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Reporters Without Borders-USA

Reporters Without Borders USA (RWB USA) is the U.S. office of the global organization, Reporters Sans Frontieres, a leading defender of freedom of information with almost 30 years of experience. A core belief of Reporters Without Borders is that only through freedom of information can one verify the existence of all the other freedoms. Without free circulation of information, it is impossible to strengthen human rights protection, advance government accountability, and improve the reach and the quality of social justice and civil liberties. At RWB, we are defending information, defending reporters and citizen reporters (netizens) whose work benefits ALL citizens.

Pathways to Safety International

Pathways to Safety International empowers victims of interpersonal & gender based violence abroad. Pathways undertakes the global challenge of assisting victims who are enduring extreme suffering in isolated situations where support seems minimal and many obstacles block the path to safety. Services are provided 24/7/365 via technology on a global scale to American victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and forced marriage. This is achieved via an international toll free crisis line, 833-SAFE-833, accessible from over 120 countries, serving a population estimated at 9 million American civilians living overseas, 80 million Americans traveling overseas, and the 450,000 American military personnel and their dependents.

Silicon Vikings

At Silicon Vikings, we are committed to fostering a robust and equitable entrepreneurial ecosystem. Our mission is to provide, free of charge, a dynamic suite of programs, powered by and for the community — a Mentorship Program, the New Nordics Pitch Competition, impactful Hackathons, and insightful Satellite Events. We strive to nurture connections, create opportunities, and inspire growth, ensuring every individual in our thriving community can advance their entrepreneurial journey. Our vision at Silicon Vikings is to revolutionize the entrepreneurial landscape, creating an ecosystem where access to top-tier support and quality resources is a right, not a privilege. We envision a future where every entrepreneur, regardless of their means, can thrive and succeed without having to pay or forfeit equity. In this future, the spirit of entrepreneurship is unhindered, and innovation flourishes.

Center for Excellence in Education

The Center for Excellence in Education (CEE) has a successful history of contributing to the scientific leadership of this country. CEE was founded in 1983 by the late Admiral H. G. Rickover, the father of the nuclear navy and of civilian uses of nuclear power and Joann DiGennaro, CEE's President. They recognized that the nurturing of careers of excellence and leadership in science and technology in young scholars is an essential investment in our national and global future. CEE is a private, (501)(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation that provides cost-free programs to its student scholars through collaboration with educational institutions, private foundations, corporations and government agencies who share a commitment to educational excellence and leadership in science and technology. Central to all of CEE's programs is the understanding that talent in scientific and mathematical disciplines achieves its greatest fulfillment of promise when it is nurtured from an early age. All programs are designed to provide the ongoing nurturing that will assure that the nation and the world benefit from the future leadership that will come from fulfillment of the promise shown by the students accepted to participate.


MAKAIA is a non-profit organization strengthens capacities for social development through technology, innovation and international cooperation. Our vision is that every person and organization has knowledge and information to increase opportunities to transform themselves and their communities. MAKAIA means "to build" or "make" in Miskito (Indigenous Language from Honduras). The name represents MAKAIAs objective of building alliances and relationships oriented to the social and economic development.

Childline Kenya

Childline Kenya's mission is to promote children's rights and enhance child protection in Kenya by delivering quality services through harnessing the power of ICT innovations. The organisation was established in 2004 with a remit to provide a 24-hour toll-free helpline for counselling and referral services to children, young persons and their families. We have since added chat and email counselling to our services and have developed a broad portfolio of outreach and educational projects. By offering a communication channel to children in distress, Childline Kenya aspires to become an organisation that not only extends support and sanctuary to victims of abuse, but one that adds weight to the message that crimes against children will not go unchallenged. To this end, we work with a network of members and partners from across the child welfare and children's rights community to offer the full spectrum of support and advice. Our vision is a society where every child is heard and children's rights and dignity are upheld at all times. The work of Childline Kenya is based on our core values of commitment, courage of conviction, integrity, competence, reliability and action.

Sanitation and Health Rights in India

Over 600 million Indians defecate in the open every day because they have no toilet. This practice cripples health, economic, and social outcomes. Open defecation (OD) causes the spread of infectious diseases that kill an estimated 300,000 children under five every year. The economic costs of OD total nearly $54 billion lost each year in India, with rural households bearing the highest per capita loss. Furthermore, women and girls who lack convenient access to toilets often miss school and work while they are menstruating. SHRI ends open defecation in India by constructing community toilet facilities that are free to use. They include eight toilets for women, eight for men, hand-washing stations, and a biogas digester (a large underground tank). Human excrement is stored in this tank where it decomposes to produce methane gas. SHRI uses this energy source to produce electricity, which powers a water filtration plant that uses a patented resin filter to remove arsenic, fluoride, iron, and bacterial contaminants. The resulting potable water is sold for $0.008 per liter, less than half the current market cost, helping SHRI to generate revenue to offset its monthly facility O&M costs. This ensures facility cleanliness, a key predictor of sustained toilet use. Thus SHRI fights alongside rural Indian communities to end open defecation as a key step in the struggle for health equity, and social and economic justice.