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Displaying 169–180 of 9,649

World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy

Founded in 1947, the World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP) is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization committed to the realization of global peace and justice through the development of democratic institutions and the application of international law. Programs of WFM-IGP include: The Coalition for the International Criminal Court is the largest partnership in the world advancing the cause of international justice. Including more than 2,500 organizations from 150 countries. The Coalition is leading the global fight to end genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity through a commitment to the core values of human rights and justice. The International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect is a global civil society network that promotes the advancement of the Responsibility to Protect, a landmark norm that seeks to prevent genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing. The International Democratic Governance program works to increase the transparency and accountability of international institutional decision-making, advocate for more democratic and inclusive systems of governance, and mobilize civil society participation in intergovernmental and transnational institutions.

WACAP (World Association for Children and Parents)

WACAP is a champion for children, finding and preparing permanent families, and offering lifelong support after adoption.

Wild Tomorrow Fund

Wild Tomorrow Fund is dedicated to the protection of threatened and endangered species and the habitats they depend on for survival. We want to ensure that the world that comes after us is a world in which a wild tomorrow is possible. We work on the ground in southern Africa and our vision is for a world in which wildlife habitats are expanded and protected, and where existing reserves have the resources needed to keep their animals safe.

Disability Rights Fund

The mission of the Disability Rights Fund is to support Disabled Persons Organizations in the developing world to take the lead in advocating for the human rights of persons with disabilities at local and national levels, utilizing the mechanism of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Our vision is of a world where persons with disabilities participate fully in society and enjoy equal rights and opportunities.

Peace Development Fund

The Peace Development Fund works to build the capacity of community-based organizations through grants, training, and other resources as partners in the human rights and social justice movements. As a public foundation, we nourish, foster, and encourage the diverse, self-sustaining and economically viable communities that are essential to building a peaceful, just and equitable world.

Jewish Communal Fund

The Jewish Communal Fund facilitates and promotes charitable giving through donor-advised funds. Our donors recommend grants to sectarian and nonsectarian organizations, including those that respond to needs in health, education, social services, the environment, religion and the arts. We enable individuals and families to achieve their philanthropic goals simply and efficiently, with flexibility, full confidentiality and maximum choice. In the Jewish tradition of tikkun olam - repairing the world - it is our hope that together we can make a profound difference.

Fcnl Education Fund

We seek a world free of war and the threat of war.We seek a society with equity and justice for all.We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled.We seek an earth restored.The FCNL Education Fund is a national nonpartisan Quaker organization that promotes civic engagement through education and training to advance peace, justice, opportunity, and environmental stewardship. Established in 1982, the FCNL Education Fund is a 501(c)3 organization that works in concert with the Friends Committee on National Legislation, a 501(c)4 Quaker nonprofit.

Good People Fund

The Good People Fund, inspired by the Jewish concept of tikkun olam (repairing the world), responds to significant problems such as poverty, disability, trauma and social isolation, primarily in the United States and Israel. We provide financial support, guidance and mentoring to charitable activities of modest proportions that are undertaken by Good People acting singly or in small groups. Target endeavors are those that, by their personal scale and often-unusual nature, might otherwise find it difficult to attract sufficient support. The Good People Fund operates responsively, flexibly and with a minimum of bureaucracy. We serve as a means for donors to reach many groups and individual needs and act as an instigator of good, inspiring people to do tikkun olam and tzedakah (to do the right thing by giving) responsibly and regularly. To expand these good works (ma’asim tovim), the Good People Fund also educates youth, adults, teachers, recipients and donors about the process and power of helping others.

Himalayan Children's Fund

The Himalayan Children's Fund (HCF) is a way for people around the world, and the west in particular, to connect with the lives of people in the Himalayan Region of Nepal, India and Tibet. Established in 1987 by students of Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche, HCF provides support for Rinpoche's many compassionate activities such as schools, monasteries and clinics. By providing support for education, food, clothing, medicine and other needs we hope to equip the children and adults with the tools necessary for life enhancement while helping to preserve their culture which is primarily of Tibetan and Buddhist heritage.

Results Educational Fund

Each day in the developing world, nearly 27,000 children die mostly from malnutrition and preventable diseases In the U.S., one in six children grow up in poverty. Yet we have the resources and the expterise to drastically reduce poverty at home and abroad. All that is missing is the public and political will. The mission of RESULTS Educational Fund (REF) is to create the public will to end poverty in the United States and around the world. We do this by:  Performing research and oversight on U.S. spending related to hunger and poverty domestically and internationally, as well as cutting-edge research on the most effective solutions to some of the world's most urgent problems. Building support for proven poverty-fighting strategies by engaging and educating the public and by encouraging the media to report on solutions to poverty. Recent grassroots media campaigns have focused on the global tuberculosis epidemic, the need to expand microcredit to the poorest families, strengthening Head Start, and expanding children's health care coverage in the U.S. Supporting powerful citizenship by training our volunteers in public speaking, generating media, hosting community forums, and educating their communities and members of Congress on issues related to our campaigns.