate children malnutrition in the grassroots through supplementary and complementary feed assistance. To partner with rural communities on health promotion and sustenance strategies. To prevent/eradicate mortalities through mobile clinics and health outreaches in rural communities. To partner with government, private and individuals to combat pressing health challenges in the rural settlements nationwide. To establish/refurbish healthcare points in vulnerable rural communities. OUR VISION: ''To be an internationally recognized leading grassroots health advocacy gladiator, ensuring a healthy and productive rural lives''. Achieving the above, the organization engages the services of volunteer professionals in relevant fields. Also mobilize resources through donation from trustees, individuals, private and government establishments. Financial and professional integrities are strictly maintained as enshrined in the organization's articles of incorporation. Most importantly, the organization gives no room for discrimination of any nature. Irrespective of religion, tribe, race, color or ethnic background. We deal with humanity as a bio-psycho-social being. Our group of dedicated volunteers work as a team to achieve a common goal. Furthermore, the founders are not unaware of the various government and other concerned agencies' efforts on providing quality health care services to the people at the niches and crevices of the nation. Various stakeholders who invested on healthcare services often concentrate on the urbans and densely populated areas. Governments' health infrastructures in rural settlements are not enough compared to their population. Most of the rural areas are fast becoming the den of unskilled care givers, this has led to many unreported, but avoidable morbidity and mortality. Demographically, rural population is made of about 52% of the nation's total population. Distributed through the nooks and crannies. Rural dwellers cannot be underestimated in the area of country's food security and economic growth. Therefore, a healthy rural life is a healthy nation. WHY RURAL HEALTH? Rural health is a worthy advocacy because: They are the hope of nation's food security. They are the custodians of the nation's cultural heritage. They are the most vulnerable. They are the major workforce in production line. They are the future of the nation. They have the highest fertility rate. They are majorly the poor. Furthermore, the executive summary of the WHO's vision 2020 is, attainment by all people of the world, a level of health that will permit them to live a socially and economically productive life. At least, such level of health that they are capable of working productively and participating actively in the social lives of the community in which they live. Meanwhile, growing cost of quality healthcare services has put the rural lives at a disadvantageous position. WHO's vision 2020 and even beyond is however a collaborative efforts of individuals, governments and non governmental bodies.

Sustainable Development Association (SDA)

We strive to build & strengthen the capacity of the communities and empower the people particularly poor, marginalized and excluded to address their development needs through integration and coordination at local, provincial and national level. Objectives: 1. Conflict Resolution and Promotion of Peace & tolerance in the society 2. Empower deprived segments of society Women, Minorities, Children, Laborer and peasants to secure their basic rights. 3. To advocate for provision/Improvement of Education, Health, clean drinking water and sanitation facilities. 4. To work for promotion of human rights specifically of women, minorities, labor and peasants rights 5. To promote the democratic values and political education and struggle for Empowered Local Governments 6. To work for Climate Resilient society Approach: A participatory approach is followed towards socio- economic and political development of communities. Local knowledge and wisdom is on priority basis and sense of ownership is promoted among the target communities. STRATEGIES: SDA has implemented integrated strategy for the development and empowerment of deprived communities. Following strategies have been adopted for the intervening: Committees of SDA on Thematic Areas to analyze the issues, plan and implement program. Social Mobilization Capacity building Technical and financial support Research and knowledge building Advocacy and Networking Targeting poor and most deprived communities Focusing specially on women, children and farmer's development and empowerment Networking and Cooperation Strengthening local groups and other CSOs through providing capacity building opportunities VALUES: Following values are kept as belief at the centre in all our decisions and functions: Religious and cultural freedom Equal Learning's opportunities for all Peace, tolerance and democracy Gender equality and equity Participatory decision making Transparency and accountability Thematic Focus: Our all programs are scrutinized with the lens of Gender and environment which are the cross cutting theme in all the activities. Organization works in the following thematic area; 1. Democracy, Governance & Social Services 2. Human Rights 3. Peace & Tolerance 4. Environment Protection

Tahanan Sta. Luisa, Inc.

Tahanan Sta. Luisa (TSL) is a crisis intervention and recovery center whose mission is to provide rehabilitation for physically/sexually abused and prostituted street girls, between the ages of 11-15 years old upon admission. TSL is a non-government organization (NGO) and one of only three residential centers within Metro Manila which focuses specifically on the admission of pre-adolescent/adolescent street girls - one of the most vulnerable and marginalized demographic groups in the Philippines. TSL provides residential care for street girls for these formative years, assisting the girls in their journey through their social, physical and emotional development and growth, while also supporting them to overcome the traumatic negative experiences of their past. TSL can accommodate up to 23 girls at a time and since it was founded in 1997, it has supported 560 street girls. The ultimate goal for TSL is to support the girls in their healing and recovery, facilitate the reconnection with their families (where feasible), and prepare them to be productive and independent members of society in the future.

CCI Health & Wellness Services

CCI Health & Wellness Services is a group practice, empowering patients to partner with staff for an unparalleled healthcare experience. Through integrated teams in a learning environment, we deliver high quality, affordable, care to every patient during all stages of life. The CCI Adolescent Services provides teens and young adults (ages 12-35) in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area with affordable, timely and culturally-competent direct clinical care and educational outreach services. Our goal is to prevent teen and unplanned pregnancies, as well as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV. Our Adolescent Health Service line of care tailors our clinical, education and outreach services to reflect the greatest community need and reduce barriers to ensure all teens and young adults are able to access preventive, comprehensive reproductive health services. Both in the community-education and clinical settings, CCI's focus is 100% on prevention in order to avoid more monetarily, medically, socially and emotionally costly intervention services. Direct Clinical Care- Quality Care: CCI serves as a reproductive medical home for patients ages 12-35 by providing a wide range of evidence based clinical services. Affordable: CCI works with every patient, regardless of income level or insurance status, to ensure they have access to reproductive healthcare. Comfortable: CCI provides a warm environment, where patients feel each staff member respects their individuality and is committed to their wellbeing and overall health outcomes. Accessible: Appointments are regularly available (including walk-ins) for all services; clinics are easily accessible by car, bus or metro; and all methods of contraception are available for purchase on site. Integrated Care: Medical staff, case managers and social workers collaborate to ensure continuity of care for each patient, including referrals and access to community resources. Education and Outreach -Outreach: CCI identifies members of the community at greatest risk and actively recruits them through community activities, educational presentations and partnerships with related organizations. Education: CCI provides in-clinic and community based educational interventions designed to increase knowledge, build skills and reduce risk to promote positive and responsible reproductive health behaviors.

Fundacion Helping Hands-La Paz (Bolivia)

The mission of the Fundacion Helping Hands-La Paz (Bolivia) is to open up educational opportunities for marginalized and vulnerable Bolivian youth of scarce economic resources so that they may complete a programme of studies to become technicians or university graduates. Education is the focus of the Fundacion Helping Hands -La Paz (Bolivia), and we hope to broaden the horizons of our young people by providing new experiences and activities. Helping Hands works with several orphanages, social projects and international organizations to give these young people the opportunity to educate themselves and become more productive and responsible citizens. In particular we work with girls who, traditionally, have been marginalized as far as upper education is concerned. Our project began in an informal way in 2004 to give support to the 48 boys who had to leave the state boys' home at the age of 18 and they had not yet finished high school. We provided rent support, school materials, moral support and help with documentation so that the boys could finish high school. The project grew to include studies in technical schools and universities when the boys had finished high school and in 2006 we expanded to include girls from the many social projects in La Paz and El Alto. In 2014 our project was formalized with the creation of the Fundacion Helping Hands - La Paz (Bolivia) and we now support 100 students from the ages of 15 to 25 of which 65% were girls in 2017. The Fundacion Helping Hands-La Paz (Bolivia) also provides medical and dental care for the students to insure their permanency in their programmes of study. There is no universal health care in Bolivia, and the costs of health care can be devastating for those lacking economic resources. Students are required to attend monthly meetings where we provide talks on many themes of interest to young people in order to provide a more integral personal development. We invite speakers in the areas of education in reproductive health, the environment, values, general health, living without violence, and written expression. We organize outings to museums and other cultural activities. We feel that in order for an underdeveloped country to progress it must provide education for all of its citizens. Education is one of the keys to eradicating poverty.


About Us: Our Bridgeport club was founded in 1992, and is part of Soroptimist International of the Americas which was founded in 1921. Soroptimist is an international volunteer organization for business and professional women who work to improve the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world. A 501(c)(3) organization, Soroptimist relies on charitable contributions to fund its programs. Local members join with almost 100,000 Soroptimists in more than120 countries and territories to contribute time and financial support to community-based projects benefiting women. Soroptimist International has consultative status with the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council, which oversees U.N. activities promoting human rights. In addition to sponsoring the awards programs, our club has participated in community programs focused on various health and human service issues for women and girls, such as the Center for Women and Families, Mi Casa/My Home, Women and Men’s Health Project, Project Courage, and Local Soup Kitchens. For more information about our mission and programs, please visit our website

Court Appointed Special Advocates Of Union County Inc

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Union County promotes the welfare of the more than 500 local children removed from their families due to abuse and neglect, now residing in foster homes, group homes, shelters and treatment facilities. CASA recruits, trains, supports and supervises community volunteers to speak up for the children, ensuring their needs are met and best interests remain a priority. Considered the eyes and ears of the judge, these Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) are empowered by the family court to speak to all those in the child’s life: teachers, guidance counselors, doctors, social workers, attorneys, therapists, foster parents, family members and more. Through these contacts and consistent visits with the child, the CASA volunteer reports to the court on the child’s well-being, including any outstanding needs like tutoring, counseling, after-school activities, clothing, immunizations or other medical care. CASA strives to improve the lives of the children it serves by minimizing time in the child welfare system while maximizing the opportunity for a safe and permanent home.

Pintando Caminos Asociacion Para Recrear el Futuro

Mission To win children away from a life of war and delinquency, with love, through education and the holistic development of their academic, personal, and social abilities, empowering them to construct and achieve their own life projects. Vision That the children of Ciudad Bolivar will be capable of breaking their cycle of poverty and become the kind of persons that they desire to be. Values - Love and respect for oneself and for others - Always put oneself in the place of the other - Pursue excellence - Seek justice About Pintando Caminos Who We Are Pintando Caminos Asociacion para Recrear el Futuro (Pintando Caminos Association to Recreate the Future) is a registered non-profit that, for more than 12 years, has provided spaces and opportunities to improve the lives of boys and girls who live in the oppressed and impoverished neighborhood of Potosi, in Ciudad Bolivar (Bogota, Colombia). We desire to break the cycle of poverty in Colombia ad to provide the children and young adults with all the necessary tools for them to succeed in life in a dignified way, and to help the youth become complete and integrated persons, with values that make it possible for us to build a better country in the future.