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Displaying 121–132 of 138

New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance

NECWA is a volunteer driven nonprofit based in southeastern MA. Our organization combines educational outreach with research and conservation activities to protect and rescue unique marine wildlife in the coastal waters of New England. We work within communities to help them to integrate with the wildlife around them, with the most benefit to both. NECWA aims to teach the next generation of field biologists and conservationists by providing internship opportunities for high school and college students to gain experience in the field of marine science. The data collected from our projects enhances our understanding of the fascinating marine wildlife found here. This data is shared with researchers in the United States and worldwide


D-Rev is a design engine that brings world-class health solutions to the people who need them most. Fundamentally we believe that all people deserve good health and we are in the position to design, refine, launch, implement, and track solutions that deliver quality impact. Our understanding of market dynamics and commercialization enables us to do it at scale with no additional philanthropy needed. We have achieved organizational proof of concept- with 5 products in 2 different product lines scaling via the market and over 700,000 patients treated in 71 countries. We are now tackling our biggest project- the development of a device to treat respiratory distress (a leading reason for infant mortality) in the NICU.

The Heinz Center

The Heinz Center is a nonpartisan, nonprofit institution dedicated to improving the scientific and economic foundation for environmental policy through multisectoral collaboration. The Center fosters collaboration among industry, environmental organizations, academia, and all levels of government in each of its program areas and projects. It uses scientific and economic analyses to develop viable options to solving problems, and its findings and recommendations are widely disseminated to public and private sector decision makers, the scientific community, and the public. The active involvement of high-level decision makers in government and industry, as well as of leading academic researchers and environmental activists enables the Center to make a unique contribution to environmental policymaking. The Center's work currently focuses on three strategic areas: Environmental Reporting; Global Change; and Sustainable Oceans, Coasts, and Waterways.

African Conservation Trust

We strive to contribute to a world where urban and rural communities take responsible care of their environment, work consciously to conserve and protect natural resources in sustainable ways, and preserve historical assets and heritage for the benefit of future generations. Our mission is three-pronged. Conservation: Create significant and sustainable environmental change, specifically focusing on climate change, water conservation, food security, waste recycling, sustainable energy, preservation of endangered fauna and flora and greening projects that incorporate poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihoods. Education: Increase capacity and expertise of the southern African environment community, by transferring skills, providing mentorship and building supportive networks for the development and sustainability of the environment sector. Innovation: Use modern technology (e.g. GIS) capacity to enhance conservation efforts and to pioneer socio-ecological approaches to protected area management.

Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardi

The Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardim (MSMCBJ) was initiated in 1996 as part of the outreach of the Comboni Missionaries in the Northeast of Brazil. MSMCBJ seeks to improve the lives of the people of the economically impoverished peripheral regions of Fortaleza, primarily the area of Grande Bom Jardim. To imagine a mental health project in a peripheral neighborhood like Bom Jardim, where the majority of people live in at-risk circumstances - in which extreme poverty, violence, a lack of housing and basic sanitation, street children, and unemployment predominate - is to believe that, even within pain and suffering, we can harvest flowers. That is, personal and social realities can be transformed. The challenge that MSMCBJ has been overcoming throughout its years of community action has been to demonstrate that, through the Community Systemic Approach, working with people's self-esteem results in greater self-awareness, which empowers people to create paths of liberation, thanks to the sense of participation and co-responsibility that MSMCBJ activities favor. The Movimento de Saude Mental Comunitaria do Bom Jardim welcomes the human being, respecting their bio-psycho-socio-spiritual dimensions, promoting the development of their potential, through the restoration of human rights and cultural values, with the goal of improving the quality their personal, interpersonal, and community relationships, for the promotion of the gift of life. We welcome and accept all people, despite their social class, race, religion, gender, or age; We stimulate the development of quality personal, group, community, social, and ecological relationships; We believe in the diversity of cultural roots as a principle on the strengthening of identity for the liberation and development of the human being; We exist within and are nourished by a loving spirituality in the search for personal and social integration and liberation; We offer a space for affective listening as an essential therapeutic instrument for the awakening and development of life; We participate in the development of human potential with the vision of autonomy and co-responsibility in the construction of the project of life; We value and recognize the talents of the individual, encouraging transparent and affective relationships as an opportunity for personal and professional growth; We believe in a work relationship that encourages the overcoming of conflicts as a form of maturing and growth; We encourage the awakening of a new consciousness that cultivates the essential values of love, peace, and justice; We gladly welcome partnerships that help to realize these life-restoring actions.

Childline Kenya

Childline Kenya's mission is to promote children's rights and enhance child protection in Kenya by delivering quality services through harnessing the power of ICT innovations. The organisation was established in 2004 with a remit to provide a 24-hour toll-free helpline for counselling and referral services to children, young persons and their families. We have since added chat and email counselling to our services and have developed a broad portfolio of outreach and educational projects. By offering a communication channel to children in distress, Childline Kenya aspires to become an organisation that not only extends support and sanctuary to victims of abuse, but one that adds weight to the message that crimes against children will not go unchallenged. To this end, we work with a network of members and partners from across the child welfare and children's rights community to offer the full spectrum of support and advice. Our vision is a society where every child is heard and children's rights and dignity are upheld at all times. The work of Childline Kenya is based on our core values of commitment, courage of conviction, integrity, competence, reliability and action.

PEPY Empowering Youth

"Connecting Cambodian Youth to the skills, opportunities, and inspirations needed to reach their potential." This is the mission of PEPY Empowering Youth, a local non-profit (NGO) focused on educating and empowering youth in underserved and remote communities outside of Siem Reap city. With their team's intimate understanding of barriers affecting students' ability to move onto higher education (many team members are former beneficiaries of PEPY's projects), PEPY staff often become student's first role models while building their capacity to achieve their dreams through academic, technical, and professional training- enabling them to make changes they wish to see in their communities. Through PEPY, students' rates of moving onto higher education and obtaining skilled employment are increasing. PEPY's approach to education development is different because they focus on high school and higher education students, an age group often overlooked, while targeting remote areas where higher education is uncommon and often financially impossible. PEPY's programs are comprehensive and go beyond typical scholarship programs, guaranteeing that students graduate and all of them find jobs while they are still in school.

Libraries Without Borders

Libraries Without Borders is an international nonprofit that expands access to information, education and cultural resources to vulnerable populations around the world. Our interventions address the structural causes of economic and human underdevelopment, reduce the digital divide, and promote cultural resilience. By focusing on the curation and customization of educational materials, along with the logistics and security involved with delivery, storage and construction of learning spaces, we have been able to develop innovative programs, create and re-envision library spaces and support librarians in over 25 countries. Most recently, we received the Library of Congress' International Literacy Award (2016) and won the Google Impact Challenge (2015). We advocate the idea of the library as a toolbox for communities to disseminate knowledge, promote social harmony, accompany the least fortunate, and ultimately, pursue human and economic development. We work in five areas of intervention: 1. EDUCATION LWB establishes libraries and information resource centers in universities and schools. This support manifests itself in the donation of materials, technical equipment, texts, and multimedia and electronic resources. LWB also provides support to teachers in their education responsibilities by putting in place educational resource centers as well as creating educational digital content. 2. INFORMATION AND CULTURE LWB supports the development of structures providing access to books, information and culture in developing countries. LWB enters into partnerships with libraries to help them develop their textual and digital resources and set up quality cultural programs. LWB also accompanies the creation of cultural projects for specific and disadvantaged groups such as visually impaired persons, prisoners and refugee populations. 3. CAPACITY BUILDING LWB initiates innovative specialized resource projects to reinforce the capacities of specific groups such as professionals from the medical or justice sectors. In facilitating access to verified and quality-controlled information, LWB accompanies their daily work in servicing their communities as well as their scientific research. 4. CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE LWB assists in the conservation and promotion of local written or oral heritage through the creation of specialized structures (libraries, cultural centers) and the training of personnel in these professions. Within the framework of promoting local knowledge and supporting publishers in developing countries, LWB also promotes the diffusion of local literature. 5. CULTURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP LWB works alongside cultural entrepreneurs to design innovative and sustainable economic models. By setting up income-generating activities and training in management strategies, libraries are re-invented as social and cultural entrepreneurs with major economic benefits for their communities.


The Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) is dedicated to scientific discovery – exploring fundamental biology, understanding biodiversity and the environment, and informing the human condition through research and education. Founded in Woods Hole, Massachusetts in 1888, the MBL is a private, nonprofit institution and an affiliate of the University of Chicago. The MBL’s oldest and most singular strength is our convening power, attracting the world’s leading scientists and students to Woods Hole. The MBL draws a unique mix of researchers ranging from early-career scientists to Nobel Laureates, and students at levels from high school to postdoctoral. Their interactions have led to multiple, transformative breakthroughs in our understanding of biology. Once largely a feature of summers at the MBL, this convening power is now evident year-round. Well over 500 scientists and faculty are involved annually in our research and educational programs – some based at MBL full-time, some coming to the MBL for portions of the year, and some leading or lecturing in our broad range of research courses. With a steady flow of students, scientists, and faculty participating in research projects throughout the year, enrolling in one of our research-based courses or thematic workshops, or spending an entire semester here, the special convening power of MBL is making our campus an increasingly vibrant and dynamic location year-round.

National Academy Of Engineering Fund

Founded in 1964, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) is a private, independent, nonprofit institution that provides engineering leadership in service to the nation. The mission of the National Academy of Engineering is to advance the well-being of the nation by promoting a vibrant engineering profession and by marshalling the expertise and insights of eminent engineers to provide independent advice to the federal government on matters involving engineering and technology. The NAE has more than 2,000 peer-elected members and foreign members, senior professionals in business, academia, and government who are among the world’s most accomplished engineers. They provide the leadership and expertise for numerous projects focused on the relationships between engineering, technology, and the quality of life. The NAE is part of The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The NAE operates under the same congressional act of incorporation that established the National Academy of Sciences, signed in 1863 by President Lincoln. Under this charter the NAE is directed "whenever called upon by any department or agency of the government, to investigate, examine, experiment, and report upon any subject of science or art." Engineering program activities cut across the many operational units of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The NAE’s independent assets and operating funds are held in the National Academy of Engineering Fund (NAEF), a tax-exempt corporation under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It was created to support the mission and goals of the NAE and its tax identification number is 23-7284092.


The Arc/k Project is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to digitally archive that which is too valuable, too important, and too unique to be lost or forgotten. We envision the creation of a sustainable archival quality process to counter the threats and destruction of treasured objects and locations due to war, iconoclastic movements, poverty, neglect, climate change and even vandalism as some conspire to rob humanity of its collective culture as well as memory. To preserve our global heritage, we seek to capture and archive culturally and historically significant objects and locations via emerging modern digital formats including 3D imaging as well as the immersive technologies of augmented and virtual realities. With a goal to achieve the highest archival quality accuracy and authenticity, we are promoting the science of photogrammetry to populate the data for our digital formats. We are now looking to collaborate with like-minded individuals, museums, organizations and academic institutions to create case studies using the photogrammetry process to digitally archive and preserve objects and locations via grants or volunteer work. Also here is Arc/k's mission statement as it's laid out in our Articles of Incorporation -- "The specific purpose of this corporation shall be to preserve cultural assets across geopolitical regions, religions, races, and political borders, and to carry on other charitable activities associated with this purpose as allowed by law."

Challenger Center for Space Science Education

In the aftermath of the Challenger accident, the crew’s families came together, firmly committed to the belief that they must carry on the spirit of their loved ones by continuing the Challenger crew’s educational mission. Their efforts resulted in the creation of Challenger Center for Space Science Education. Challenger Center and its global network of Challenger learning centers use space-themed simulated learning and role-playing strategies to help students bring their classroom studies to life and cultivate skills needed for future success, such as problem solving, critical thinking, communication and teamwork. A not-for-profit 501(c)(3) education organization, Challenger Center reaches hundreds of thousands of students, and tens of thousands of teachers every year. Challenger Center relies on donations from private individuals and corporations to create mission content, deliver quality education experiences, build unique simulation centers, incorporate new technology, train educators and engage students in robust learning projects. Your donation today helps us to continue to ignite inspiration and imagination in students around the globe! If we’re doing all of this now, imagine what we can do with your help! mission: engage students and teachers in dynamic, hands-on exploration and discovery opportunities that strengthen knowledge in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), inspire students to pursue careers in these fields, and provide an outlet to learn and apply important life skills. vision: build a scientifically literate public and shape our future leaders to help improve quality of life across the globe – not just through pragmatic teaching, but also by the power of vision, inspiration, and innovation.