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Displaying 25–36 of 404

National Biodiesel Foundation

The Foundation works closely with the National Biodiesel Board to address national issues affecting us all -- cleaner air, greater economic development for rural communities, and enhanced national security through energy independence. Organized in 1994, our mission is to accomplish outreach, education, research and demonstration activities for the advancement of biodiesel.

Global Diversity Foundation

Global Diversity Foundation believes that our future depends on our respectful engagement with the vast biological and cultural diversity of Earth. We work to protect this diversity and enhance socioecological wellbeing. We carry out collaborative biocultural projects that build resilience, foster innovation and promote learning. Our work contributes to the growing global transition towards justice, respect and dignity for all beings.At the grassroots, through our regional programmes, we support communities as they improve their livelihoods while respecting environmental processes and make autonomous, informed decisions regarding their lands, resources and futures. At the global scale, we strengthen the knowledge, networking and communication skills of emerging environmental changemakers

Evergreen Education Foundation

To improve access to learning opportunities of high quality for children and young adults in rural and low income areas in China; To nurture lifelong learning habits through programs promoting various literacies related to essential life skills; To serve as a bridge in collaborative efforts to enhance global learning

Morning Star Foundation

Founded in 2010, MSF works in China, Uganda, and India. We provide lifesaving heart surgeries to; abandoned, orphaned, and children with families, who are born with severe heart disease. We focus on giving hope to those born with heart disease that is so severe that little hope is given.

Star Legacy Foundation

Dedicated to pregnancy & infant loss awareness, research, education, advocacy and family support. Because every pregnancy deserves a happy ending.

Siam-Care Foundation

Siam Care takes a biblical approach to strengthen marginalized and at risk children, families, and communities through psychosocial support, health access, educational scholarships, family reconciliation, legal rights and HIV awareness raising, advocacy, and spiritual transformation.

Integral Heart Foundation

Our mission is to change culture from the inside out through person-to-person sponsoring and educational programs that include the development of mind, body, spirit and emotions. We see our work as the beginning of a multi-generational movement whose leaders are empowered to preserve cultural beauty and diversity and to embrace personal responsibility in a global context.

Forever Family Foundation

Mission statement - To provide a forum where individuals and families who have suffered the loss of a loved one can turn for support, information, and hope through state-of-the-art information and services provided by ongoing research into the survival of consciousness and Afterlife Science.

The American Chestnut Foundation

The American Chestnut Foundation has one simple goal: to restore the American chestnut to its native forests. Destroyed by an imported blight many consider the worst environmental disaster of the twentieth century, the American chestnut was virtually eliminated from the eastern hardwood forest between 1904 and 1940. With its loss, wildlife populations plummeted; never to return to former levels. With recent developments in genetics, there is promise that this critically important wildlife food source and timber tree will again become part of our natural heritage. To make this possibility a reality, a group of prominent scientists, in 1983, established the non-profit research-oriented American Chestnut Foundation (TACF). The Foundation's mission is simple: to restore the American chestnut as an integral part of the eastern forest ecosystem. TACF is employing traditional plant breeding techniques, backed by advanced research methods, to develop a blight resistant American chestnut tree. TACF is restoring a species - and in the process, creating a template for restoration of other tree and plant species.

Captain Paul Watson Foundation

THE CAPTAIN PAUL WATSON FOUNDATION has been established to promote and further the legacy of Captain Paul Watson. To focus on the protection and conservation of the Ocean through direct intervention supported by education, documentation, research activities and partnerships with other NGOs, governments and international institutions like the United Nations. It will be made up of a small team that will prevent any future interference or dilution of the overall vision of Paul's legacy by keeping management and bureaucracy minimal.

The Ocean Foundation - SeaWeb

By raising public awareness, advancing science-based solutions and mobilizing decision-makers around ocean conservation, we are leading voices for a healthy ocean. SeaWeb was founded to address the lack of public engagement on ocean issues, and works to reverse this trend by enabling key decision-makers to better understand the complexities of important marine environmental problems. In addition, our social marketing techniques enable the marine conservation community to effectively communicate sound solutions to these problems - another vital aspect of our unique approach to solving critical conservation questions.

Lmsarcoma Direct Research Foundation

To empower patients with information and support;Fund groundbreaking LMS research, and Provide a bridge between patients and researchers, to collaborate on finding a cure.