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Displaying 73–84 of 516

Hearts of Epilepsy Foundation

Hearts of Epilepsy Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing effective tools and programs to improve the quality of life for children and families living with epilepsy. As your Advocate, we developed a deep appreciation for the need for further ongoing collaboration to address epilepsy and specific needs within our community. We've learned that many who are living with epilepsy, lives are impacted by various aspects; involving the fear of seizures, the dangerous side effects, which can lead a person to abandon normal activities; such as, cooking, cleaning, or pursuing long-term goals. Use of life-management, such as living day-to-day life is always a journey. Learning to live a normal life with epilepsy can be a struggle, but with the right treatments and care, it doesn't have to control your life. Epilepsy affects more than three million Americans directly, and sixty-five million worldwide.

The International Legal Foundation

The International Legal Foundation assists countries emerging from conflict or transition to establish public defender systems that provide effective, quality criminal defense services to the poor. In 2003, the ILF opened Afghanistan's first independent public defender office in Kabul, and has since established public defender offices in Nepal and the West Bank. The ILF's mission is to assist post-conflict and transitional countries to establish public defender systems that provide quality and effective criminal defense services to the poor. In carrying out its mission, the ILF is driven by the belief that defense lawyers - as guardians of due process - are indispensible to any fair system of justice, and every person accused of a crime should have access to one. We work solely in countries emerging from conflict where governments have recognized the right to counsel and are committed to building a strong and fair system of justice, and aim to ensure that laws that guarantee the right to counsel are meaningfully implemented in ways that respect the historical, practical and cultural context of each country. The lack of qualified lawyers available to provide criminal defense representation to the poor is a serious problem in post-conflict and transitional countries. Many of these countries guarantee the right to counsel to persons accused of crimes in their constitutions and other domestic laws. Moreover, many have ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which requires them to ensure the right to counsel. Yet in practice, there are few defense lawyers for the poor in many developing countries. Those that do practice are often grossly unqualified. Without access to counsel there can be no rule of law and accused persons remain vulnerable to arbitrary detention, coerced and tortured confessions, wrongful convictions and other abuses. The ILF fulfills an essential role in post-conflict reconstruction. Although there is a growing focus on rule of law in post-conflict countries, rule of law projects have placed a heavy emphasis on rebuilding courts and law enforcement institutions and give little attention to the critical role of defense, particularly criminal defense services for the poor. The ILF addresses this need by providing indigent accused persons with access to competent, well-trained defense lawyers. This helps to ensure that laws and constitutional provisions protecting the rights of the accused are implemented and that all citizens have equal access to justice.

Children's Assessment Center Foundation

The mission of The CAC is to provide a professional, compassionate and coordinated approach to the treatment of sexually abused children and their families and to serve as an advocate for all children in our community.

Walter & Connie Payton Foundation

Their mission is to take an active role in helping those less fortunate to find stability while providing positive opportunities needed to live their lives with dignity and pride.

Margaret Okari Children's Foundation

Empowering orphans and vulnerable children through education.

Hope In Life Foundation

Change One Life at a Time - Empower women, children and men through training and education. The organization advances equity for women, men and children through advocacy, training, education and research. It works to end Violence Against Women and Children . Locally we serve cities of Orange and Los Angeles Counties. We offer our services to all those who reach out to us via the web, social media pages and over the telephone. Globally we meet via Skype or Google Hangouts to collect data on violence aganist women.

Nepal Village Foundation, UK

The advancement of education for the public benefit, in particular among girls from poor families in rural Nepal who would not otherwise receive a formal education The prevention or relief of poverty in rural areas of Nepal by providing or assisting in the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient To develop the capacity and skills of the members of socially and economically disadvantaged communities of rural Nepal in such a way that they are better able to identify, and help meet, their needs and to participate more fully in society

Affordable Homeownership Foundation Inc

Our mission is to educate and motivate the economically vulnerable consumers and veterans of our community to take the steps necessary to reach for, and achieve financial literacy and establish strong financial goals, thus maintaining and obtaining the American Dream of home ownership through advocacy, education, counseling and grant assistance.

Native American Advancement Foundation

NAAF was founded to assist and promote research-based, community-driven, sustainable development throughout the Tohono O'odham Nation.

Mathare Foundation Youth Group

To train and create opportunities for children and youths in media, performing arts, sports, and leadership skills so that they become better citizens in their respective communities.

Lab-X Foundation Inc

To bring world-class higher education in developing nations and help to retain talents within the community. We provide hands-on opportunities and global exposure to students with limited resources and create a unique ecosystem fostering research, innovation and entrepreneurship by partnering with some of the best institutions and corporations in the world.

Ventura County Community Foundation

Connecting people, resources, and solutions to create lasting impact in our shared world.