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Healing Hands Health Center

Healing Hands Health Center opened in October 1997 and its mission is to glorify Christ by providing charitable health care to working, uninsured residents of Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia. Healing Hands is a non-profit organization with 501(c)3 status and the clinic is located at 245 Midway Medical Park, Bristol, Tennessee. The center is governed by a Board of Directors with very active standing committees, and the day-to-day operations are managed by an Executive Director. An organizational chart and listing of the officers and board of directors is attached. The people served by Healing Hands are low-income workers and their families who have no medical or dental insurance or who need services not covered by TennCare, Medicaid, or Medicare. Working people includes persons who have been employed within the last 12 months or live in the household of an employed person, retired persons with a history of employment, and students or those in vocational training.

Pregnancy Decision Health Centers

The mission of the Pregnancy Decision Health Centers (PDHC) is to empower individuals to make healthy life choices consistent with the God-given intrinsic value of every human life. PDHC provides pregnancy testing, limited OB ultrasounds, education in abortion and alternatives, adoption referrals, parenting classes, material aid support, sexual risk avoidance education, and abortion recovery services for women dealing with difficult emotional aftermaths of abortion. Each of these services are intended to support women in their pregnancy, encourage childbirth, prevent abortion and strengthen healthy families.

Phages for Global Health

Phages for Global Health facilitates the development of antibacterial phage products for developing countries. Natural Antibacterial Agents: Bacteriophages (phages) are bacteria-killing viruses that exist in the environment, on our food, and in our bodies, and they can be selected to target only specific bacteria while leaving other, helpful bacteria and human cells unharmed. Phages have been used as a standard component of medical practice in certain parts of the world for over 100 years, and they have exhibited remarkable safety and activity profiles. Most notably, phages are active against both antibiotic-resistant and antibiotic-sensitive bacteria -- a crucial feature in the midst of our global antimicrobial resistance crisis. In addition, phages can be easily isolated from contaminated environments, and they are inherently inexpensive to manufacture. It is also possible to dry powder formulate phages such that the final products do not require refrigeration. Taken together, all of these factors make phages particularly well-suited as antibiotic alternatives for developing countries. How We Work: Phages for Global Health brings together international, multidisciplinary teams to co-develop phage products for specific applications in developing countries. To efficiently implement these projects, we build partnerships between global phage experts and developing world infectious disease specialists (clinicians, food safety scientists, regulatory advisors, and stakeholder engagement professionals). With this mix of specialists, we create teams that have both the technical expertise necessary to develop phage products and also the local scientific and cultural knowledge to deliver products that will be socially accepted and effective. Our growing consortium of project partners includes leaders from non-profit organizations, for-profit companies, and academic and governmental institutions across Africa, Europe and North America. In addition to bringing together these teams, Phages for Global Health helps develop the overall project strategies, advises on product development, supplies project management, and leads fundraising efforts. Together with our partners, we have also created a series of short-term laboratory training programs to teach key essentials of phage biology to scientists in developing countries. Our Current Projects: For our projects we identify bacterial diseases that have significant gaps in prevention or treatment tools and for which there is already strong data indicating that phages can help. And we work in countries where we have partnerships with leading public health scientists who are able to substantively impact standard practices in their countries. Our existing projects are summarized below, and we are in discussions with specialists around the world through which additional projects may soon emerge. (1) Cholera Phages: (Democratic Republic of the Congo / DRC) Developing cholera phage products that can be used both for preventative treatment in people and for water decontamination. Partners: Ministry of Health (DRC), University of Kinshasa (DRC), Yale University (US), University of Alberta (Canada), Queen Astrid Military Hospital (Belgium) (2) Campylobacter Phages: (Kenya & Egypt) Developing Campylobacter phage products to decontaminate retail poultry meat, which is the primary source of Campylobacter infection in people. Partners: Kenya Medical Research Institute, University of Nairobi (Kenya), University of Science and Technology (Egypt), University of Nottingham (UK), University of Alberta (Canada) (3) Laboratory Training Program: (East Africa) Delivering a 2-week, hands-on laboratory training course through which African scientists can learn how to isolate and characterize phages in their own regions. Partners: University of Nairobi (Kenya), Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania), Makerere University (Uganda), Yale University (US), University of Utah (US)

Community Home Health & Hospice

Their mission is to bring peace of mind to patients and their families by providing compassionate, dignified, collaborative, and patient-focused home healthcare and hospice.

Comfort Care Women's Health

We provide life-affirming services to women and men facing unplanned pregnancy. We don't do or refer for abortion, but everyone, regardless of pregnancy intentions are treated with love and respect. Our programs serve men and women. ComfortCare is designed to provide holistic care. We believe the spiritual, emotional, and relational parts of individuals making pregnancy decisions are just as important as the physical. Our services reflect this belief. We provide pregnancy confirmation, medical consultations, STI testing, and peer counseling on pregnancy options for the mind and heart. Our services also include KISSN - an abstinence program geared toward teens; Connections - a weekly parenting enrichment class; and HEART, a Bible study for women with an abortion decision in their past.

The Multicultural Health Institute

MHI was created to level the healthcare playing field by promoting, educating and ensuring equal healthcare access and treatment for underserved and vulnerable communities. A non-proft 501(3) organization, MHI provides a holistic, full circle life approach to healing and wellness by focusing on the participation, education, and training of adults as well as offering hands-on enrichment and STEAMH career experiences to aspiring and promising young people in the community

African Mothers Health Initiative

In Malawi maternal and infant mortality rates are among the highest in the world. Hospitals and clinics are severely understaffed, which means that even when critically ill women and children reach a facility in time to save their lives many still do not receive the care they need. And, once they leave the hospital they receive no ongoing support. This is a huge problem and we are a small organization doing what we can in this environment. We support the provision of home based nursing care to high risk postpartum women and babies. We offer high quality personalized care to the women and babies enrolled in our programs, we strive to involve families and communities, and we hold up the truth that even a small difference is a significant difference especially when made with compassion and love.

Health and Hope UK

To bring primary healthcare, education, hope and development to the poorest people in and around Chin State, Myanmar (Burma) through community engagement and empowerment.

Nepal Water for Health

Improve the living standard of the people in greatest need through equitable and sustainable access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene services.

Move & Groove For Health

Our mission is to provide the ACTIVE Senior population with music & movement to help refresh, renew & revive those who are in need. The studio will also serve as social outlet for Seniors with a lounge where they can relax, socialize & listen to music between classes, thus keeping their minds & bodies active.