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Displaying 373–384 of 4,919

BARKA Foundation

The BARKA Foundation's mission is to serve as a catalyst for achieving the SDGs in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Our methodology is community-led, grassroots and combines indigenous and modern technologies to develop a set of best practices in areas of clean water accessibility, sanitation, irrigation, sustainable agriculture, women's empowerment, education, healthcare, and renewable energy. BARKA's work is ultimately about co-creating a culture of peace.

Mali Health Organizing Project

Mali Health empowers Sikoro, an impoverished urban community in Mali, West Africa to transform maternal and child health sustainably. We do so by: -Fostering the agency of residents and community structures to mobilize to address community health needs. -Promoting health education, prevention, and early care seeking. -Enhancing financial, geographic, and cultural access to health care for poor families.

Global Grassroots

Global Grassroots is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our mission is to catalyze women and girls as leaders of conscious social change in their communities. Global Grassroots' work is guided by four core values that form our theory of change: 1. Deepening personal consciousness and contributing towards the common good are both essential to social change. 2. One of the most effective levers of social change is a woman with the capability, resources, power, courage and inner commitment to initiate positive change for herself and others. 3. Sustaining and accelerating conscious social change requires investment in supporting civil society architecture. 4. Mind-body trauma healing plus the opportunity for women to form groups and create community-based organizations to advance social change represents the most effective and holistic approach towards individual and community healing during post-conflict reconstruction. Our long-term vision is that vulnerable women will have the capacity and resources to lead conscious social change, sustained by their own communities.

The Ama Foundation

The Ama Foundation is dedicated to providing the most underprivileged children of Nepal with a loving home, education and opportunities to live healthy and secure lives within their community.

Girls Education International

The mission of Girls Education International is to expand and support educational opportunities for underserved females in remote and developing regions of the world. We work with existing non-governmental and nonprofit organizations in the regions we serve. These local organizations already have relationships and infrastructures in the rural communities where we work that allow us to build upon and maximize existing resources.

Smiles Forever

The Smiles Forever mission is to break the cycle of poverty by vocationally training young indigenous women to be dental hygienists in Cochabamba, Bolivia. We recognize women as the first socialization factor in the family. Enabling them to become financially self-sufficient, we are both creating female community leaders and bettering the lives of their children. Students give back to their community by providing free dental care at the school, burn center and rural communities.

Appropriate Technology Collaborative

The Appropriate Technology Collaborative creates sustainable technologies that promote economic growth and improve the quality of life for low income people worldwide. We design, develop, demonstrate, and distribute affordable technologies. Working in collaboration with local talent and other nonprofits (NGOs) we create solutions that are culturally sensitive, environmentally responsible and locally repairable in order to improve the quality of life and reduce adverse impacts on the environment.

Enhance Worldwide

Enhance Worldwide envisions communities where girls and women have the skills to lead meaningful, dignified lives in which each individual has agency, autonomy and aspirations. Enhance Worldwide aims to facilitate a process in which girls, women and their communities unearth, discover and learn strategies to navigate the challenges to their wellbeing in an effort to develop as individuals in their own right. Enhance Worldwide understands harmful traditional practices as a leading barrier to a life of dignity and focuses its efforts on combating these practices worldwide. Enhance Worldwide creates customized interventions in collaboration with local people, with an emphasis on the leadership of women and girls, who understand the challenges and opportunities as part of their lived experience. The intervention design is focused on Positive Deviance, the concept that in every community there are positive deviants, individuals whose behaviors and strategies have allowed them to overcome the challenges to their wellbeing with which their peers struggle. By discovering and practicing these positive deviant behaviors, Enhance Worldwide focuses on existing, indigenous solutions.


Soroptimist is a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment.

Wels Lutherans For Life

Protecting a child's right to live and be loved by loving moms and dads.

Family Care International

FCI envisions a world where no woman suffers preventable pregnancy-related injury or death, where childbirth is safe for mothers and their babies, and where all people are able to enjoy their sexual and reproductive health and rights. FCI seeks to improve the health and well-being of women, girls, and newborns in the developing world by working to: - Make pregnancy and childbirth safer - Ensure universal access to reproductive health care and information - Empower women, young people, and communities

Arkansas Sheriff's Youth Ranches

The Arkansas Sheriffs' Youth Ranches' mission is to address, remedy, and prevent child abuse and neglect by creating safe, healthy, and permanent homes for children. Our philosophy has always been that it is better to build a child rather than repair an adult. Founded in 1976 by a group of sheriffs and concerned citizens, the Ranch began as a single cottage (mobile home) that served as shelter to three young boys. The Ranch now consists of three campuses across Arkansas with eight cottages for boys and girls. During its history, the Ranch has been "a place to call home" to more than 1,200 children and touched the lives of many more. Many of the children who come to the Ranch are often the product of a broken home of abuse and neglect, lacking the nurturing relationship of a loving family. The Ranch provides a healthy home environment filled with emotional support to help each child learn to trust those around them and cope with their emotions, all the while learning responsibility and building self-confidence. When children enter the Ranch, they are surrounded with individuals who care about their immediate needs and their future aspirations. It is the Ranch’s commitment to every child – a commitment that extends from the Board of Directors to management personnel, administrative staff, house parents, support staff and volunteers – to help them believe in themselves and lead fulfilling, meaningful lives. Residents may stay at the Ranch through post-secondary education until they are socially and financially prepared for independence and have stable employment. More than 900 children have experienced life at the Ranch, and for those and many in the future, the Ranch will always be a place to call home.