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Displaying 229–240 of 5,833

Israel Friends of Technion

Israel Friends of Technion mission is to make sure that every capable young person, regardless of social, financial, educational or ethnic background, is given the opportunity to study at the Technion. Through its fund-raising efforts, ITS helps needy graduate students to finance their studies, providing support for post-graduates education and the acquisition of higher degrees, which would pave the way for their becoming part of the Technion's academic or research staff. Through these efforts the ITS contributes to the creation of a significant group of talented researchers in Israel.

Carnegie Institution of Washington

The Institution's purpose, as conceived by Andrew Carnegie, is to "encourage, in the broadest and most liberal manner, investigation, research, and discovery, and the application of knowledge to the improvement of mankind." The Carnegie Institution is devoted to addressing fundamental questions on the frontiers of biology, earth sciences, and astronomy that its trustees and scientists consider to be among the most significant in science. Its funds are used to support projects at its own research departments and to conduct a program of advanced education at the predoctoral and postdoctoral levels. It also offers programs for elementary school teachers and children in Washington, DC., Baltimore, MD and Pasadena, CA.

Mars Society

The purpose of the Mars Society is to further the exploration and settlement of the planet Mars. We work to educate the public, the media and the government on the benefits of exploring Mars and creating a permanent human presence on the Red Planet. In order to accomplish this, the organization actively seeks to:1. Organize public outreach with the aim of fostering a deep interest in Mars,2. Promote broad international support for government-funded Mars research and exploration, and3. Advocate the establishment of commercial space ventures that will help achieve Mars exploration and settlement.Society activities include Mars analog simulations in the Utah desert and the Canadian Arctic, public outreach and educational programs such as the MarsVR virtual reality simulations.

Greenlight for Girls, asbl

Mission To encourage girls of any age of any background to consider and pursue math and science-related studies and careers by introducing them to the world of science in fun and exciting ways Objectives To increase the number of women in math and science occupations (science, math, engineering & technology = STEM) To create a network of girls so that they meet one another and form future friendships that will encourage them to reach their potential To create a link between girls and real scientists and mathematicians so they can explore dreams and possibilities for the future To provide an outlet for professionals, with particular emphasis on females in math, science and technology fields, to work together, meet one another and contribute to this worthy mission To booster self-confidence of girls and women, especially those who may not have positive influences or economic advantages Vision We envision a balanced world where girls from any nation, any background and of any age know they have the possibility and choice to enter the world of math, science and technology and to realise that their future is full of possibilities

Childhope Asia Philippines, Inc.

A world where all children, particularly street children, can fully enjoy their rights and become responsible and respected members of society. A world where all children speak the universal language of love, commitment and peace, ensuring for: the protection and realization of children's rights and obligations; the reintegration of children into the mainstream of society; the provision of and access to basic services; the involvement and consultation of street children in program development; the emancipation of children from the conditions of being forced to work; a society where all the needs of street children are met, their rights protected, and their dignity and self-worth upheld; communities that are responsive and empowered to take care of their own children. We pledge: to establish contacts and facilitate networking and linkages among individuals, organizations, and agencies, both non-government and government, concerned with street children in the Philippines and throughout the Asia region; to facilitate advocacy, social mobilization, research, training, technical assistance, and program support activities at the national and regional levels; and to maintain a databank of information on street children and exploited children (research studies, programs and services, resource groups and individuals).

Washington STEM

Washington state ranks among the top states in the nation in the concentration of STEM jobs, and opportunities are increasing rapidly. By 2030, 70% of high-demand, family-sustaining wage jobs available in our state will require postsecondary degree credentials; 67% of those will require postsecondary STEM credentials. But Washington students are not equitably or adequately prepared to take advantage of these opportunities. Today, only 40% of all students are on track to attain postsecondary credential. Worse yet, students of color, rural students, girls and young women, and students living in poverty still lack access to these pathways—they face disparities early on and fall further behind as they move through the education system. In our state STEM is at the forefront of discovery, on the frontlines of creative 21st century problem-solving, and serves as one of the largest pathways to family-sustaining wage careers and long-term economic security. STEM pathways have promise like few others in Washington and it is imperative that Black, Brown, and indigenous students, rural and low-income students, and girls have access. Washington STEM is working to ensure that all students have equal opportunity to benefit from the transformational possibilities that STEM has to offer.

Latinos In Information Sciences And Technology Association

Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association (LISTA) is committed to supporting Latinos who work in the science, mathematics, information sciences, new media, telecommunications, and technology sector. Our mission is to educate, motivate and encourage the use of technology for the empowerment of the Latino community in order to conquer the digital divide. We do this by bringing various elements of technology under one central hub to provide our partners and members of the Latino community with the tools they need to succeed in a highly advanced and technological driven society. More specifically our organization: Builds and strengthens our stakeholder’s proficiency in the information technology, science and telecommunications sector. Facilitates our member’s business opportunities within all levels of the IT, IS, and telecommunications industry. Represents the interest of over 50,000,000 Hispanics across the country and their interest in the IT, IS, and Telecommunications industry. LISTA can help Latino information technology, information science, and telecommunications professionals succeed in the industry. LISTA provides professionals, executives, entrepreneurs and students with a pathway from the schoolroom to the boardroom through education, mentoring, business networking and services that enhances personal growth. Professionals and executives get access to mentoring, professional career and life coaching, training and job placement assistance. The opportunities available in our local chapters, as well as our national organization help you build the connections you need to advance in your career or business. Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association (LISTA) offers you the resources, information, and support you will need to reach your goals. As a member, you will have a wealth of resources, interaction with peers and many business leaders. When you become a member of LISTA, you will be part of a team and work with leaders in over twelve states across the USA. Join Now!!!

Ora Lee Smith Cancer Research Foundation

Founded by Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green, the Ora Lee Smith Cancer Research Foundation is on a mission to change the way cancer is treated and reduce cancer-patient suffering by providing a treatment that is accessible, affordable, and, most importantly, effective. Despite all of modern and alternative medicine’s best approaches, nearly 9 million cancer-related deaths occur every year due to cost, access, and efficacy of current treatment options. Dr. Green has developed a new arsenal in the war on cancer, Laser-Activated Nano-Therapy (LANT). After a single 10-minute treatment, LANT completely eliminates tumors in laboratory mice in just 15 days, without any observable side effects. Limited by funding, not technological advancements, LANT is ready for human trials. The purpose of the Ora Lee Smith Cancer Research Foundation is to move LANT beyond the laboratory and into humans, independent of the pharmaceutical industry with tax-deductible donations. We have the capacity to save lives. With our revolutionary technology, we can. With your help, we will. Together, #WeAreOraLee. Together, with your generous support, we can change the way cancer is treated.

Dolphin Research Center

Through Education, research and rescue, Dolphin Research Center promotes peaceful coexistence, cooperation and communication between marine mammals, humans and the environment we share with the well-being of DRC’s animals taking precedence.

Math Learning Center

Our mission is to inspire and enable individuals to discover and develop their mathematical confidence and ability.

Asia America Initiative

The mission of AAI is to build hope and empower communities afflicted by armed conflict and severe poverty. We believe that peace, security and respect for human dignity are inseparable. Our goal is to develop programs as sustainable models that can be replicated globally. Our people-to-people initiatives integrate health, education, arts and livelihood as a basis for mediation. By building Hope, we overcome the hatred propagated by terror organizations. The success of these cost-effective models shows that empowering impoverished and conflict-plagued communities strengthens international security, stability and peace.


WE CARE Solar promotes safe motherhood and reduces maternal mortality in developing regions by providing health workers with reliable lighting, mobile communication, and blood bank refrigeration using solar electricity. The Problem Maternal mortality worldwide accounts for more than half a million deaths a year; 99 percent of these occur in underdeveloped countries. For every maternal death, at least 20 women suffer severe complications from childbirth. Major causes of maternal death include obstetric hemorrhage, obstructive labor, eclampsia, and sepsis. These emergencies cannot always be predicted, nor are they always preventable. However, with prompt, appropriate and reliable medical care, they are unlikely to result in loss of life. Sporadic electricity impairs the operation of surgical wards, delivery wards, essential hospital equipment, and hospital communication devices. This compromises the ability of health workers to provide safe, appropriate and timely medical care. Labor and delivery nurses cannot quickly notify on-call physicians of emergencies. Midwives and physicians are forced to make treatment decisions without the benefit of necessary diagnostic tests. Obstetric procedures and emergency surgeries are conducted under grossly suboptimal conditions, and can have tragic consequences. Our Background Co-founder Dr. Laura Stachel went to Northern Nigeria in 2008 to study ways to lower maternal mortality in state hospitals. She witnessed deplorable conditions in state facilities including sporadic electricity that impaired maternity and surgical care. Without a reliable source of electricity, nighttime deliveries were attended in near darkness, cesarean sections were cancelled or conducted by flashlight, and critically ill patients waited hours or days for life-saving procedures. The outcomes were often tragic. Laura wrote to her husband, Hal Aronson, a solar energy educator back in Berkeley, California. Together, Laura and Hal co-founded WE CARE Solar to improve maternal health outcomes in regions without reliable electricity. Hal designed an off-grid solar electric system for the hospital Laura was studying, targeting the maternity ward, labor room, laboratory and operating theatre. A Portable Solution Hal created a suitcase-sized prototype of the hospital solar electric system so Laura could show Nigerian hospital workers the LED lights, headlamps and walkie-talkies planned for deployment. When Laura returned to Nigeria toting the "solar suitcase," her Nigerian colleagues immediately grasped its significance and began using this kit to charge headlamps and walkie-talkies while they awaited the larger solar installation. In addition, hospital employees introduced Laura to clinicians in outlying health facilities who begged her to bring solar lighting to their own clinics, too. Our five-year goal is to serve 5 million mothers in remote areas by deploying 10,000 Solar Suitcases to health care facilities around the globe.