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Displaying 337–348 of 360

Rising Minds

Rising Minds' mission is to bridge cultural, economic and developmental gaps through the integration of education, awareness, and action. We aim to inspire locally committed and globally active leaders through personalizing complex global issues, empowering proactive change-makers, and facilitating contextualized educational outreach. Rising Minds works with local initiatives in Guatemala to address community-identified needs and builds strong relationships based on mutual respect and exchange. Our programs provide hand-ups as opposed to hand-outs to ensure accountability, not perpetuate dependency, and always implements locally-appropriate and replicable solutions.


KidsFirst’s mission is to treat and prevent child abuse and neglect through Education, Advocacy, and Counseling, to empower and strengthen children and families. Our vision is that all children live in a safe, healthy, and nurturing home. We are dedicated to helping families by providing them with the tools they need to cope with difficult life circumstances before they become overwhelming. With counseling and family resource centers in Auburn and Roseville, our programs target the most vulnerable children, families and neighborhoods. We strengthen families by Educating, Advocating and Changing Lives. Our programs include Wellness, Information and Referral and Education and Outreach.

Crecemos-Desarrollo Integral de la Juventud Oaxaquena,A.C.

Crecemos DIJO is a community base organization that offers holistic early childhood development, education, nutrition and sporting programs to reduce the social inequity of children and youth in the marginalized rural and peri-urban neighborhoods of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Crecemos currently reaches over 600 children and 400 mothers. Crecemos DIJO es una organizacion comunitaria que ofrece programas integrales de desarrollo, educacion, nutricion y deportes para la primera infancia para reducir la inequidad social de ninos y jovenes en los barrios marginales rurales y periurbanos del estado de Oaxaca, Mexico. Actualmente, Crecemos llega a mas de 600 ninos y 400 madres.

Unsilenced Voices

Our goal is to rehabilitate Victims of domestic violence and spread awareness to create sustainable change surrounding this epidemic in communities around the globe. Unsilenced Voices was specifically formed to open up the conversation about Domestic Violence. Through speaking nationally and internationally about domestic abuse and sexual defilement, we hope to inspire survivors to speak on their own accounts. We are building shelters in Ghana and Sierra Leone, where we hope to give strength to the numerous women and children fleeing domestic violence in those countries. We are working in both countries with our partners on sensitization programs, comprehensive trainings and counseling for community members and victims of domestic violence.

Prolife Across America

PROLIFE Across AMERICA is a non-profit, non-political organization dedicated to changing hearts and saving babies' lives. We are committed to bringing positive, persuasive messages, offering information and alternatives – including adoption – and post abortion assistance to those in need. PROLIFE Across AMERICA's mission since 1989 has been to reach out through billboard, radio and newspaper ads to people who may not be reached in any other way. Our ads create an “Atmosphere of Life" in a “culture of death." So often our tender and touching ads are the only visible sign offering hope and help to someone who may be on the brink of an abortion decision.

The Prince Georges County Maryland Natl Coalition Of 100 Black Wome

Their primary purpose is to: Foster principles of equal rights/opportunities ​Promote awareness of African American culture Provide a forum for Black women to address educational, political, social and health-related issues​ Develop the potential for effective leadership and participation of its members in civic affairs Cooperate with other organizations to achieve common goals

Restoring Hope International Foundation

To model to our rescued girls in Peru what a happy and healthy family is like. To provide for them love - in addition to the emotional, psychological, and physical security that they did not have before arriving to us. To provide for them a good education so that they can become agents of change for their society, culture, and world. Most importantly: We serve to be an expression of God’s heart towards the children He gives us. His heart is expressed very well in Psalm 68, verses 5 and 6 – “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families…” We consider it a privilege to be used of Him to provide a family for the children and youth that He has placed into our hands.

Movement on The Ground

We are a foundation responding to a humanitarian crisis affecting the innocent men, women and children forced from their homes by climate change, poverty and war. We identify needs not being met and aim to fill these needs by activating our network of logistical, financial and structural partners to provide these needs thoroughly and without hesitation. In addition to providing urgent needs, our mission is to deliver a more dignified, sustainable, and innovative response to the refugee crisis in Europe. We believe that refugee camps should be more inclusive, more self-sustaining and providing refugees with a better quality of life and adaptation process to their new environments. With collaborative efforts with interested corporations, other charities, refugees, volunteers, and donations, we are activating a network that re-defines the global refugee camps.

Friends Women's Association

Friends Women's Association, FWA, is a grass-roots organization in Burundi, addresses the needs of women in conflict, poverty, HIV/AIDS, and sexual violence. The FWA health care clinic focuses on treating both physical and psycho-social needs. FWA provides a comprehensive health care to women and their families, to promote women's leadership and autonomy and to strengthen peace and solidarity in Kamenge, a slum in Bujumbura and in other communities of Burundi.

Ujyalo Foundation

The core ideas that underpin the mission of Ujyalo Foundation are: Innovation, Gender Inclusive Leadership, and Social Enterprise. Based on these core ideas, Ujyalo Foundation's mission is "to empower communities through technologies, innovation, social enterprise, and gender inclusive leadership, collaboratively locally and globally". We strongly believe that the best way to create sustainable development in any community is by investing in its young women. With initiatives like EmpowHER, and Women Leadership Summit, we provide safe platforms for young women to enhance their leadership skills, explore their unique selves as leaders in their communities, and develop their ideas into potential livelihood opportunities in Nepal. These programs give women a safe space to learn and lead without any social stigma or fear of discrimination. After going through our programs, our women have become confident, independent leading their ideas in different capacities, and creating their own strong collectives of young women. After leading these initiatives for two years and working with 1600 young women, we have discovered just how much such an effort can contribute in the advancement of young women and their causes, especially in a society driven by patriarchy. We want young women in Nepal to believe that a space where young women can lead fearlessly on the basis of their merit and idea, not their gender is possible. Our vision is to create a world where young women can live, learn and lead without any prejudice and discrimination, and have men as the champions to promote women safety and leadership.

NYC Muslim-Jewish Solidarity Committee

We are a grassroots community where Jews, Muslims, and all are welcome. We build relationships to stand against hate and violence through shared values and social action. What we share is more powerful than what divides us: PEACE We envision a city, country, and world where no one is feared, marginalized, hated, attacked, and killed because of who they are. We challenge prejudice, bigotry, racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, discrimination, and oppression. We stand in solidarity with our neighbors by speaking out against hateful incitement, interpersonal and institutional violence. LEARNING We encourage curiosity and education for transformation. We reflect on our identities by celebrating Muslim and Jewish traditions. We commit to building respectful relationships to gain knowledge. GIVING BACK We mobilize our community to make an impact through service and volunteering. We build on the momentum of social justice and civil rights movements. We believe in freedom, justice, and dignity for all, including the most disadvantaged.

Maine Coalition To End Domestic Violence

Mission Statement The Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence (MCEDV) mobilizes collaborative community action with and on behalf of a statewide network of Domestic Violence Resource Centers to ensure all people affected by domestic abuse and violence in Maine are restored to safety and perpetrators are held accountable. MCEDV builds partnerships that promote public policy, education, and systems advocacy to create and encourage a social, political, and economic environment that fosters communities where the diversity, dignity, and contributions of all are respected and celebrated, and domestic abuse and violence no longer exist.