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Displaying 277–288 of 294

Rural Children's Hope

The Rural Children Hope, as a Faith Based Non-Government Organization, is committed to humanize and improve the living standards of the rural children by disseminating, promoting and defending their rights (moral, physical and mental) through the provision of Education, Health Care Services, Water and Sanitation and Socio-economic Empowerment.


Hubbard House is a not-for-profit 5013 entity, established in 1976, that was the first domestic violence shelter in Florida. Hubbard House is a certified, comprehensive domestic violence center and is a nationally recognized leader in domestic violence intervention


R- Reinforce character attributes of respect, honesty, integrity, sportsmanship, discipline, and teamwork. U- Unite and educate for gender equality. G- Give youth, females in particular, the means, mentally, physically, and financially to continue their education past the governmental requirements. B - Build confidence in youth to empower Y- Yield a network of opportunities. Through RUGBY.


Soroptimist International is a global volunteer movement working together to transform the lives of women and girls. Our network of around 76,000 club members in 120 countries and territories works at a local, national and international level to educate, empower and enable opportunities for women and girls.

Bolivian Charity Foundation

Proyecto Horizonte is changing lives through education, healthcare, and community development. Our programs will ensure the reduction in illness and infant mortality, improve education levels and the personal development of youth, providing better economic and social opportunities for this generation and, as our programs will be self-sustaining, the impact will be for many generations to come. We have already succeeded in handing over the daycare center and the school we built to the community; both institutions are now self-sustainable.

Latisha's House Foundation

The Latisha's House Foundation has a unique place in our community. It provides a safe, residential home for young women who are victims of human sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. Our overriding goal is to rescue these young survivors and restore their shattered lives to wholeness by providing:Long term housingEducational supportAssistance in recovery from substance abuseTrauma based counselingMedical interventionStructure, guidance, life-skills and job training In conjunction with more than 25 community partners, Latisha's House is committed to increasing the opportunities for these young victims to holistically build new lives with dignity, purpose, value, independence and free choice.Our second, but equally important, goal is to educate the public and our legislative leaders about the realities of human sex trafficking at all levels: local, state and national. (According to the F.B.I. this is one of the most lucrative and fastest growing crimes in our nation. It is NOT ""victimless"". It is pervasive at every level.)

Aschiana Foundation

Aschiana Foundation invests in the education and well-being of vulnerable children in Afghanistan to give them hope for a brighter future and to contribute to lasting peace and security for the nation. We provide education, meals, medical care, and vocational training to working street children through Aschiana in Afghanistan. Our Foundation provides the necessary financial support to enable the life impacting programs in Afghanistan.

Social Squared Ventures Inc.

No one will die of an illness because (s)he couldn't afford the medical treatment. No one will be denied school or college education because (s)he couldn't pay the fees. No one will remain unemployed because (s)he couldn't afford to hone a skill and earn a livelihood. No one's financial capacity will hold him/her back if (s)he wants to give. At, India's largest online crowdfunding or fundraising platform, we believe that every social cause deserves a chance to succeed. We help people to raise funds for NGOs, for themselves and/or help others in need.

ORBmedia Inc.

Orb Media is a nonprofit journalism organization dedicated to telling stories that matter to billions of people around the globe. Fusing original research and data analysis, on-the-ground multi-country reporting, and social journalism - turning the public into a reporting resource - Orb Media examines systemic issues that cross national and cultural divides. We publish in partnership worldwide with agenda-setting media to catalyze global public dialogue to generate constructive change. Orb is fully digital and we deliver incisive and compelling stories in multiple formats and languages, making them accessible to anyone with a cell phone, tablet or computer.

Unsilenced Voices

Our goal is to rehabilitate Victims of domestic violence and spread awareness to create sustainable change surrounding this epidemic in communities around the globe. Unsilenced Voices was specifically formed to open up the conversation about Domestic Violence. Through speaking nationally and internationally about domestic abuse and sexual defilement, we hope to inspire survivors to speak on their own accounts. We are building shelters in Ghana and Sierra Leone, where we hope to give strength to the numerous women and children fleeing domestic violence in those countries. We are working in both countries with our partners on sensitization programs, comprehensive trainings and counseling for community members and victims of domestic violence.

Bridge of Hope NGO for the protection of the rights of children and youth with disabilities

Bridge of Hope NGO is strong local non-governmental organisation, with an effective management and well established financial system, material resources and technical expertise in the field of disability and human rights. The NGO is recognized by national and local authorities and civil society partners in Armenia as the local initiator of inclusive education in the country and an NGO committed to the rights of children with disabilities to equal opportunities in education and community life. Bridge of Hope" (BOH) Armenian NGO is founded in 1996 by parents of children with disabilities and committed individuals from the field of health, education and social protection. Since then BOH has been promoting the disability as human rights issue and promotes the social inclusion of children and youth with disabilities so that their basic human rights are respected and implemented, they are able to make decisions on issues affecting their lives, live independently and with dignity and as active citizens participate equally in all community affairs. BOH programs are developed based on human rights and inclusive approaches for all children and youth including those with disabilities and with other forms of vulnerability. Thus, the organization's development work has influenced paradigm shift in existing approaches to disability issues in Armenia towards the reinforcement of social model of disability in Armenia. BOH has got strong cooperation with Local and National Governments, international organizations and civil society networks for promoting inclusive education and disability rights in Armenia. Since 1999 BoH projects have been focused on promoting inclusive policies, services and education to enhance equal protection and respect towards the rights, potential and dignity of all children who face exclusion, isolation and neglect because of disability and vulnerable social background. More than 25 different projects are realized since that time with financial support of many international organizations in collaboration with governmental and nongovernmental institutions. All the projects have had impact on education and social protection policies in Armenia. Due to this successful advocacy and cross-sectorial cooperation, inclusive education became a reality in Armenia. The development of inclusive education in has become a state policy and the government is committed to further the sustainable development of inclusion and equity in its education policies and the development agenda. For the contribution in development of inclusive education in Armenia, NGO "Bridge of Hope" has been awarded the Highest Award of the Ministry of Education of Armenia - Gold Medal. In 2014 "Bridge of Hope" became the winner of UNESCO Emir Jaber al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah International Prize 2013 to Promote Quality Inclusive Education for Persons with Disabilities (also please visit BOH community based services is another direction of its development work directed to creation of equal access for children and youth with disabilities to community life and independent living. In between 2001-2004 BOH has opened 5 centers for "Child Development and social inclusion" in Yerevan and 4 regional centers of Tavush Marz - Dilijan, Ijevan, Berd and Noyemebryan. These centers have become doorways from exclusion to inclusion for hundreds of young children and youth with disabilities and their families. The municipalities of Dilijan, Ijevan, Berd and Noyemebryan have provided these centers big buildings free of charge and cover 15% of running costs of the centers through the community budgets. Every year BOH raises funds from different national and international donors to keep the centers functioning and serving to more than 500 children and youth with disables and their families. Up to date about 1200 children and youth with disabilities (with physical, hearing and visual, intellectual, mental, behavioral and emotional problems) benefitted from BOH inclusive services, many of them have become a productive and active adolescents and youth leading independent and dignified lives. "Bridge of Hope" NGO is member of European Association of Service Providers for People with Disabilities (EASPD): , and Inclusion International:

Asset-Based Community Development with Equity Foundation

Asset-Based Community Development with Equity Foundation (ABCDE Foundation) believes In "empowering local communities" so that they are able to contribute fully to the life of the community and live dignified lives." The ABCDE Foundation's work is focused specifically on the poorest of the poor as the main object and subject of development. We assist the marginalized poor such as farmers, fishermen, rural workers and out-of-school-youth to attain better quality of life through relevant programs and projects. We help provide training and research on the sustainable management and conservation of the environment and natural resources for and by LGUs, people's organizations, other NGO's and national government agencies. We showcase and demonstrate best management practices on local social mobilization, low external input agriculture and the promotion of resource-based livelihoods. We link with donors and partners in order to effectively run its programs and projects.