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Displaying 25–36 of 696

The dZi Foundation

dZi Foundation partners with underserved communities in remote regions of the Himalaya to build sustainable, locally-driven programs that improve quality of life through advancing education and health, while reducing poverty.

The Women's Collective

Our mission is to empower women, girls, and their families by providing them with the skills and linkages to meet their self-defined needs, increase their access to care and support, and engage them so that they are best equipped to ‘own’ their health outcomes, improve their quality of life, and protect their rights.

The Freedom Story

Our mission is to prevent child trafficking and exploitation through culturally relevant programs for vulnerable children and to share their stories to empower creative, compassionate people to act. Formerly known as The SOLD Project

The SAFE Alliance

Our Mission: To lead in ending sexual assault and exploitation, child abuse, and domestic violence through prevention, intervention, and advocacy for change. Our Vision: A just and safe community free from violence and abuse.

Educate the Children

Educate the Children works with women and children in Nepal to improve health, welfare, and self-sufficiency by building skills that families can pass down to later generations. Focusing on the poorest of the poor by working strategically through women's groups, schools, and agriculture groups, Educate the Children develops a comprehensive community presence, gaining an extraordinary level of local participation and trust.

The Registered Trustees of the Cece Yara Foundation

Preventing child sexual abuse through community empowerment and support. The Cece Yara Foundation is a child-centred non-profit organisation established in 2016 to prevent child sexual abuse and provide access to care, information, protection and emergency intervention for children who are sexually abused or at risk, and their family. The Foundation provides the ideal response to children through a 24-hour free child telephone helpline and its child-friendly Child Advocacy Centre based in Lagos, which provides professional counselling, medical, legal and psycho-social support, as well as referral services. The Foundation also conducts prevention programs for children and adults to raise awareness on child sexual abuse, and educate adults on how to protect children from sexual abuse.

Angels in the Outfield

The Angels in the Outfield is a non profit organization seeking to brighten the lives of children who have been impacted by crime or child abuse. Our mission is to promote healing, happiness, and safety of children through the generosity of our contributors. The services provided to each child will be determined on a case-by-case basis dependent upon each child's specific needs.

The GOD'S CHILD Project

The GOD'S CHILD Project's mission is "to break the bitter chains of poverty through education, housing and healthcare." While GOD'S CHILD is rooted in education and health-care, we aim to support the communities we serve at every level of development. Through our wide range of programs, we help children and families living in extreme poverty to meet their basic needs and find a restored sense of hope, self-worth and human dignity. Religious affiliation is not a requirement for any program services.

The Safe Center LI

To protect, assist and empower victims of family violence and sexual assault while challenging and changing social systems that tolerate and perpetuate abuse.

The Youth Connection, Inc.

The Youth Connection is committed to providing high quality programs, advocacy and supportive services. We connect youth, young adults and their families in Metro Detroit to resources and opportunities that enrich their lives with special attention to those who are under-served.


HANDS AROUND THE WORLD seeks to help vulnerable children around the world, encouraging enthusiastic and well-prepared volunteers to offer practical help, skill-sharing, support and friendship.

The International Legal Foundation

The International Legal Foundation assists countries emerging from conflict or transition to establish public defender systems that provide effective, quality criminal defense services to the poor. In 2003, the ILF opened Afghanistan's first independent public defender office in Kabul, and has since established public defender offices in Nepal and the West Bank. The ILF's mission is to assist post-conflict and transitional countries to establish public defender systems that provide quality and effective criminal defense services to the poor. In carrying out its mission, the ILF is driven by the belief that defense lawyers - as guardians of due process - are indispensible to any fair system of justice, and every person accused of a crime should have access to one. We work solely in countries emerging from conflict where governments have recognized the right to counsel and are committed to building a strong and fair system of justice, and aim to ensure that laws that guarantee the right to counsel are meaningfully implemented in ways that respect the historical, practical and cultural context of each country. The lack of qualified lawyers available to provide criminal defense representation to the poor is a serious problem in post-conflict and transitional countries. Many of these countries guarantee the right to counsel to persons accused of crimes in their constitutions and other domestic laws. Moreover, many have ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which requires them to ensure the right to counsel. Yet in practice, there are few defense lawyers for the poor in many developing countries. Those that do practice are often grossly unqualified. Without access to counsel there can be no rule of law and accused persons remain vulnerable to arbitrary detention, coerced and tortured confessions, wrongful convictions and other abuses. The ILF fulfills an essential role in post-conflict reconstruction. Although there is a growing focus on rule of law in post-conflict countries, rule of law projects have placed a heavy emphasis on rebuilding courts and law enforcement institutions and give little attention to the critical role of defense, particularly criminal defense services for the poor. The ILF addresses this need by providing indigent accused persons with access to competent, well-trained defense lawyers. This helps to ensure that laws and constitutional provisions protecting the rights of the accused are implemented and that all citizens have equal access to justice.