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Displaying 1–12 of 113

American Museum Of Natural History

The mission of the American Museum of Natural History is to discover, interpret, and disseminate - through scientific research and education - knowledge about human cultures, the natural world, and the universe.

B612 Foundation

The goal of B612 Foundation is to enhance our capability to protect Earth from asteroid impacts. We have done this through:Science & TechnologyPreparing studies and analyses necessary to identify, select and deploy technologies and techniques most likely to succeed in detecting and deflecting asteroids on course to impact Earth. Advocacy & EducationDelivering to the public information and education advocacy programs through media, public lectures, and other means to reach and inform the general public, the scientific community, and world governments about planetary defense and the best technological solutions against asteroid impacts.

Intrepid Museum Foundation

The mission of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum is to honor our heroes, educate the public and inspire our youth.

Morning Star Foundation

Founded in 2010, MSF works in China, Uganda, and India. We provide lifesaving heart surgeries to; abandoned, orphaned, and children with families, who are born with severe heart disease. We focus on giving hope to those born with heart disease that is so severe that little hope is given.

Star Legacy Foundation

Dedicated to pregnancy & infant loss awareness, research, education, advocacy and family support. Because every pregnancy deserves a happy ending.

Naval Aviation Museum Foundation

To be the best in the world, self-sustaining Foundation that engages and educates the public by supporting and promoting the National Naval Aviation Museum experience, Naval Aviation, and aviation-inspired educational programs.

March Field Museum Foundation

The museum's official mission statement is "Where stories of military and civilian aviation and March Field come alive." This mission is typically expressed (in publicity, marketing, and internal training materials) as "The March Field Air Museum is a nonprofit educational institution dedicated to promoting an understanding of humanity's reach for the skies and March Field's pivotal role in the development of flight." The museum's slogan is "Reach for the Skies!"