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Vigilant Love

Building upon the legacy of Muslim American and Japanese American solidarity since 9/11, #VigilantLOVE is a healing and arts-driven organization that counters mainstream narratives of insularity. #VigilantLOVE organizes grassroots movement around Islamophobic ideologies that inflict personal, communal and state violence by creating spaces for connection amongst those identifying as Japanese American, Muslim American, Black, South Asian, Arab, East Asian, queer, trans, and interfaith accomplices.

Pathways to Safety International

Pathways to Safety International empowers victims of interpersonal & gender based violence abroad. Pathways undertakes the global challenge of assisting victims who are enduring extreme suffering in isolated situations where support seems minimal and many obstacles block the path to safety. Services are provided 24/7/365 via technology on a global scale to American victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and forced marriage. This is achieved via an international toll free crisis line, 833-SAFE-833, accessible from over 120 countries, serving a population estimated at 9 million American civilians living overseas, 80 million Americans traveling overseas, and the 450,000 American military personnel and their dependents.

Denver Indian Family Resource Center

The mission of the Denver Indian Family Resource Center is to strengthen vulnerable American Indian children and families through collaborative and culturally responsive services.

Rivah Inc.

Their mission is to rebuild a strong foundation of values for the young people and future generations where domestic violence is replaced with responsible communication and human dignity.

The Samburu Project

Since 2005, the Samburu Project has been providing easy access to clean, safe drinking water as a foundation for development to communities in Samburu, Kenya.

Usa For Unfpa Inc.

Founded in 1969, UNFPA is the lead United Nations sexual and reproductive health and rights agency. Today, UNFPA works in more than 150 countries to ensure every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every woman and girl can reach her fullest potential. USA for UNFPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness among Americans about global sexual and reproductive health, mobilizing support to provide lifesaving care to women and girls worldwide, and advocating for gender equality.

MEANS Database, Inc.

Too often grocery stores and restaurants find themselves throwing out food, when there is great need in nearby communities. MEANS Database modernizes food recovery in 48 states and the District of Columbia by connecting excess food to organizations and individuals who need it. Hunger lingers in the lives of the people it affects. In infants and toddlers, food insecurity is associated with failure to thrive, a devastating condition with consequences into adulthood (1). In early childhood, hunger is associated with diminished academic progress, more behavioral problems and unhealthy weight (2). By high school, it's linked with dropping out, and by early adulthood, with having children who also face hunger, the cycle starts over again (3). Food insecurity exists in every American demographic and geography, affecting every population tracked by the US Census. However, as it seems for every other social ill, the most rural, the most urban, and minorities in any location bear a disproportionate burden of the weight of hunger. While 12.7% of American families are food insecure, the rate for Black and Latino families are each about 20% (4). Jefferson County, Mississippi, is a study in these disparities: it has the highest percentage of black residents of any American county, and also holds the dubious distinction of having the highest rate of food insecurity in the United States, with nearly 38% of residents facing hunger (5). Meanwhile, while more than 42 million Americans rely on food pantries, soup kitchens and other emergency food providers to feed their families, the United States grapples with an massive food waste problem. Forty percent of the American food supply ends up in landfills, with perfectly edible meals being thrown away at all stages of production (7). Food is the single largest contributor to landfill and incinerator mass in the United States, choking the nation's air while 1 in 8 Americans face food insecurity (8). Further complicating this feast and famine dynamic is the uncomfortable truth that even programs meant to address hunger frequently end up wasting food. The issue we are tackling with MEANS is huge: we're trying to prevent food waste and adequately address the problem of hunger. The USDA reports that 48.1 million Americans live in food-insecure households, while Feeding America says that 70 billion pounds of food are wasted in the US each year (8). This task may seem daunting, but we know that through the use of innovative technology like ours, we can help to change the future of food recovery. MEANS (Matching Excess And Need for Stability) is an online communications platform for emergency food providers and their donors. On a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone, agencies create an account with MEANS, registering their contact information, location, the kind(s) of foods they are searching for, and the distance they are willing or able to travel to pick up those goods. Donors post their excess goods on MEANS, and the system emails and/or texts organizations nearby that need those goods. Our tool substantially reduces the communications gap between emergency food providers and their donors, preventing "donation dumping" on both sides. MEANS was designed to handle both traditional food donations, from grocery stores or caterers, and donations between emergency food providers. There is no charge for any of our organization's services, for nonprofit agencies or retailers. Citations: 1) Kersten, Hans B. and Bennett, David (2012) "A Multidisciplinary Team Experience with Food Insecurity & Failure to Thrive," Journal of Applied Research on Children: Informing Policy for Children at Risk: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 6. 2) Jyoti, Diana F.; Frongillo, Edward A.; and Jones, Sonya J. (2005) "Food Insecurity Affects School Children's Academic Performance, Weight Gain, and Social Skills" The Journal of Nutrition vol. 135 no. 12 2831-2839. 3)"Changing the Picture of Education in America: Communities in Schools Spring 2014 Impact Report" (2014) 4) USDA (2015). "Food Security Status of U.S. Households in 2015" 5) Feeding America (2016). "Map the Meal Gap 2016" 7) Gunders, Dana (2012). "Wasted: How America Is Losing Up to 40 Percent of Its Food from Farm to Fork to Landfill" 8) Feeding America (ND), "Food Waste In America"

Sister Song Women Of Color Reproductive Justice Collective

SisterSong’s mission is to amplify and strengthen the collective voices of indigenous women and women of color to achieve Reproductive Justice (RJ) by eradicating reproductive oppression and securing human rights. RJ is the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, choose when and how to have children or not, and parent in safety with adequate resources. RJ centers the needs and leadership of the most marginalized and the intersections of oppressions. The first RJ organization founded to build the movement, SisterSong includes and represents Indigenous, African American, Asian and Pacific Islander, Arab and Middle Eastern, Latinx, and queer women and trans people. A top RJ thought leader, trainer, organizer, and collaboration facilitator, our focus is Southern and national.

Task Force On Family Violence Of Milwaukee

The Task Force on Family Violence of Milwaukee, Inc. (TFFV) provides advocacy, education and access resources to keep people safe. TFFV is a leader in addressing the problem of domestic violence and the myriad of needs of survivors in our community. Our leadership and innovative thinking has created a rich history and strong foundation for our work.

Fundacion para el desarrollo integral de programas socio-economicos FUNDAP

We are a privately-owned voluntary foundation seeking to promote the development of low-income areas in the Republic of Guatemala, especially for those people who live in the rural areas of the highlands, by innovative projects avoiding patriarchy to guaranteea better living standard. All of this under a sustainable development framework with absolute respect for human dignity, culture and traditions.

Indiana Institute for Global Health, Inc.

Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) was created in 2001 in response to the HIV crisis in western Kenya. It is built on a partnership between Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital and the Moi University School of Medicine in Eldoret, Kenya, and a consortium of North American academic health centers, led by Indiana University. The partners joined forces to create one of Africa's largest, most comprehensive and effective HIV/AIDS management and control systems. AMPATH is a formal partner with the United States government through a $75 million grant from USAID and has continually expanded its successful HIV approach to into a more comprehensive primary health care system. With a tri-partite mission of care, education, and research, AMPATH provides healthcare services to a population of 3.5 million people in western Kenya and focuses on improving the health and wellbeing of the entire population-leaving no one behind.

Colorado Haiti Project

Mission Statement: The Colorado Haiti Project works in partnership with rural Haitian communities to support their rise out of extreme poverty. The Colorado Haiti Project (CHP) is a non-profit organization founded in 1989 to extend aid to the poorest of the poor in a rural area called Petit Trou de Nippes, about 80 miles west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. CHP is supported entirely by donations from private individuals, local and national foundations, faith communities, and service organizations.