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Impact Stories
Bethany House Of Northern Virginia

Bethany House of Northern Virginia is located in Fairfax County, Virginia, providing emergency shelter and support services to women and children escaping domestic violence. We help women and their children who have suffered from domestic violence regain health and dignity. We provide women with safe, restorative care while giving them the support and resources they need to transition into independent lives free from abuse. We are non-jurisdictional. We accept women and children from across Northern Virginia, from the entire Washington, DC metropolitan area, from other states and beyond. Once our families are stabilized, we help them get reestablished in their community by providing temporary housing and support. Realizing the vision of our founder Doris Ward, since 1979, BHNV has been a safe haven for women and children suffering the nightmare of domestic violence while also serving as a resource to our community at large. BHNV is funded by grants and donations from businesses, charitable foundations, churches, organizations, and individual community members.

Self-Help International

Self-Help International (SHI) devotes its efforts to alleviating world hunger and poverty by providing opportunities to rural citizens that ultimately lead to self-reliance. Since its inception, Self-Help has served as a vessel; training, education, and opportunities are provided to rural citizens and whole communities in developing countries so that they can have better lives. MISSION STATEMENT: To alleviate hunger by helping people help themselves. SELF-HELP'S INITIATIVE Educate: We educate the people of the United States to understand the problems of life in developing countries particularly the awareness of the perpetual struggle by millions to produce and distribute food to battle persistent chronic hunger and poverty; we help tell their story Train: We train people in developing countries in the use of Quality Protein Maize (QPM). This increases crop yields and improves nutrition. We assist local farm families with planting, Improve: We improve infant and pre-school children's diets by administering an improved porridge feeding program. Made from QPM and pinches of barley malt, this combination has been proven to alleviate malnutrition, thwart sickness, and keep children in school so they can continue their education. Empower: We provide micro-credit loans for women to start small scale businesses. This availability of credit empowers women and increases their income - because they do not have access to traditional financing. Cooperate: We cooperate with other organizations and agencies in the introduction of appropriate farming practices or advancement in the battle against poverty and malnutrition.

Fondo Guadalupe Musalem A.C.

Support the educational aspirations of young indigenous Oaxacan women from impoverished rural communities in the state. Support the successful completion of high school studies of our grantees and their ability to continue university level studies. Promote the holistic development of the grantees during their high schools studies enhancing their studies through workshops and courses regarding gender equity, prevention of adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STD), prevention of violence in dating relationships, environmental stewardship, and reading outside of school assignments. Include in the grant personal physical and mental health care to assure health issues do not impede their development. Encourage grantees who complete high school successfully to continue their studies at the university level through financial assistance, lodging and other support. In 2018 the Fondo is funding 34 young women in high school and 15 studying in university. Note: The high school level grantees live in their communities or a town nearby that offers high school level studies. Each month all the grantees gather at the Fondo office in the capital city for a weekend workshops and courses and receive their stipend for the following month as well as their expenses for travel.

Tegan and Sara Foundation

The Tegan and Sara Foundation fights for health, economic justice and representation for LGBTQ girls and women. This mission is founded on a commitment to feminism and racial, social and gender justice. In partnership and solidarity with other organizations fighting for LGBTQ and women's rights, the Foundation raises awareness and funds to address the inequalities currently preventing LGBTQ girls and women from reaching their full potential. This work is critically important because… LGBTQ women have higher rates of gynecological cancer, depression, obesity, suicide and tobacco/alcohol abuse. Discriminatory laws, provider bias, insurance exclusions and inadequate reproductive health coverage leave 29% of LGBTQ women struggling to pay for health insurance. A quarter of lesbian women live in poverty. LGB women of color are three times more likely to live in poverty than their white peers. Transgender women are four times more likely to have a household income under $10,000 and twice as likely to be unemployed. One in five transgender women has reported being homeless at some point. Less than 1% of TV characters are lesbians. In 2016, 25 queer female characters were killed on-screen – continuing a decades-long trend.


MEDRIX works to save lives and improve the quality of life of disadvantaged people in Vietnam by providing Medical, Educational and Development Resources through International eXchange. In 2000, MEDRIX became an official non-profit organization in Washington State and in 2002 MEDRIX received official Non-Government Organization licensure to operate in Vietnam. Prior to this, co-founder and Executive Director LaRelle Catherman was invited to conduct research alongside Vietnamese physicians on home treatment for diarrhea in Hue, Vietnam. It became evident that most children suffered from diarrhea due to lack of safe water. Co-founder of MEDRIX, meteorologist, and businessman Robert Catherman undertook the task of finding a method of providing safe, drinkable water. He, along with many MEDRIX volunteers, began to work with provincial leaders to develop an affordable and sustainable water treatment system. MEDRIX began to grow as a result of these initial project ideas and new programs were put into place to address the greater healthcare, nutrition, and hygiene needs of under-served rural villages. MEDRIX accomplishes its goal of saving lives and improving the quality of life in Vietnam through the following endeavors: -Health and hygiene education for children in hand washing, oral care, and nutrition. -Providing education for women in nutrition, food preparation, food safety, along with health and hygiene during pregnancy. -Autism education training for health workers and community education efforts to ease the burden of autism in children. -Life-saving heart surgeries for disadvantaged children and young adults. -Pediatric education workshops in World Health Organization approved curricula for health workers in rural Vietnam. -Nursing education workshops for professional nurses at National Pediatric Hospital and Hue Central Hospital. -GIS mapping workshops to teach Vietnamese healthcare workers how to gather pertinent health information for epidemiological tracking purposes.

Fundacion Nativo

Fundacion Nativo is a non-profit organization, located in Caracas (Venezuela), which is dedicated to the socioeconomic and sustainable development of indigenous communities, without having to damage their environment or abandon their cultural or religious beliefs. Always favoring gender equality and integration of different sexual options. Vision: A world in which there is no inequality between the indigenous population and the rest of society. Where the native population is not considered as animals, pets or the disposable object of the fashion of the moment. Mission: Empower indigenous communities by promoting the conservation of their culture, defending the right to land and the preservation of their natural resources, promoting sustainable economic development in gender equality and sexual orientation, favoring access to communication channels to leave the information isolation and giving them a voice before the institutions to demand their rights and denounce the abuses to which they are subjects of. Our history: In 2014, investigating for a documentary, we made a stop in the mining area of Las Claritas. There we went to a brothel where a bingo was being held. The place was full of miners attentive to the draw, something that surprised us because bingo always seemed an activity for older people ... Until we saw the prize ... depending on the sexual orientation of the miner, the prize was a child or Indigenous girl no older than 10 years old, who waited to meet the owner of their destination inside a hole dug in the floor of the premises. When you see something like this with your own eyes, it is impossible to remain indifferent to the problem. We realized that, in this market of basic instincts, we could do little to diminish the demand (the illegal miners come from many countries and for them the Indians are less than animals), but we could have some possibility of diminishing the offer if we helped the development of indigenous communities. And that's how the Fundacion Nativa was born.

Cordem ABP

Cordem rebuilds communities from its core: THE WOMAN; Accompanying and empowering her transformation from the heart. How do we do it? We make this possible through a comprehensive program that is divided into two areas: Cordem offers scholarships for high school, technical and undergraduate level to exceptional women and who, due to economic impediment, have not been able to start or continue their studies. In order to ensure an integral growth, the beneficiaries have psycho-emotional accompaniment. This support is given to provide a wide range of tools, from coping skills to empowerment, as well as learning professional skills. Scholarship holders receive an integral formation to increase the success rate and have a larger impact in their personal lives creating a social change. Why do we mean when we say that women's education rebuilds society? When it comes to Mexico, women have less access than men to education, which has effects, not only in their economic participation, but in most areas of their lives (ENDIREH 2011). In average, the level of education in Mexico for women is 3 of secondary school (INEGI 2015) and only 6% of women have a professional education (World Bank 2007). Women suffer due to the lack of education, coupled with the lack of emotional support and integration into the labor market, which perpetuates the violence and poverty in which they live, increasing their condition of gender vulnerability. Worldwide they represent 70% of the population in poverty, which is the cause and consequence of violence. This phenomenon impoverishes their families, communities and societies, affecting their productive capacity and perpetuating the cycle of poverty (Amnesty International, 2009). According to the Aspen Institute & Bernard van Leer Foundation (2016) a good education is the key to a better life and a more solid economy. Individual income increases by 10% for each educational year that a person attends. For a country, increasing the average of higher education for one year can increase up to half a percentage figure to the GDP.

Outreach Uganda

Outreach Uganda is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Colorado and dedicated to helping empower Ugandans, especially women and children, to rise out of poverty. To do this, we work with village groups in Uganda to bring hope and improve lives, especially in the areas of education, women's empowerment, and self-sufficiency through job creation. Initially, our village groups help support themselves and their families through sales of paper beaded jewelry and other craft items. The beaders save money from their bead sales so they can then start own group or individual businesses to supplement their income and eventually we hope it will be their main source of income. Micro-credit loans from their group's internal revolving loan fund provides additional help for the ladies to either start businesses or further expand their existing businesses to a level that will help them rise above poverty. As an organization, we emphasize to both our donors and our clients that we believe in truly empowering those we help. In everything we do, we seek to be a partner with those we serve so that they do not become dependent on us, and so that we do not take away their spirit of wanting to help themselves. We believe that income-generation of the women, and education of the children is the way that families can truly become empowered. But it is essential to take a holistic approach and focus on multiple areas, all of which impact the woman's income-generation potential. For instance, a woman must be relatively healthy to be a successful business owner. Therefore, we must also help a woman address issues of health. For many of our women in northern Uganda, agriculture and the raising of cash crops will be key to their income generation potential. Therefore, agricultural issues, water issues and even land access and rights become important areas to address.


Gruppo Aleimar is a non-profit voluntary organization that deals with children and families in need both in Italy and abroad, through the Distance Support, projects of development and awareness-raising and human development activities on the Italian territory. The main areas of our development projects are: 1. Education: taking charge of children in family (natural or adoptive), in foster homes and shelters, schooling and vocational training. 2. Health and hygiene awareness: support to clinics and / or hospitals, funding of surgical operations, seminars for young mothers. 3. Women promotion: start-up of agriculture and livestock, creation of production cooperatives, micro-credit financing. 4. Rural villages' development: water well, kindergarten, solar energy for light and water pumps. 5. Women' refuge and social housing for families in temporary need. The Aleimar Group is active today in 12 countries (Benin, Brazil, Colombia, D.R. Congo, Eritrea, India, Italy, Malawi, Palestine, Kenya, Lebanon, Zambia) with more than 50 projects and takes care directly of 600 children (what we call distance support) and, indirectly, of other 2,500 children that we follow within our projects. The Group comprises Aleimar for overseas project; Tuendelee for Italian projects and Prema, a cooperative for mentally disabled youth. The Group hires five people and relays on the voluntary service of 140 people. Its annual turnover is abt.1,2 million euro and overhead cost is less than 10%. Its balance sheet is checked and approved by internal auditors. We have been granted a seal of quality "Donare con fiducia" by the Istituto Italiano Donazione. Its web sites are: and In 30 years of activity the Group has helped more than 10.000 children/families, has built more than 100 foster homes, orphanages, schools and water wells.

Libraries Without Borders

Libraries Without Borders is an international nonprofit that expands access to information, education and cultural resources to vulnerable populations around the world. Our interventions address the structural causes of economic and human underdevelopment, reduce the digital divide, and promote cultural resilience. By focusing on the curation and customization of educational materials, along with the logistics and security involved with delivery, storage and construction of learning spaces, we have been able to develop innovative programs, create and re-envision library spaces and support librarians in over 25 countries. Most recently, we received the Library of Congress' International Literacy Award (2016) and won the Google Impact Challenge (2015). We advocate the idea of the library as a toolbox for communities to disseminate knowledge, promote social harmony, accompany the least fortunate, and ultimately, pursue human and economic development. We work in five areas of intervention: 1. EDUCATION LWB establishes libraries and information resource centers in universities and schools. This support manifests itself in the donation of materials, technical equipment, texts, and multimedia and electronic resources. LWB also provides support to teachers in their education responsibilities by putting in place educational resource centers as well as creating educational digital content. 2. INFORMATION AND CULTURE LWB supports the development of structures providing access to books, information and culture in developing countries. LWB enters into partnerships with libraries to help them develop their textual and digital resources and set up quality cultural programs. LWB also accompanies the creation of cultural projects for specific and disadvantaged groups such as visually impaired persons, prisoners and refugee populations. 3. CAPACITY BUILDING LWB initiates innovative specialized resource projects to reinforce the capacities of specific groups such as professionals from the medical or justice sectors. In facilitating access to verified and quality-controlled information, LWB accompanies their daily work in servicing their communities as well as their scientific research. 4. CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE LWB assists in the conservation and promotion of local written or oral heritage through the creation of specialized structures (libraries, cultural centers) and the training of personnel in these professions. Within the framework of promoting local knowledge and supporting publishers in developing countries, LWB also promotes the diffusion of local literature. 5. CULTURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP LWB works alongside cultural entrepreneurs to design innovative and sustainable economic models. By setting up income-generating activities and training in management strategies, libraries are re-invented as social and cultural entrepreneurs with major economic benefits for their communities.

Oak Rural Health Organization

Oak rural health organization is a non governmental, not for profit organization. Registered under the CAMA 1990 as an incorporated trustee by the Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal republic of Nigeria. OUR MISSION/AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ARE; To increase preventive health publicity and awareness among rural dwellers. To eradicate children malnutrition in the grassroots through supplementary and complementary feed assistance. To partner with rural communities on health promotion and sustenance strategies. To prevent/eradicate mortalities through mobile clinics and health outreaches in rural communities. To partner with government, private and individuals to combat pressing health challenges in the rural settlements nationwide. To establish/refurbish healthcare points in vulnerable rural communities. OUR VISION: ''To be an internationally recognized leading grassroots health advocacy gladiator, ensuring a healthy and productive rural lives''. Achieving the above, the organization engages the services of volunteer professionals in relevant fields. Also mobilize resources through donation from trustees, individuals, private and government establishments. Financial and professional integrities are strictly maintained as enshrined in the organization's articles of incorporation. Most importantly, the organization gives no room for discrimination of any nature. Irrespective of religion, tribe, race, color or ethnic background. We deal with humanity as a bio-psycho-social being. Our group of dedicated volunteers work as a team to achieve a common goal. Furthermore, the founders are not unaware of the various government and other concerned agencies' efforts on providing quality health care services to the people at the niches and crevices of the nation. Various stakeholders who invested on healthcare services often concentrate on the urbans and densely populated areas. Governments' health infrastructures in rural settlements are not enough compared to their population. Most of the rural areas are fast becoming the den of unskilled care givers, this has led to many unreported, but avoidable morbidity and mortality. Demographically, rural population is made of about 52% of the nation's total population. Distributed through the nooks and crannies. Rural dwellers cannot be underestimated in the area of country's food security and economic growth. Therefore, a healthy rural life is a healthy nation. WHY RURAL HEALTH? Rural health is a worthy advocacy because: They are the hope of nation's food security. They are the custodians of the nation's cultural heritage. They are the most vulnerable. They are the major workforce in production line. They are the future of the nation. They have the highest fertility rate. They are majorly the poor. Furthermore, the executive summary of the WHO's vision 2020 is, attainment by all people of the world, a level of health that will permit them to live a socially and economically productive life. At least, such level of health that they are capable of working productively and participating actively in the social lives of the community in which they live. Meanwhile, growing cost of quality healthcare services has put the rural lives at a disadvantageous position. WHO's vision 2020 and even beyond is however a collaborative efforts of individuals, governments and non governmental bodies.

Village Health Partnership

Village Health Partnership (VHP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that works for safer motherhood in rural Ethiopia. VHP's mission is to prevent maternal and neonatal death in childbirth, and to treat and prevent gynecologic complications of childbirth. To achieve this mission, programs are focused on healthcare, capacity building, and education and training. To demonstrate how VHP works to accomplish its mission, our three-prong approach to maternal health needs in Ethiopia is discussed below. Healthcare: Encouraging women to seek treatment is vital to overcoming barriers to safer motherhood. In rural Ethiopia 78% of women do not seek medical care during pregnancy or for delivery because of local customs, fear of the outside world, and challenges faced when traveling to reach medical facilities. Unfortunately, when women in Ethiopia do not receive proper medical care during pregnancy and childbirth, they have a 50% chance of developing a debilitating and sometimes deadly complication. The Screen, Transport and Treat (STT) Program aims to reduce or remove all three barriers to maternal health that involve the decision to seek medical care, the ability to reach medical facilities, and the ability to receive adequate treatment.Through the STT Program, our partners travel to rural communities where they identify women suffering from these complications and arrange for transportation to the nearest health facility where they undergo surgical treatment. Capacity Building: As VHP's treatment efforts grow, further expansion of the Screen, Transport, and Treat Program is challenged by the marginal capacity to treat in the health facilities in which we work. In general, medical facilities in rural communities have limited infrastructure, resources, and ability to provide basic maternal health care. VHP works with rural health facilities and district hospitals to increase capacity with the following: - Access to reliable, consistent sources of water - Concrete pit latrines - Hand washing stations and soap - Fenced biohazard areas with placenta pit and incinerator - Maternity waiting areas that include: - Kitchen - Pit latrine/shower - Tap - Light in labor and delivery - Implementation of the Clean and Safe Healthcare Initiative (CASH) Education and Training As the demand for maternal healthcare rises, so too does the need for trained professionals. In Ethiopia, there is only one physician trained in obstetrics and gynecology for every 1.8 million people. In remote health centers and hospitals, nurses, nurse-midwives, and health officers deliver babies. These medical providers are also in short supply and often inadequately trained. In 2016 VHP beta tested a model for educating all health center providers in neonatal resuscitation and obstetric care. With permission from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), VHP is the first and only organization to translate the Helping Babies Breathe curriculum into Amharic, the Ethiopian national language. We then trained 78 rural healthcare providers in this program. VHP has since expanded the education and training programs to include: 1. Skill building for rural health care providers 2. Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care training for nurse-midwives practicing in the field 3. Scholarship program for village women who wish to become nurse-midwives VHP training programs aim to build a strong and confident rural work force that is fully equipped to provide skilled assistance at the time of delivery. Further, VHP focuses on training students to become trainers themselves to make this effort more sustainable.