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To establish model medical facilities in order to alleviate the sufferings of poor and resource less patients and provide them quality medical care. To help the humanity in distress at times of natural calamities like Earth Quakes, Accidents, IDPs crisis and so forth. To conduct training programmes for Community Health Workers in collaboration with other community based organizations and donor agencies. To create awareness among the general public for improvement of their health through health education. To help deserving and talented students and provide financial support to widows and poor families who cannot afford treatment on their own. To achieve simple treatment goals through cost effective local medicines including Herbs and Folk Home Remedies designed to cure as many patients as possible with few side effects. To provide best possible treatment to the poor and needy patients through qualified and specialist doctors. To develop a Health Education Programme designed to improve the quality of life through preventative measures. To conduct training programmes for Community Health Workers in collaboration with other community based organizations and donor agencies. To establish a Centre of Excellence for the treatment of Tuberculosis (in line with WHOs, DOT programme), Hepatitis-C and other Infectious Diseases. To provide immediate relief in case of natural disasters and calamities and also to take active part in rehabilitation of the affected population.

Lawyers for Justice in Libya

LFJL is a non-governmental organisation and charity, incorporated for the public benefit in order to defend and promote human rights in Libya. LFJL was established in response to the 17 February 2011 uprising in Libya. We exist, work for, and are passionate about the promotion of justice, human rights, and democracy in Libya. We seek to promote and nurture the legal profession and civil society in Libya. LFJL's growing team works between Tripoli and London. We speak seven languages, are qualified in seven jurisdictions, and are graduates from the University of Oxford, the Sorbonne, the School of Oriental and African Studies and Stanford University. Our team has expertise in international human rights law; the law of armed conflict and humanitarian law; international criminal law and tribunals; international arbitration; transitional justice; finance law; and oil, gas and environmental law. We maintain a growing network of talented Libyan lawyers and activists, currently in excess of 70 individuals and organisations, who work on the ground across all regions in Libya. We also work closely with the Coalition of Libyan Human Rights Organisations (the Coalition), which we brought together in order to share knowledge and engage in joint international advocacy activities. Together we were the first Libyan civil society organisations to participate in Libya's Universal Periodic Review at the UN Human Rights Council. We regularly work with national, regional and international stakeholders, including the International Criminal Court; the International Committee of the Red Cross; the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; the United Nations Support Mission in Libya; REDRESS; Amnesty International; Article 19; Human Rights Watch; and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH). Our core values are independence and integrity and we strive for excellence in all areas of our work. We conduct our activities with compassion and understanding, seeing the survivors of human rights abuses that we work with as individuals, not causes. We advocate our positions with independence from interference which would otherwise prejudice our core values and our credibility. Our programmes are: Transitional Justice LFJL's Transitional Justice Programme seeks to carry out activities that ensure that victims of human rights abuses realise their right to know the truth, see those responsible held to account, and receive adequate reparations. It is based on the understanding that without these rights of victims to truth, accountability and redress being achieved, peaceful coexistence between communities in Libya will be unable to take root. The Transitional Justice Programme works with actors in Libya to document a broad range of human rights violations, including human rights abuses that took place during the 2011 uprising and the ongoing human rights violations against migrants. The programme ensures that these documents are stored securely so that they may be used as evidence in future truth, reconciliation and accountability efforts. The programme also seeks to create space for discussions and debates not currently being had regarding transitional justice issues such as those related to the right to reconciliation of communities perceived as being 'against' the uprising who are currently severely marginalised. We also advocate for the implementation of laws and policies that support a transitional justice mechanism that is objective, nonpolitical and inclusive of all groups and communities in Libya. Legal Reform Key aspects of Libya's legal system need urgent reform to ensure conformity with international human rights standards. Laws that threaten human rights including the right to non-discrimination, freedom from torture and ill-treatment, freedom of expression and the right to a fair trial remain in place. Laws issued since 2011 have frequently failed to provide adequate protection for prevalent human rights concerns. The Legal Reform Programme addresses such weaknesses and gaps in Libyan law by supporting in-depth research and analysis of Libya's legal system in order to promote compliance with international human rights standards. It aims to raise awareness of legal issues currently affecting human rights in Libya and works to effect change to draft legislation dealing with human rights concerns. The programme also works to ensure that Libya has ratified key international human rights treaties and implemented them at the domestic level. Strategic Litigation Litigation is one of the key ways that LFJL is able to use its legal expertise to assist those who have suffered human rights violations, and in doing so seeks to prevent such violations occurring again in the future by bringing an end to the current climate of impunity. Litigation can provide avenues for redress, rehabilitation and reparations for survivors of human rights abuses and hold those responsible to account. LFJL uses litigation to pursue significant changes to the law, policy and public opinion, so that stronger human rights protections will become established in Libya. The Strategic Litigation Programme works with lawyers from across Libya to document, monitor and report on violations and abuses among them are against migrants, internally displaced persons, minorities and on the basis of gender. LFJL also assists them in undertaking their own domestic, regional and international human rights litigation. As the judiciary in Libya currently faces challenges and severe restrictions to its ability to consider human rights cases, the programme seeks to challenge impunity for rights violations through international human rights mechanisms. LFJL has built cases to litigate before regional and international mechanisms. LFJL has brought cases to the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights related to torture and ill-treatment and to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. LFJL's litigation activities also aim to support the International Criminal Court's investigations, with a current focus on abuses against migrants in Libya. While building a case, LFJL provides legal support and referrals to other services such as health services to survivors suffering from physical and mental harm. Advocacy The Advocacy Programme works to ensure that core human rights concerns are a priority consideration during the decision making processes of domestic, regional and international institutions. Without such engagement there is a risk that temporary solutions to systemic problems devalue human rights and undermine much needed efforts towards accountability for violations. LFJL currently advocates in key capitals around the world and before the UN Human Rights Council, the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights and the Assembly of State Parties to the International Criminal Court to inform activities and mandates related to Libya. As well as undertaking its own advocacy, the Advocacy Programme empowers national NGOs so that they may also engage in such forums and pursue joint advocacy targets. Under this programme, LFJL brought together and trained Libya's first human rights coalition to carry out advocacy at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Human Rights Education The Human Rights Education Programme addresses the lack of public awareness of human rights principles and the value they offer. It also attempts to tackle key issues that are linked to the widespread culture of accepting human rights violations including torture and ill-treatment and discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity and gender at the societal level. In addition to engaging the public on human rights issues, the Human Rights Education Programme seeks to develop the skillset of Libya's activists and lawyers currently collaborating with LFJL's programmes through high level training events including on documentation, monitoring and reporting. To date, LFJL has trained over 150 lawyers, activists, journalists, judges and medical professionals that are actively engaged in advancing human rights. The programmes also seeks to engender the next generation of human rights activists by actively engaging Libya's youth in discussions and capacity building concerning the importance of human rights, notably through launching a summer school and by developing a national human rights curriculum to be implemented across Libya's schools.

Hope Foundation for African Women (HFAW)

Mission: Hope Foundation for African Women (HFAW) is a nonpartisan not for profit national grassroots organization committed to women and girls empowerment, their sexual and reproductive health and human rights as well as elimination of gender disparities in all our communities. We work for the empowerment of grassroots women and girls through income generating activities and education about their rights. We address gender inequalities through raising awareness, trainings, motivating, inspiring and mentoring the women and organizations we work with. Our identity statement: We have firm believe in the power of ordinary people to change their situation and seek to unveil it Guiding Principle: To promote gender equality and equity for all Core Strategies: HFAW has adopted the strategies in addressing gender inequalities. We work with grassroots women and women's organizations to facilitate women's empowerment. We do this through various means: Engaging them in economic growth through individual and group projects Providing skills to address sexual and reproductive health knowledge and services Involving them in innovative strategies to total eradication of female genital mutilation (FGM) Supporting them to question gender based violence and use whatever formal or informal means available to them to end this vice in their community We mentor women with self-advocacy skills and motivate them to be leaders in their families and communities Educate women on their rights as guaranteed in the 2010 constitution We build the capacity of women to promoters of health, safe environment and other rights Our Core Values -To fight against marginalization of individuals -To be professional, confidential and respectful -Commitment to women's empowerment and seek respectful teamwork with individuals and groups and to uphold every person's human dignity and to do our work with utmost integrity, honesty, transparency and accountability -We have passion, calm and logic in our work to eliminate gender disparities Our History: HFAW was started in August 2011 by Dr. Grace B. Mose Okong'o and Mrs. Hellen Njoroge as a response to debates in our country that suggest that Kenya's women are not ready or willing to take up political leadership positions to fill the one third constitutional mandate. Currently only a few seats in the National Assembly are occupied by women, we have not met the 1/3 mandate. HFAW leaders see the problem as originating from our extreme patriarchal society which discriminates against women. Advancing women's participation in leadership has to start with addressing the whole spectrum of inequalities at the grassroots. We must address economic and educational inequalities. Women have to be economically empowered and educated about their constitutional and women's human rights. HFAW leaders are engaging women in civic education, women's rights, violence against women, reproductive health and services, and total eradication of FGM.We have started with two marginalized communities of Kisii and Maasai where FGM practice is universal with nearly 97% girls undergoing it. This practice is so detrimental physically but also mentally as it socializes women to accept their poverty and low status position in their families, communities and nation. The overall goal of this project is to improve economic and health of poor and vulnerable women,and advance human rights of Kenyan women and families through education, leadership training and the development of community health teams. One of our current objective is to adopt popular education model as implemented by EPES Foundation in South America to train 30 health and human rights promoters to work in rural villages in Nyamira. We will use the model to eradicate FGM in these communities; advance reproductive health, economic prosperity and human rights. Ultimately these women will lead much higher quality life and participate in their families and nation as full human beings.

Planned Parenthood - Michigan

For more than 100 years, Planned Parenthood has promoted a common-sense approach to sexual and reproductive health and well-being based on respect for each individual's right to make informed, independent decisions about sex, health, and family planning. As a trusted health care provider and a passionate advocate, Planned Parenthood delivers vital health care, sex education and sexual health information to people of all ages, gender identities, national origins, races, and sexual orientations. Our mission is to promote healthy communities and the right of all individuals to manage their sexual health by providing health care and education and serving as a strong advocate for reproductive justice. Planned Parenthood of Michigan has health centers across the state. From Detroit to Grand Rapids and from Kalamazoo to Marquette, you can count on us for quality, compassionate care.

Legal Voice

Legal Voice, founded in 1978 as the Northwest Women's Law Center, pursues justice for all women and girls in the Northwest, through ground-breaking litigation, legislative advocacy, and legal rights education. We serve Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho and Alaska. We create social change through these legal tools: Litigation: We bring cases that change the law for women and their families in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. We also participate as amicus curiae (friend of the court) in cases affecting women throughout the nation. Legislative Advocacy: We draft, analyze, and advocate for bills affecting women and their families in Washington State, and provide assistance and model legislation to advocates around the region. Education: We empower people to make decisions and advocate for themselves and their families through our education materials and community forums.

Darkness to Light

The mission of Darkness to Light is to empower people to prevent child sexual abuse. The ultimate mission of D2L, to end childhood sexual abuse, can only be accomplished by sharing the solution of prevention, awareness and education with more and more people. This, in turn, builds momentum and over time, changes the way our nation and culture cares for, protects and nurtures our children. Being an active participant in the mission to end childhood sexual abuse is one of the most rewarding things we will ever do. We believe that learning the facts about childhood sexual abuse helps prevent it. Talking about it helps prevent it. Getting involved helps prevent it. The truth is, if childhood sexual abuse can be prevented, it can be stopped. That’s why D2L exists – to empower adults through awareness and educational programs to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to childhood sexual abuse.

Farm Up Jamaica Ltd

Create food security by educating underserved communities on how to use Regenerative Climate Smart Agriculture to replace carbon emitting farming and reforestation practices. Focus on training women and youth on sustainable farming practices to help create long-lasting livelihoods. Reduce the importation of foreign food and increase the export of healthier organically grown food. Collaborate with international corporations to help fund the reduction of carbon through Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies to support underserved farming communities. Reduce crime and poverty by creating opportunities.

The Advocacy Project

The Advocacy Project - A Voice for the Voiceless The Advocacy Project (AP) helps marginalized communities around the world take action against the root causes of their disempowerment in a way that benefits society as a whole and produces social change. To do this, we partner with community-based advocates who represent these communities and share their problems. Our support for partners is innovative and effective. First, we deploy Peace Fellows (experienced graduate students) to help partners tell their story, launch campaigns, and strengthen their organization: we have deployed 274 Peace Fellows since 2003, and in the process given our Fellows a unique experience. Second, we help partners to raise funds and manage their campaigns: we have raised over $2.5 million for partners, and are currently seeking funds through Global Giving for exciting projects in Nepal, Vietnam and Uganda. Third, we promote the work of partners internationally, using new methods of story-telling such as advocacy quilting: over 300 women have produced embroidered panels for our quilts, which have been shown throughout North America and Europe. AP is a 501(c)3 organization, based in Washington DC. Visit us at

Rescue:Freedom International

Rescue:Freedom International is a non-profit 501(c)(3) that works to rescue victims of human trafficking, to provide holistic aftercare services, and to prevent the growing travesty of exploitation. Created to empower local efforts with international support and expertise, we support a growing network of service providers in eight countries who are familiar with and sensitive to the culture and community within which victims live. By mobilizing resources, knowledge, and funding, we work together to restore lives broken by sexual slavery through programs such as night shelters, safe houses, medical clinics, and vocational training.

Stories Foundation

We believe every person has a story and every story has value. We exist to empower communities to end the cycle of human trafficking by starting and supporting social enterprises that raise awareness, offer opportunities for economic independence for survivors and fund the fight against human trafficking. Currently Stories Foundation operates the Freedom Food Truck and Storyteller Catering. In the future we hope to operate a Cafe and sell food products. All with the goal of spreading awareness about human trafficking and empowering people to make a difference through purposeful purchasing as a first step

The Democracy Council of California

Founded in 1998, The Democracy Council advocates freedom, human rights, equal opportunity, and public participation across the globe. The Council's work is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the belief that a vibrant civil society and accountable public administration remain fundamental tenets of democratic societies. The rights of all human beings, governed and governing, should be respected. The right to organize and advocate on one's own behalf is a fundamental right of all people. Discrimination, repression, and torture must be resisted at all levels - at all times. The Council maintains a proven track record of working with both local and national government offices and civil society organizations to build the capacity of those pushing to promote these values. Through civic engagement and education, public testimony and partnerships with civil society organizations, the Council works to ensure that respect for rights and the promotion of public participation in an accountable and productive manner are priorities of transitioning states.

Child Rescue Kenya

CRK mission is to assist children in need while developing communities to better care for their own children. Our vision is a world where children enjoy all their rights, especially the right to be a child BACKGROUND INFORMATION. Child Rescue Kenya is an organization operating in Trans-Nzoia County in Kenya. The Organization assists vulnerable children and families through integrated development initiatives.CRK facilitates the rehabilitation of street children, and other abused or neglected children, by encouraging close links between community -child, project-child, and project - community. Multifaceted activities combine child rehabilitation centers with community development initiatives such as: a. Community Health clinics - both preventive and curative services. b. Training in home based income generating activities. c. Sports facilities in identifying and nurturing talents among the youths. d. Advocacy campaigns on Family health and HIV/AIDS, children rights, domestic violence and substance abuse among the youths. e. Bio- intensive farming activities targeting vulnerable families. f. Vocational training and formation of associations for youths. Vision, A society where children are enjoying their basic rights and leading a dignified life. Mission. To assist children in need while achieving positive change through initiatives that empower families and respect for children rights. Our Objectives are as stated here below;1.Child Rescue and Support. The strategic holistic approach emphasizes on improved child welfare under the projects through well coordinated interventions. The strategic objectives and strategies under this pillar are; 1. Continued Rescue and Support of vulnerable and unaccompanied Children. These strategies ensures that rescued children access basic necessities. Provision of shelter and meals. Clothing and toiletries. Psycho-social support and Counseling. Medication both preventive and curative Sports and recreation. Remedial education. 2. Increased Early Street Interventions. These aims at curbing the influx of children on the streets. Daily identification of new street arrivals. Referral to Child Protection Unit at the police and local administrators. 3. Increased advocacy on child rights. We hope to see a reduction on child abuse cases and advocate respect for children's rights. Carrying out advocacy campaigns Attending network meeting Holding sensitization workshops. Children's participation in awareness creation. 4. Increased access to education. These strategies will enable children to access education at Primary and Secondary schools. Enhance early childhood education through enrolment in public schools. Provision of school requirements and levies. Refurbish libraries for remedial studies at all project centres. 2. YOUTH EMPOWERMENT. Through this pillar CRK seeks to empower youth; those living and working on the streets and those in the slums, through formation of self -help groups or associations, facilitation to vocational training and formal education to improve their livelihoods. 1 Increased access to formal and non formal education and training. Support youth for enrolment in public schools and vocational training. Peer to peer counseling on abuse of drugs. Support the youth to form self help groups / associations. Nurturing of talents through sports. Health education on HIV/AIDS, STIs and testing. Capacity building on enterprise development. 2 Youths engaged in micro businesses. Support trained youth with business start up kits. Routinely monitor the progress of the started ventures. Encourage and assist the youth to get national identity cards for opening bank accounts. Link the supported youth to government development funds e.g youth fund. 3 FAMILY SUPPORT. Through this pillar CRK works with families to build therapeutic relationships, addressing issues affecting children at home, helping families initiate income generating activities and practice bio-intensive agriculture for those with small farms to improve their food security. 3.1. Enhanced family relationships. Routine family visits. Counseling families. Conducting advocacy campaigns on domestic violence Educate families on HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. Provision of subsidized medical services Referral linkages for support. 3.2. Improved household incomes. Identify vulnerable families to support (with a child or children). Training on micro - business initiatives and marketing. Support the trained beneficiaries with business start up kits. Routine business progress monitoring 3.3. Improved food production through organic farming. Identify and train families on organic farming. Provision of start up farm inputs Setting up demonstration plots as resource centres. Sensitizing and training on environmental conservation. Organizing exposure tours as learning tools. Promote proper soil management practices through modern farming methods. 4. ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT. This objective endevours to make CRK a strong and effective organization delivering its mandate within its core areas of operation. This will be achieved through: .4.1. Strong and effective organization delivering its mandate. Enhance staff motivation and performance Review the Human Resources Policies and Procedures. Management team at the Head office to enforce and implement the policies. Development of Contingency and disaster plans. Recruit professional staff for core functions such as Human Resource and Resource Mobilization. Strengthen and sustain policy on HIV/AIDS. Staff Capacity building in relevant project areas. Board development and policy formulation. Redefine roles and responsibilities of staff to enhance performance. 4.2. Improved record keeping. Put in place a back up system for all organization documents. Routine information dissemination to staff and partners. 4.3. Increased Resource Mobilization. Diversify proposals seeking for funding. Put in place a donor profiling system both locally and internationally. Engage in consultancy services. Initiate income generating activities Develop partnerships. Set up a resource mobilization team (staff members). 4.4. Improved service delivery in project areas. Adequate funds for administration and project coordination. Routine monitoring and evaluation of projects. Encourage transparency and accountability in the management of resources. Continuous documentation and reporting of progress. Routine reviewing of targets and objectives. Staff appraisals to ascertain performance. Procure a vehicle for project use in the rural terrain.