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GlobeMed at University of Rochester

GlobeMed at University of Rochester partners with the Social Organization for Voluntary Action (SOVA) in Odisha,India to support community-based health and education programs.

MEANS Database, Inc.

Too often grocery stores and restaurants find themselves throwing out food, when there is great need in nearby communities. MEANS Database modernizes food recovery in 48 states and the District of Columbia by connecting excess food to organizations and individuals who need it. Hunger lingers in the lives of the people it affects. In infants and toddlers, food insecurity is associated with failure to thrive, a devastating condition with consequences into adulthood (1). In early childhood, hunger is associated with diminished academic progress, more behavioral problems and unhealthy weight (2). By high school, it's linked with dropping out, and by early adulthood, with having children who also face hunger, the cycle starts over again (3). Food insecurity exists in every American demographic and geography, affecting every population tracked by the US Census. However, as it seems for every other social ill, the most rural, the most urban, and minorities in any location bear a disproportionate burden of the weight of hunger. While 12.7% of American families are food insecure, the rate for Black and Latino families are each about 20% (4). Jefferson County, Mississippi, is a study in these disparities: it has the highest percentage of black residents of any American county, and also holds the dubious distinction of having the highest rate of food insecurity in the United States, with nearly 38% of residents facing hunger (5). Meanwhile, while more than 42 million Americans rely on food pantries, soup kitchens and other emergency food providers to feed their families, the United States grapples with an massive food waste problem. Forty percent of the American food supply ends up in landfills, with perfectly edible meals being thrown away at all stages of production (7). Food is the single largest contributor to landfill and incinerator mass in the United States, choking the nation's air while 1 in 8 Americans face food insecurity (8). Further complicating this feast and famine dynamic is the uncomfortable truth that even programs meant to address hunger frequently end up wasting food. The issue we are tackling with MEANS is huge: we're trying to prevent food waste and adequately address the problem of hunger. The USDA reports that 48.1 million Americans live in food-insecure households, while Feeding America says that 70 billion pounds of food are wasted in the US each year (8). This task may seem daunting, but we know that through the use of innovative technology like ours, we can help to change the future of food recovery. MEANS (Matching Excess And Need for Stability) is an online communications platform for emergency food providers and their donors. On a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone, agencies create an account with MEANS, registering their contact information, location, the kind(s) of foods they are searching for, and the distance they are willing or able to travel to pick up those goods. Donors post their excess goods on MEANS, and the system emails and/or texts organizations nearby that need those goods. Our tool substantially reduces the communications gap between emergency food providers and their donors, preventing "donation dumping" on both sides. MEANS was designed to handle both traditional food donations, from grocery stores or caterers, and donations between emergency food providers. There is no charge for any of our organization's services, for nonprofit agencies or retailers. Citations: 1) Kersten, Hans B. and Bennett, David (2012) "A Multidisciplinary Team Experience with Food Insecurity & Failure to Thrive," Journal of Applied Research on Children: Informing Policy for Children at Risk: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 6. 2) Jyoti, Diana F.; Frongillo, Edward A.; and Jones, Sonya J. (2005) "Food Insecurity Affects School Children's Academic Performance, Weight Gain, and Social Skills" The Journal of Nutrition vol. 135 no. 12 2831-2839. 3)"Changing the Picture of Education in America: Communities in Schools Spring 2014 Impact Report" (2014) 4) USDA (2015). "Food Security Status of U.S. Households in 2015" 5) Feeding America (2016). "Map the Meal Gap 2016" 7) Gunders, Dana (2012). "Wasted: How America Is Losing Up to 40 Percent of Its Food from Farm to Fork to Landfill" 8) Feeding America (ND), "Food Waste In America"

The Sunshine Charity

To invest in children of marginalized families in poor and remote areas of the Eastern Province by providing them with access to basic primary education, health care and well being.

Kudvumisa Foundation USA Inc

Kudvumisa Foundation is dedicated to meeting the health care needs of the impoverished and marginalized and providing economic opportunities through skills training and market access to combat poverty in Swaziland.

Maasai Girls Education Fund

Founded in 2000, the Maasai Girls Education Fund works to improve the literacy, health and economic well-being of Maasai women in Kenya and their families through education of girls and their communities.

Fundacion Colombiana de Leucemia y Linfoma

Represent, organize and unify efforts of people with leukemia and lymphoma, their families and carers, in order to improve the levels of information and adaptation to their health status and access to treatment, adherence and continuity for the process.

Kenya Christian School For The Deaf

Trains & promotes employability skills, higher levels of productivity and technological innovation to underserved deaf and non-deaf in their development, sports, health, and education for self-reliance and prosperity.

Creative Action Institute

Creative Action Institute works at the intersection of creativity and social change. We build the capacity of leaders and organizations for innovation, collaboration and resilience to advance conservation, health and human rights globally.


To empower and create a collective culture of caring with farm workers and local communities from the Kruger to Canyons Area with respect to Health, Social and Educational issues. Formerly Hoedspruit Training Trust.

My Stuff Bags Foundation

The My Stuff Bags Foundation provides duffels of new belongings to children nationwide rescued from abuse, neglect, abandonment, child trafficking, and homelessness. Each year nearly 300,000 children enter foster care in America, tens of thousands more escape domestic violence and enter shelters with their mothers.Devastated by the experiences leading to their necessary removal from unacceptable environments, vulnerable rescued children often enter foster care and crisis shelters with nothing of their own. By rallying widespread individual, community, corporate and grantor involvement through our unique “My Stuff Bags Program”, we address the immediate physical and emotional needs of these disadvantaged children by providing childhood essentials and a message of hope

The dZi Foundation

dZi Foundation partners with underserved communities in remote regions of the Himalaya to build sustainable, locally-driven programs that improve quality of life through advancing education and health, while reducing poverty.

Planned Parenthood Of Southern New England

The mission of Planned Parenthood of Southern New England is to protect the fundamental right of all individuals to manage their own fertility and sexual health and to ensure access to the services, education and information to realize that right.