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ConnecTeach, Inc

We believe that educational programs that emphasize critical real world problem-solving skills are powerful drivers of positive change. We are committed to delivering these programs to empower teachers and students in the world's poorest communities, setting in motion cycles of positive change to resolve the underlying causes of poverty and injustice. Our Vision:An education that empowers all children to defend and safeguard their fundamental human rights, creating a more peaceful and just world. Our Values: Webelieve that education is a fundamental human right. We believe that education is the driver of real change. Webelieve that a meaningful education empowers ALL people to live in dignity and in peace.

B612 Foundation

The goal of B612 Foundation is to enhance our capability to protect Earth from asteroid impacts. We have done this through:Science & TechnologyPreparing studies and analyses necessary to identify, select and deploy technologies and techniques most likely to succeed in detecting and deflecting asteroids on course to impact Earth. Advocacy & EducationDelivering to the public information and education advocacy programs through media, public lectures, and other means to reach and inform the general public, the scientific community, and world governments about planetary defense and the best technological solutions against asteroid impacts.

Siam-Care Foundation

Siam Care takes a biblical approach to strengthen marginalized and at risk children, families, and communities through psychosocial support, health access, educational scholarships, family reconciliation, legal rights and HIV awareness raising, advocacy, and spiritual transformation.

GRAACC - Support Group for Adolescents and Children with Cancer

GRAACC's mission is to guarantee that children and adolescents with cancer have the right to all the possibilities of cure with quality of life, using the most advanced scientific standard and minimum impact to the childhood experience.

Childline Kenya

Childline Kenya's mission is to promote children's rights and enhance child protection in Kenya by delivering quality services through harnessing the power of ICT innovations. The organisation was established in 2004 with a remit to provide a 24-hour toll-free helpline for counselling and referral services to children, young persons and their families. We have since added chat and email counselling to our services and have developed a broad portfolio of outreach and educational projects. By offering a communication channel to children in distress, Childline Kenya aspires to become an organisation that not only extends support and sanctuary to victims of abuse, but one that adds weight to the message that crimes against children will not go unchallenged. To this end, we work with a network of members and partners from across the child welfare and children's rights community to offer the full spectrum of support and advice. Our vision is a society where every child is heard and children's rights and dignity are upheld at all times. The work of Childline Kenya is based on our core values of commitment, courage of conviction, integrity, competence, reliability and action.

Impact Metrics and Stories
Share Child Opportunity Eastern and Northen Uganda (SCOEN)

To attain gender equality in a Ugandan local community through promoting the social, political, educational and economic participation of women and children in community development programs. SCOEN strives to create a future in which all Ugandan women will be viewed and treated equally as men in all aspects of life; political, economic, social, educational and culturally. We will also seek to continue our role as advocates of children and women's rights, promoter of their capacities and driving force of social change, promoting their participation in the decisions that affect their lives, and amplifying their voices for peace and security at the regional, national and global levels.

Oceanic Institute

AQUACULTURE RESEARCH - The purpose of the Oceanic Institute is for the advancement and extension of research in all of the fields and areas of marine sciences generally and to engage in, assist and contribute to the support of scientific, educational, and charitable activities and projects, and to contribute to the support of, and to create and maintain scientific, educational and charitable institutions, organizations and funds of any and every kind.

Childhope Asia Philippines, Inc.

A world where all children, particularly street children, can fully enjoy their rights and become responsible and respected members of society. A world where all children speak the universal language of love, commitment and peace, ensuring for: the protection and realization of children's rights and obligations; the reintegration of children into the mainstream of society; the provision of and access to basic services; the involvement and consultation of street children in program development; the emancipation of children from the conditions of being forced to work; a society where all the needs of street children are met, their rights protected, and their dignity and self-worth upheld; communities that are responsive and empowered to take care of their own children. We pledge: to establish contacts and facilitate networking and linkages among individuals, organizations, and agencies, both non-government and government, concerned with street children in the Philippines and throughout the Asia region; to facilitate advocacy, social mobilization, research, training, technical assistance, and program support activities at the national and regional levels; and to maintain a databank of information on street children and exploited children (research studies, programs and services, resource groups and individuals).

Climate Foundation

Ecosystem Survival, Food Security, Carbon Balance The anthropocene is NOT inevitable or unsolvable. We have found that we have solutions. We have found that with the right help, we can stop the mass extinctions, We can lower the carbon, We can reverse climate change, ​​ we can save the earth.

Video Volunteers

Video Volunteers is a social media network that leverages the power of media to expand and accelerate positive social change, empower communities, overcome illiteracy and provide a real platform for voice among marginalized people in the developing world. By developing innovative and sustainable media platforms for production and distribution, focused on the needs and requirements of the poor and voiceless, we empower communities to create and share their own solutions to rights violations.

Charity Centre for Children and Youth Development

Charity Centre for Children and Youth Development exists to supporting HIV/AIDS education, Persons living with disabilities, orphans and vulnerable children, youth and women in Solwezi district of Zambia by providing them with, educational support (provision of school requisites and literacy materials), health and life skills and vocational Training. These enables disadvantaged members of our society live life of independence and contribute to the national economy. We envision a society that will work towards eradication of vulnerability and illiteracy among Orphans and vulnerable children, youths and women. The Organization's mission is to promote and enhance the capabilities of children, youth and women in Solwezi district and beyond to effect positive social change that would necessitate the development of their lives, communities and the nation at large.

Israel Friends of Technion

Israel Friends of Technion mission is to make sure that every capable young person, regardless of social, financial, educational or ethnic background, is given the opportunity to study at the Technion. Through its fund-raising efforts, ITS helps needy graduate students to finance their studies, providing support for post-graduates education and the acquisition of higher degrees, which would pave the way for their becoming part of the Technion's academic or research staff. Through these efforts the ITS contributes to the creation of a significant group of talented researchers in Israel.