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Zindagi Trust

Our mission is two-part: 1) To provide non-formal primary education through a creative, well-designed curriculum to Pakistan's underprivileged working children, thus empowering them to become responsible citizens as well as readying them for vocational or secondary education. 2) To assist the Government of Pakistan in reforming state schools and curricula so as to bring them at par with the challenges of present time, so that the majority of the country's youth that studies in them can get an equal opportunity at a bright future.

Tanzania Development Trust

The Trust Deed of 1975 says "The objects of the Trust shall be to relieve poverty and sickness among the people of Tanzania by means of the development of education, health and other social services, the improvement of water supplies and other communal facilities and the promotion of self- help activities." Interpreting the Trust Deed for the needs of the 21st Century we add: "In making grants, the Trust tries to promote equal opportunities and projects which improve the environment".

Tea Leaf Trust

Mission statement: To provide opportunities and promote ethnic cohesion through education. Our Aims: To deliver high quality, accessible educational programmes, both full time and part-time, to young people and children from the tea estates in the hill country of Sri Lanka; To effect social transformation in tea estate communities by highlighting the importance of community service, and instilling it as a core value in the youth through a series of practical programmes that develop their skills to give back to their communities; To improve youth employability and increase employment options outside the tea estates by facilitating the development of high-standard English language skills and professional skills; To facilitate the development of the emotional health of young people, enabling them to strengthen their positive coping strategies in order to with the complex societal issues that exist in their communities.

Zimbabwe Educational Trust (ZET)

Supporting Zimbabwean communities to keep children in school and out of poverty.

Global Vision International Charitable Trust

Working with local grassroots charities and NGOs in 13 countries across the globe, the Global Vision International (GVI) Charitable Trust manages and raises funds for numerous long-term programs. These funds are used to support our local partners with the aims of alleviating poverty, illiteracy, environmental degradation and climate change. We do this through education, nutrition, conservation and capacity building. Our work focuses upon 3 key objectives: awareness, impact and empowerment. The aim is to create awareness of global issues, have a direct impact on those issues locally and empower our alumni, be they volunteers, donors, staff or community members, to continue impacting local issues on a global level.

Trust for Social Achievement Foundation

The TSA tests and supports innovative, results-driven approaches that increase self-sufficiency and improve life outcomes for Bulgaria's poor, with a focus on the Roma. To achieve this, we honor and help develop professionalism, collaboration, and integrity in our partners.

National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund

The National Right To Life Educational Trust Fund educates the public about abortion, euthanasia, infanticide and other related issues within the scope of bioethics. the trust fund publishes and distributes books and other publications, films and audio materials, holds seminars and conferences, and advertises on general right to life issues through television. 

Trust Women Foundation

Women in the Midwest and South are subject to restrictive laws, which imply that women are either unfit or unqualified to make decisions about their lives, their families, and their current or future children. A few laws which simply make abortion access difficult include: 1. Punitive and prejudicial laws placed on the structure of clinics that provide abortions (i.e. TRAP Laws or targeted regulation of abortion providers). 2. Medically unnecessary requirements for abortion providers to have hospital privileges, a stipulation that has closed dozens of clinics across the country. 3. Prohibiting private insurance from covering abortion care. 4. Requiring a 24-hour waiting period. 5. Mandating Notarized Dual Parental Consent for minors. IN ADDITION, in this part of the country, women are subject to other expenses to access abortion care, including: 1. Costs for longer travel to get to an abortion provider. 2. Costs for caring for their current children. 3. Missed pay to take off of work for their appointment.

Youth Sport Trust International

The Youth Sport Trust is an independent charity devoted to building a brighter future for young people. We are passionate about helping all young people achieve their full potential by delivering high quality physical education (PE) and sport opportunities. Through 20 years of experience, we have developed a unique way of maximising the power of sport to grow young people, schools and communities. We believe in the power of sport to change young people's lives for the better. Our programmes focus on using sport as a vehicle to improve young people's: Wellbeing: Our work develops children's fundamental movement skills, equipping them with the confidence, competence and enjoyment of sport needed for a lifetime of activity, as well as good physical and emotional health. Leadership: Our work supports the personal development of young people and their progress at school, as well as preparing them for the challenges of life ahead. We support young people to develop a range of positive character qualities, such as: creativity, aspiration, resilience and empathy. Achievement: PE and sport delivered well is proven to impact positively on attainment and academic achievement. It can engage young people in learning and support the development of skills needed for success in the classroom, including: communication, teamwork and self-management.


To rescue and rehabilitate Arunthathiyar Dalit families from bonded labour, stand up against social injustice, to train women with sustainable vocational skills, and help them attain economic independence , access to quality education ,and healthcare facilities.