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Gruppo Aleimar is a non-profit voluntary organization that deals with children and families in need both in Italy and abroad, through the Distance Support, projects of development and awareness-raising and human development activities on the Italian territory. The main areas of our development projects are: 1. Education: taking charge of children in family (natural or adoptive), in foster homes and shelters, schooling and vocational training. 2. Health and hygiene awareness: support to clinics and / or hospitals, funding of surgical operations, seminars for young mothers. 3. Women promotion: start-up of agriculture and livestock, creation of production cooperatives, micro-credit financing. 4. Rural villages' development: water well, kindergarten, solar energy for light and water pumps. 5. Women' refuge and social housing for families in temporary need. The Aleimar Group is active today in 12 countries (Benin, Brazil, Colombia, D.R. Congo, Eritrea, India, Italy, Malawi, Palestine, Kenya, Lebanon, Zambia) with more than 50 projects and takes care directly of 600 children (what we call distance support) and, indirectly, of other 2,500 children that we follow within our projects. The Group comprises Aleimar for overseas project; Tuendelee for Italian projects and Prema, a cooperative for mentally disabled youth. The Group hires five people and relays on the voluntary service of 140 people. Its annual turnover is abt.1,2 million euro and overhead cost is less than 10%. Its balance sheet is checked and approved by internal auditors. We have been granted a seal of quality "Donare con fiducia" by the Istituto Italiano Donazione. Its web sites are: and In 30 years of activity the Group has helped more than 10.000 children/families, has built more than 100 foster homes, orphanages, schools and water wells.

Child Rescue Kenya

CRK mission is to assist children in need while developing communities to better care for their own children. Our vision is a world where children enjoy all their rights, especially the right to be a child BACKGROUND INFORMATION. Child Rescue Kenya is an organization operating in Trans-Nzoia County in Kenya. The Organization assists vulnerable children and families through integrated development initiatives.CRK facilitates the rehabilitation of street children, and other abused or neglected children, by encouraging close links between community -child, project-child, and project - community. Multifaceted activities combine child rehabilitation centers with community development initiatives such as: a. Community Health clinics - both preventive and curative services. b. Training in home based income generating activities. c. Sports facilities in identifying and nurturing talents among the youths. d. Advocacy campaigns on Family health and HIV/AIDS, children rights, domestic violence and substance abuse among the youths. e. Bio- intensive farming activities targeting vulnerable families. f. Vocational training and formation of associations for youths. Vision, A society where children are enjoying their basic rights and leading a dignified life. Mission. To assist children in need while achieving positive change through initiatives that empower families and respect for children rights. Our Objectives are as stated here below;1.Child Rescue and Support. The strategic holistic approach emphasizes on improved child welfare under the projects through well coordinated interventions. The strategic objectives and strategies under this pillar are; 1. Continued Rescue and Support of vulnerable and unaccompanied Children. These strategies ensures that rescued children access basic necessities. Provision of shelter and meals. Clothing and toiletries. Psycho-social support and Counseling. Medication both preventive and curative Sports and recreation. Remedial education. 2. Increased Early Street Interventions. These aims at curbing the influx of children on the streets. Daily identification of new street arrivals. Referral to Child Protection Unit at the police and local administrators. 3. Increased advocacy on child rights. We hope to see a reduction on child abuse cases and advocate respect for children's rights. Carrying out advocacy campaigns Attending network meeting Holding sensitization workshops. Children's participation in awareness creation. 4. Increased access to education. These strategies will enable children to access education at Primary and Secondary schools. Enhance early childhood education through enrolment in public schools. Provision of school requirements and levies. Refurbish libraries for remedial studies at all project centres. 2. YOUTH EMPOWERMENT. Through this pillar CRK seeks to empower youth; those living and working on the streets and those in the slums, through formation of self -help groups or associations, facilitation to vocational training and formal education to improve their livelihoods. 1 Increased access to formal and non formal education and training. Support youth for enrolment in public schools and vocational training. Peer to peer counseling on abuse of drugs. Support the youth to form self help groups / associations. Nurturing of talents through sports. Health education on HIV/AIDS, STIs and testing. Capacity building on enterprise development. 2 Youths engaged in micro businesses. Support trained youth with business start up kits. Routinely monitor the progress of the started ventures. Encourage and assist the youth to get national identity cards for opening bank accounts. Link the supported youth to government development funds e.g youth fund. 3 FAMILY SUPPORT. Through this pillar CRK works with families to build therapeutic relationships, addressing issues affecting children at home, helping families initiate income generating activities and practice bio-intensive agriculture for those with small farms to improve their food security. 3.1. Enhanced family relationships. Routine family visits. Counseling families. Conducting advocacy campaigns on domestic violence Educate families on HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. Provision of subsidized medical services Referral linkages for support. 3.2. Improved household incomes. Identify vulnerable families to support (with a child or children). Training on micro - business initiatives and marketing. Support the trained beneficiaries with business start up kits. Routine business progress monitoring 3.3. Improved food production through organic farming. Identify and train families on organic farming. Provision of start up farm inputs Setting up demonstration plots as resource centres. Sensitizing and training on environmental conservation. Organizing exposure tours as learning tools. Promote proper soil management practices through modern farming methods. 4. ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT. This objective endevours to make CRK a strong and effective organization delivering its mandate within its core areas of operation. This will be achieved through: .4.1. Strong and effective organization delivering its mandate. Enhance staff motivation and performance Review the Human Resources Policies and Procedures. Management team at the Head office to enforce and implement the policies. Development of Contingency and disaster plans. Recruit professional staff for core functions such as Human Resource and Resource Mobilization. Strengthen and sustain policy on HIV/AIDS. Staff Capacity building in relevant project areas. Board development and policy formulation. Redefine roles and responsibilities of staff to enhance performance. 4.2. Improved record keeping. Put in place a back up system for all organization documents. Routine information dissemination to staff and partners. 4.3. Increased Resource Mobilization. Diversify proposals seeking for funding. Put in place a donor profiling system both locally and internationally. Engage in consultancy services. Initiate income generating activities Develop partnerships. Set up a resource mobilization team (staff members). 4.4. Improved service delivery in project areas. Adequate funds for administration and project coordination. Routine monitoring and evaluation of projects. Encourage transparency and accountability in the management of resources. Continuous documentation and reporting of progress. Routine reviewing of targets and objectives. Staff appraisals to ascertain performance. Procure a vehicle for project use in the rural terrain.

Melel Xojobal A.C.

Melel Xojobal is a children's rights organization based in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. Our mission is to promote and defend the rights of indigenous children and young people through participatory educational programs that improve their quality of life. At Melel Xojobal we work in a participatory manner to promote the strengthening of indigenous cultural identity, to defend human rights, to strengthen personal and cultural dignity, to ensure that justice and liberty are respected, and that the participation of all is ensured regardless of race, gender, creed, religious affiliation or ideology. We believe that education is a fundamental means by which people exercise self-determination and become the authors of their own history. Melel Xojobal's specific objectives are: 1. To implement participatory educational programmes with indigenous girls, boys, and young people to promote and defend their rights to health, education, protection from mistreatment, to regulated conditions of work, association and expression. 2. To generate through ongoing research a better understanding of child welfare, human rights and education in an urban context. 3. To inform and educate the Mexican public about the human rights of indigenous girls, boys, and young people of Chiapas. 4. To exchange and share ideas and experiences from a human rights perspective which relate to indigenous infant, childhood, and adolescent education among organizations on a national and international level. All of our work is guided by the aim of protecting and promoting five human rights established by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Rights to health, to education, to protection against all forms of mistreatment, to work, and to freedom of expression and association). Our work responds to the situation of indigenous peoples in Mexico, who account for around 10% of the population, and continue to live in conditions that marginalise them socially, economically and politically and which push them to the edge of society. To provide an indication of the need for our work: according to government statistices, in the city we work in, in 2010 61% of the population had no formal right to medical services; 24% of the population aged 3-18 did not attend school. In 2010 we formally counted 2,481 child workers in the city. In 2005 in Chiapas as a whole, 71% of the population under 14 lived in municipalities classified as being at high or extreme risk of malnutrition; in some municipalities infant mortality rates 75 in a 1000, on a par with several countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

Feed the World

Feed The World's mission is to empower poor smallholder farm families to feed themselves and provide for the future through sustainable farming. Guiding Principles - Seeds of Dignity and Hope are planted in the hearts of our smallholder farm families as they work together to provide for themselves and build a better future. Transparency & Accountability means that we will do exactly what we promise to do in the communities we serve and that we will be open and honest with our donors in communicating how funds are being used. Lasting Self Reliance is achieved as families obtain sufficient knowledge and education, manage resources wisely, and prepare for the future so that they will continue to thrive after our support ends. Sustainable Farming is practiced by smallholder farm families as they plan, plant, and harvest food for themselves and their livestock, while building human capacity to recognize and enhance the efficient use of their natural resources. Nutrition & Income are the core benefits to smallholder farm families as they grow and produce foodstuffs that provide for a nutritionally balanced diet on an economically sustainable basis. Scientifically Proven Methodology guides the implementation of agricultural best practices with our smallholder farm families and on our demonstration farms. We also support further scientific research through partnerships with universities, governments, and other non-governmental organizations (NGO's). Mutual Respect is the goal of our in-country agronomists, nutritionists, and animal scientists as they interact with smallholder farm families, seeking to understand the "why" behind traditional practices, and always exploring new possibilities. Training & Education in sustainable farming, nutrition, food preparation, and hygiene are key to ensuring that lasting self reliance is achieved by smallholder farm families. Honoring Culture means that our programs work within the local cultural framework to empower and educate smallholder farm families without imposing an outside culture on them. Family Focus involves both women and men in all aspects of decision making, training, and education; and keeps children and parents united and working together on their land. Feeding the Spirit means that while Feed the World does not identify itself with one particular religion or belief system, we honor the spirituality of all human beings and serve all program participants irrespective of their beliefs or social station. Pay It Forward means that we expect our smallholder farm families to pass on their seeds, stock, and knowledge to other families in need once they have successfully provided for themselves.

Lawyers for Justice in Libya

LFJL is a non-governmental organisation and charity, incorporated for the public benefit in order to defend and promote human rights in Libya. LFJL was established in response to the 17 February 2011 uprising in Libya. We exist, work for, and are passionate about the promotion of justice, human rights, and democracy in Libya. We seek to promote and nurture the legal profession and civil society in Libya. LFJL's growing team works between Tripoli and London. We speak seven languages, are qualified in seven jurisdictions, and are graduates from the University of Oxford, the Sorbonne, the School of Oriental and African Studies and Stanford University. Our team has expertise in international human rights law; the law of armed conflict and humanitarian law; international criminal law and tribunals; international arbitration; transitional justice; finance law; and oil, gas and environmental law. We maintain a growing network of talented Libyan lawyers and activists, currently in excess of 70 individuals and organisations, who work on the ground across all regions in Libya. We also work closely with the Coalition of Libyan Human Rights Organisations (the Coalition), which we brought together in order to share knowledge and engage in joint international advocacy activities. Together we were the first Libyan civil society organisations to participate in Libya's Universal Periodic Review at the UN Human Rights Council. We regularly work with national, regional and international stakeholders, including the International Criminal Court; the International Committee of the Red Cross; the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; the United Nations Support Mission in Libya; REDRESS; Amnesty International; Article 19; Human Rights Watch; and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH). Our core values are independence and integrity and we strive for excellence in all areas of our work. We conduct our activities with compassion and understanding, seeing the survivors of human rights abuses that we work with as individuals, not causes. We advocate our positions with independence from interference which would otherwise prejudice our core values and our credibility. Our programmes are: Transitional Justice LFJL's Transitional Justice Programme seeks to carry out activities that ensure that victims of human rights abuses realise their right to know the truth, see those responsible held to account, and receive adequate reparations. It is based on the understanding that without these rights of victims to truth, accountability and redress being achieved, peaceful coexistence between communities in Libya will be unable to take root. The Transitional Justice Programme works with actors in Libya to document a broad range of human rights violations, including human rights abuses that took place during the 2011 uprising and the ongoing human rights violations against migrants. The programme ensures that these documents are stored securely so that they may be used as evidence in future truth, reconciliation and accountability efforts. The programme also seeks to create space for discussions and debates not currently being had regarding transitional justice issues such as those related to the right to reconciliation of communities perceived as being 'against' the uprising who are currently severely marginalised. We also advocate for the implementation of laws and policies that support a transitional justice mechanism that is objective, nonpolitical and inclusive of all groups and communities in Libya. Legal Reform Key aspects of Libya's legal system need urgent reform to ensure conformity with international human rights standards. Laws that threaten human rights including the right to non-discrimination, freedom from torture and ill-treatment, freedom of expression and the right to a fair trial remain in place. Laws issued since 2011 have frequently failed to provide adequate protection for prevalent human rights concerns. The Legal Reform Programme addresses such weaknesses and gaps in Libyan law by supporting in-depth research and analysis of Libya's legal system in order to promote compliance with international human rights standards. It aims to raise awareness of legal issues currently affecting human rights in Libya and works to effect change to draft legislation dealing with human rights concerns. The programme also works to ensure that Libya has ratified key international human rights treaties and implemented them at the domestic level. Strategic Litigation Litigation is one of the key ways that LFJL is able to use its legal expertise to assist those who have suffered human rights violations, and in doing so seeks to prevent such violations occurring again in the future by bringing an end to the current climate of impunity. Litigation can provide avenues for redress, rehabilitation and reparations for survivors of human rights abuses and hold those responsible to account. LFJL uses litigation to pursue significant changes to the law, policy and public opinion, so that stronger human rights protections will become established in Libya. The Strategic Litigation Programme works with lawyers from across Libya to document, monitor and report on violations and abuses among them are against migrants, internally displaced persons, minorities and on the basis of gender. LFJL also assists them in undertaking their own domestic, regional and international human rights litigation. As the judiciary in Libya currently faces challenges and severe restrictions to its ability to consider human rights cases, the programme seeks to challenge impunity for rights violations through international human rights mechanisms. LFJL has built cases to litigate before regional and international mechanisms. LFJL has brought cases to the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights related to torture and ill-treatment and to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. LFJL's litigation activities also aim to support the International Criminal Court's investigations, with a current focus on abuses against migrants in Libya. While building a case, LFJL provides legal support and referrals to other services such as health services to survivors suffering from physical and mental harm. Advocacy The Advocacy Programme works to ensure that core human rights concerns are a priority consideration during the decision making processes of domestic, regional and international institutions. Without such engagement there is a risk that temporary solutions to systemic problems devalue human rights and undermine much needed efforts towards accountability for violations. LFJL currently advocates in key capitals around the world and before the UN Human Rights Council, the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights and the Assembly of State Parties to the International Criminal Court to inform activities and mandates related to Libya. As well as undertaking its own advocacy, the Advocacy Programme empowers national NGOs so that they may also engage in such forums and pursue joint advocacy targets. Under this programme, LFJL brought together and trained Libya's first human rights coalition to carry out advocacy at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Human Rights Education The Human Rights Education Programme addresses the lack of public awareness of human rights principles and the value they offer. It also attempts to tackle key issues that are linked to the widespread culture of accepting human rights violations including torture and ill-treatment and discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity and gender at the societal level. In addition to engaging the public on human rights issues, the Human Rights Education Programme seeks to develop the skillset of Libya's activists and lawyers currently collaborating with LFJL's programmes through high level training events including on documentation, monitoring and reporting. To date, LFJL has trained over 150 lawyers, activists, journalists, judges and medical professionals that are actively engaged in advancing human rights. The programmes also seeks to engender the next generation of human rights activists by actively engaging Libya's youth in discussions and capacity building concerning the importance of human rights, notably through launching a summer school and by developing a national human rights curriculum to be implemented across Libya's schools.

Kenya Keys

Kenya Keys unlocks the potential of students in impoverished Kenyan communities, raising awareness and bridging cultures to provide education, mentorship, leadership development and girl empowerment opportunities. In the rural Kinango District of Kenya there are many obstacles to education, but there is one organization working hard to remove those barriers for as many young Kenyans as possible. That group is Kenya Keys and its purpose is to unlock the enormous potential of young people in Kenya. Kenya Keys is a vibrant demonstration that one person really can make a big difference. In June 2005, Rinda Hayes and her daughter traveled to the remote village of Bahakwenu in the impoverished Kinango District in Kenya. Rinda was stunned by the extreme poverty she found in Bahakwenu. She was also inspired by the tenacity of the children in the village, who longed to get an education. She had never observed such a single-minded desire to learn. Perhaps no Kenyan impressed Rinda more than Joseph Mwengea, the Headmaster of Bahakwenu Primary School. Joseph is an intelligent and driven man and a determined advocate for his students. As he and Rinda met together during her first visit to his village, he pleaded with her to help him help the students of Bahakwenu. He watched bright and capable students leave primary school with little or no hope of attending secondary school due to their inability to pay the required fees. After her visit, Rinda was determined to share her stories of this community and the people who had so impressed her with her friends in the United States. She believed she could find caring American individuals and families that would be able to provide financial support for top Kenyan students, enabling these students to complete a secondary education. The Kenya Keys sponsorship program began with 14 students. Five years later it became the nonprofit organization of Kenya Keys. Kenya Keys has supported hundreds of students - to secondary school and now into college and university. And that's not all. Kenya Keys' work has expanded to include multiple worthwhile related programs. Kenya Keys works with local communities to improve educational infrastructure and resources, such as libraries, dormitories, classrooms, desks, and more. The Kenya Keys Boards of Directors (one in the U.S. and one in Kenya) also provide financial and other support to grassroots organizations run by local Kenyan community leaders and councils. Each of these components of Kenya Keys' efforts in rural Kenya is described more fully in the following section. Everything Kenya Keys does is guided by its founding principles: First, education is the primary key to unlocking potential, both for the individual and for the community. Second, cultural awareness and exchange is vital and enriching for all participants. We live in an increasingly connected world, and exposure to new cultures and ideas is key to creating understanding and appreciation for one's own culture and for the cultures of others. Third, opportunities, not handouts, are what make a lasting difference. There should be no giving of things that run out or wear out. Giving such things only increases dependency, invites discontent, and isolates the givers from the receivers. Instead, giving should empower the receiver and provide an enduring benefit. Fourth: volunteerism is fundamental to the success of an organization. Nonprofit groups run by volunteers remain strong and dynamic. Volunteerism also connects global citizens in a meaningful way. Fifth, education provides the best defense against the ranges of poverty and hopelessness, and is the greatest catalyst for change and growth. Sixth, all critical decisions should be made by local leaders and councils. Local leaders and community members know their own needs and circumstances far better than any outsider, however well-intentioned. Allowing local people to make key decisions gives them vital ownership and accountability. It also provides the opportunity for these individuals to develop crucial leadership skills. Kenyans will always find the best solutions to the deep-seated challenges in their communities. Finally, education and the development of leadership skills in today's youth is critical to building the future leaders of Kenya.

Mavi Kalem Association

Mavi Kalem was formed at the aftermath of the 1999 earthquake, and founded in 2000, to respond the needs of the earthquake affected and migrated communities in particular of the disadvantageous groups of women and children in health and education. Since then, it has been implementing projects mainly assisting women and children since its establishment. Projects involving the empowerment, skill development, health services and information sharing have been implemented throughout 2000-2002 in Düzce area, mainly assisting women and children after the earthquake. Since 2002, Mavi Kalem has been implementing projects and activities concerning; educational support, awareness raising on health standards, awareness raising on domestic violence, psychological support, consultancy on health and legal issues for both local and migrated women and children in Fener/ Balat district in Fatih, Istanbul, addressing the needs of children, women and girls of the local community migrated from all regions of Turkey and since 2014 the Syrian children and women in Fener-Balat were included in its beneficiary group. Activities such as Turkish language courses, socialization activities with local population, help in admissions to schools and other official and administrative actions, and psychological support were provided to Syrian children and women. Mavi Kalem has worked toward the Syrian refugee influx related issues since 2011, by conducting needs assessments and gap analysis in Hatay, Gaziantep and Sanliurfa without-camp populations. Also on the national and international level; women' rights and health rights, children's rights, wide spreading of minimum standards in humanitarian aid, youth exchange programs are included in Mavi Kalem's actions. Dissemination and advocacy for humanitarian assistance standards and principles in disasters, emergencies and migration situations is one of Mavi Kalem's work areas. Since 2001 it has been part of Sphere Project, since 2009 INEE Workgroups and for 2 years now part of CHS Alliance. MAVİ KALEM has held the adaptation of Sphere handbook in Turkish successfully and been in cooperation with Ministry of Health, TRC, municipality health departments for its wide spreading, and implementing training programs. Similarly INEE and CHS basic humanitarian aid principal books have been adapted to Turkish and disseminated at national level by Mavi Kalem. It is one of the founding members of SITAP (Civil Society Disaster Platform, national). Mavi Kalem has organized Women in Disasters and Emergencies Workshop hosting women experts, academics, experienced NGO field workers from humanitarian organizations, NGOs, and women right based organizations in 2016. Gender specific issues, needs, and rights in emergency settings were discussed; field experiences and suggestions for improvement were exchanged toward strengthening and mainstreaming the gender perspective in disaster and emergency response. Mavi Kalem, has also delivered its services and expertise to disaster and emergency or poverty affected locations other than its primary implementation area through partnership with other local organizations, in other districts of Istanbul and other provinces such as during the Van earthquake response. Overall organizational strength and capacity lies within the Mavi Kalem's 17 years of implementation experience with focus on public health and education, disaster, emergency and migration specialization, advocacy of women and girls health rights, mainstreaming gender equality perspective in its implementation, developing and designing projects and programs based on the needs and participation and feedback mechanisms of its beneficiaries, volunteers, and supporters, measuring quality and monitoring and evaluation of impact in action rather than quantity focus, integrity and commitment of Mavi Kalem, at all levels to organization's policies in regards to work ethics, preceding women and girls, and children protection, non-discriminatory approach, preservation of confidentiality and respect for dignity, transparency and accountability, anti-fraud and corruption. Since its foundation Mavi Kalem has been working with international donors and experienced in project budget management, and reporting accordingly. Mavi Kalem's administrative and financial system and its management are executed as per Turkey's finance law and associations' law and regulations. Grant agreements, contracts and partnership agreements are also reflected in its implementation and management. Annually Mavi Kalem goes through financial and administrative auditing of relevant governmental body and also independent financial auditing. Mavi Kalem prioritizes gender equality in the implementation and decision making steps of projects and decides and acts with accountability, transparency, participation and approaches differences equal as principal. Mavi Kalem, being a non-profit civil society organization for which 97% of employees are women, applies positive discrimination to women when recruiting, selecting and determining beneficiaries and target groups to promote gender equality. To eliminate social discrimination during stages of project content, project design and project implementation, working with women is prioritized in determination of the project team and selection of financial experts procured from the affiliated participant organization. In addition to being sensitive to gender discrimination in works and studies, Mavi Kalem acts responsibly and is in favor of vulnerable groups avoiding discirimination based on ethnicity, political views, religious beliefs, sexual identity and race in terms of target groups, beneficiaries and employees. Mavi Kalem does not define itself in politic, religious or ethnical personalities. Freedom, human rights, democratic rights, health rights, public gender equality, women rights, LGBT rights, children's rights and prevention of discrimination are supported. ) In addition to all, Mavi Kalem has started a process of institutionalization at 2015 to improve on its experience in project development and implementation it has built last 18 years and aims to develop and improve its policies based on its long experience.

Center for Health & Learning

Our Vision: To serve as the nation's catalyst, inspiring optimal health for all. Our Mission: To build a foundation for healthy communities, through educational resources, professional development and practice improvement, research, policy development, evaluation, and consult. Our Guiding Principles: *Equity and Access *Evidence and Outcomes-based Practice *Innovation *Collaboration *Community-oriented Our Goals & Activities In our endeavor to achieve systemic and sustainable change through education, policy and environmental strategies, we: *Offer regional trainings and technical assistance through grant funding from federal, state and private agencies *Provide site-based trainings and technical assistance on request from school districts and community organizations *Develop online programs, student learning modules and curricula *Assist with professional licensure, CEU and graduate-level credit *Create strategic partnerships with other non-profit organizations and school systems CHL is an outgrowth of an initiative by the Center for Disease Control's Division of Adolescent and School Health to build local capacity for school and community health promotion through training centers that foster and deliver high-quality professional development and practice improvement initiatives. We have substantial experience designing and delivering projects, conferences and professional development opportunities. From instruction and technical assistance to research and report writing, curricula creation and evaluation resources, CHL has served over 20,000 professionals and community members, delivered services for more than 100 projects and developed and promoted numerous local and statewide comprehensive and coordinated strategic health initiatives. CHL has the following current programs and projects: 1. Suicide Prevention- * CHL supports state-wide suicide prevention efforts through the Vermont Suicide Prevention Center, a public/private partnership which seeks to foster a sustainable approach to suicide prevention in Vermont. *CHL manages the VT Suicide Prevention Coalition consisting of representatives from public health, education, state agencies, advocacy groups, youth, mental health services, and survivors. *CHL manages, develops and oversees state-wide suicide prevention trainings including Gatekeeper Training, a Zero Suicide Practice Institute and the Collaborative Assessment for the Management of Suicidality (CAMS) trainings; *CHL coordinates the VT Gun Shop Project in collaboration with the VT Department of Mental Health. *CHL implements the Zero Suicide approach in Vermont and coordinates Zero Suicide Pilot Projects. *CHL and the VT Suicide Prevention Center coordinate the annual Vermont Suicide Prevention Symposium, a cross-agency statewide event that brings together professionals across all sectors for a day of learning from national experts on critical topics and skills in suicide prevention, treatment, and recovery. 2. Prevention Training and Workforce Development - CHL coordinates and implements Substance Abuse Disorder prevention trainings and workforce development activities for the Vermont Department of Health/Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs for Regional Prevention Partnership professional staff. 3. Annual Symposia and Conferences: In addition to the Suicide Prevention Symposium, our cornerstone event, CHL assists with the coordination of annual Symposia and Conferences for various partners including the following events: o 4th Annual College Symposium on Substance Use o Community Solutions to the Opiate Issues Facing Vermonters for the VT Department of Health o Substance Abuse Workforce Development Conference for the VT Department of Health. 4. CHL Proprietary and Fee for Service: CHL has several proprietary programs developed and implemented by the organization: *Umatter Suicide Prevention for Schools and Umatter for Staff and Family Awareness -CHL developed this best practice training for school and community settings. *Umatter for Youth and Young Adults Mental Health Wellness Promotion and Community Action--CHL is moving the focus on mental health "upstream" from intervention and crisis to promotion and prevention (self-care, coping and communication skills, etc.). *Community / School District Trainings--CHL provides professional development, technical assistance and support for the implementation of coordinated approaches to school health, and conducts training on mental health, suicide prevention and alcohol, tobacco, sexual health and other critical health topics. *Family Engagement- CHL is building an initiative to promote effective practices for Family Engagement - an emerging interest across sectors

Africa Schoolhouse

Africa Schoolhouse (ASH) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing quality education, medical care, job training and clean water to rural villages in Northern Tanzania. In order to achieve these goals, ASH works in partnership with communities and the local government to build desperately needed schools, deep wells and medical clinics, creating an environment that enables residents to live full, productive and healthy lives. ASH was founded in 2006 after village elders from Ntyula, Tanzania approached founder Dr. Aimee Bessire with the idea of building a school for their children and a medical clinic for the entire community. Dr. Bessire, who has a decades long relationship with the people of Ntulya, was determined to take action. Within six months, the Africa Schoolhouse board was assembled. ASH broke ground on its first project, the Ntulya Primary School and campus, in July 2008 and completed construction in 2010. President of Tanzania, Jakaya Kikwete, personally inaugurated the new school and declared it a model for all rural schools in the country. The villagers talked about how proud they were that the President came to visit the school they had helped to build. Following the request of the Ntulya elders, the organization completed a modern medical clinic the following year, which now serves approximately 4,500 people. ASH continued working with local communities in the region to identify need and completed the renovation of Mwaniko Secondary School and Shilanona Primary School in 2012 and 2014. Improvements at these locations included building a bio-chemistry lab and the installation of the first solar-powered computer lab in Misungwi District. ASH also trained a local work-force to help with the construction and continued maintenance of these projects. ASH's newest project is to construct an all-girls boarding school-the first in Misungwi District. This exemplary school will provide space for 360 girls in Forms 1-4, with the possibility to expand the campus and add another 80 girls in Forms 5-6 as needed in later years. Currently only 1% of Tanzanian girls complete secondary school education. They face a wide range of obstacles to their education, including everything from families who privilege the education of sons over daughters, to girls being married off at young ages, and unsafe journeys to school. One of the largest issues faced by girls is finding a safe place to live while pursuing their education. In this rural area, many girls travel long distances to reach school. Safe passage to and from school is a critical issue. We want to provide a safe living situation for young women to delight in their education. ASH is partnering with Misungwi District to build a much-needed safe haven for girls, empowering them through education to grow into strong, healthy women. In addition to a standard academic curriculum, the school will also promote leadership, entrepreneurship, social justice and care for the environment. The school will create an essential safe space where young women can successfully complete their studies and grow into empowered, independent adults. As with our other projects ASH is collaborating with the local communities, school committee, and Tanzanian government. We are building this school at the request of the local community, who identified this as their greatest need. The school will be staffed and run by the District once completed. The District has selected Florencia Ndabashe to be the school's head teacher. Ndabashe currently leads a co-ed secondary school in Misungwi and brings great energy to her work. She will be a strong leader for the girls school, inspiring her fellow teachers and serving as an excellent role model for young women.

Domestic Violence Services Of Snohomish County

Domestic Violence Services is dedicated to ending domestic abuse by providing a wide range of services for victims, including their children, and by facilitating social change.

The Solidarity Project

The Solidarity Project supports Honduran leaders who create positive social change for their communities and cultivates transnational partnerships built on trust, equality, and solidarity.

Hope and Dreams Initiative

Is to provide a platform for maximum expression of youthful creativity and harnessing of the rich potentials of young adults for the promotion of positive social changes and transformation towards sustainable growth and genuine development.