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Alliance Anti Trafic

To fight against sexual exploitation of women and minors To protect women and minors To prevent and reduce the risk of sexual exploitation To build positive attitude on gender issues To research and understand the root causes of sexual exploitation To eliminate sexual exploitation in all its forms, especially sexual abuse, prostitution and trafficking in women and minors. To create public awareness and through self-development to create positive attitudes to protect themselves and against sexual exploitation and become involved in eliminating sexual exploitation.


The mission of Ayúdame3D is to create and provide 3D-printed prosthetic devices to people with limb differences, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The organization aims to promote a culture of inclusion, empowerment, and innovation, by leveraging technology, education, and community engagement. Ayúdame3D envisions a world where every person with a disability has access to affordable and functional assistive devices that enable them to live with dignity, independence, and full participation in society.

Humana People to People

HPP Laos implements quality community projects to provide vulnerable people with the knowledge, skills and tools to improve their well-being. HPP Laos' community-led projects particularly benefit marginalized and vulnerable populations in rural and remote communities, particularly women, children, youth, and ethnic minorities. HPP Laos' projects focus on sustainable agriculture, environmental protection, maternal and child health and nutrition, disease prevention and community development. Our core value is to work alongside the poorest and most marginalized people in the most remote, often forgotten, and vulnerable communities, empowering them to work together and achieve the change they want. Our work is based on the ethic of supportive humanism, which empowers people to drive their own development and ensures that they lead the decision-making, implementation, and ongoing evaluation of the activities of the project. HPP Laos is legally registered as a representative office (Laos Registration#: 057/AE.O1.3) of the Humana People to People (HPP) Federation, a global network of 29 organizations headquartered in Zimbabwe and working in 43 countries, some of them for more than 40 years. HPP Laos benefits from the accumulated experience and expertise of its HPP partner organizations worldwide through this affiliation. HPP Laos' methodology is mainly participatory and places the needs of local communities at the centre of its projects while adapting its capacity to support communities as best as possible. Another key pillar of HPP Laos' approach is a close working relationship with the Laotian authorities, which has resulted in many successful community development projects in Bolikhamxay and Khammouane provinces. Consequently, Lao authorities have invited HPP Laos to propose new development projects to support vulnerable communities. For example, health officials asked HPP Laos to establish another TB referral project in northern Oudomxay based on the achievements of projects in the two central provinces. 2 Since 2011, HPP Laos' inclusive approach has benefited 90,000 marginalized people in 180 villages, mainly in the provinces of Bolikhamxay and Khammouane. It has supported 36,000 vulnerable people through climate-resilient agriculture and led TB awareness campaigns for 485,000 people, with 315,000 screenings and 720 patients on TB treatment. List of Main Donors: EU, Expertise France L'initiative, Global Fund, Asian Development Bank, GEF SGP, Luxembourg Development, Planet Aid, WWF, IUCN, Gilead Sciences, and the German, Canadian, Czech, Australian, and United States embassies in Laos.

International Institute for Environment and Development

3. The objects for which the Company is established are: 3.1 To advance the education of the public by all charitable means; 3.2 To promote sustainable development for the benefit of the public by: 3.2.1 The preservation, conservation and protection of the environment and the prudent use of natural resources; 3.2.2 The relief of poverty and the improvement of the conditions of life in socially and economically disadvantaged communities; and 3.2.3 The promotion of sustainable means for achieving economic growth and regeneration. In this context 'sustainable development' means development which meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Stichting Women Win

Women Win's vision is that of a world in which every adolescent girl and young woman fully exercises her rights. Our mission is to advance the playing field that empowers girls through sport and play. Women Win is the global leader in girls and women's empowerment through sport. We leverage the power of play to help adolescent girls and young women build leadership skills and become better equipped to exercise their rights. Since 2007, we have impacted the lives of 2,822,400 adolescent girls and young women directly and indirectly in over 100 countries. This is possible thanks to collaborations with a wide variety of grassroots women's organisations, companies, development organisations, sports bodies and government agencies. Women Win currently supports initiatives in Asia, Africa, Middle East, North and South America. Our work is focused on empowering girls and young women through sport, emphasising the prevention of gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and economic empowerment. In practice this involves developing high quality specialised tools and curricula; delivering training and capacity building workshops; monitoring and evaluation tools and systems development; and providing strategic and programmatic support. Women Win invests in and manages a diverse portfolio of global partners with approximately 1.5 million euros of direct funding granted annually.


UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. We lead international action to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people.

China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA)

Help resource-deficient poor communities enhance their capacity for self- sustainability; Upgrade basic production conditions and primary social service levels; Mitigate social suffering while promoting social harmony. Vision: Be the best trusted, the best expected and the best respected international philanthropy platform Mission: Disseminate good and reduce poverty, help others to achieve their aims, and make the good more powerful Values: Service, Innovation, Transparency, Tenacity Slogan: Persistence Brings Change

Women Deliver

Women Deliver is a leading global advocate that champions gender equality and the health and rights of girls and women. Our advocacy drives investment—political and financial— in the lives of girls and women. We harness evidence and unite diverse voices to spark commitment to gender equality. And we get results. Anchored in sexual and reproductive health, we advocate for the rights of girls and women across every aspect of their lives.

Alliance Anti Trafic

Our mission is to protect and support women and children though prevention of, and direct support against, abuse, exploitation and human trafficking. AAT VIETNAM is a peer-based Non-Government Organization which was founded by a social worker with many years experience working in Vietnam and peer educators with a deep understanding of the Vietnamese context. We develop realistic projects to tackle the root causes of abuse, exploitation and human trafficking. AAT VIETNAM is a pioneering NGO which has established the first models of action to tackle the causes and consequences of human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Vietnam over the past fifteen years. AAT VIETNAM is unique thanks to its international task force network of local partners in fifteen countries worldwide, its direct field actions in five countries of Southeast Asia and its relationship and partnership with regional governments. AAT Vietnam's approach is to engage the Vietnamese population and Government to promote social development. Preventative actions though awareness and education are at the core of our activities, in order to achieve mindset changes in our beneficiaries, empowering them to protect themselves. Currently AAT Vietnam is mainly focused on prevention through education at schools to combat social harms and associated issues. We offer a comprehensive extra curricular course to schools with a student-interactive and comprehensive approach, which educates students about Reproductive Health, sexuality, drug use, incest, early marriage, early pregnancy, abortion, self defense, migration, human trafficking, while increasing understanding of gender differences and human rights. Our goal is to make this course adaptable to the Vietnamese National Educational curriculum in order to reach all children in Vietnam and to achieve recognition by the Ministry of Education that this is an essential activity for the well-being of new generations and social development in general. AAT Vietnam also focuses on the assistance and the protection of victims and potential victims of trafficking; offering repatriation, rehabilitation and reintegration services. We are able to offer effective services in this area when the government allows us to access to assess victims and provide support to them. The work of AAT depends on foreign aid assistance.

Center for People and Nature Reconciliation

People and Nature Reconciliation is dedicated to protecting and conserving diversity of life and improving human well-being in Vietnam by seeking, promoting and implementing feasible, nature-friendly solutions to important environmental problems and sustainable development issues.

International Judo Federation

To spread the values of Judo throughout the world and inspire generations for a healthy life based on solid moral principles, to offer guidance and leadership for its stakeholders while preserving the integrity of the sport and of the athletes, as well as all its members and to organize entertaining events for fans