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Displaying 205–216 of 5,776

Project Healthy Children

2 billion people suffer from malnutrition because their diets lack key vitamins and minerals. Sanku combats malnutrition and saves lives by giving small mills the tools they need to add vital nutrients to maize flour, a staple of the East African diet. Our innovative technology adds precise levels of nutrients into flour during processing and our business model offsets the cost of the nutrients added. Millers don't need to charge extra for their nutritious flour and families can afford to buy and eat healthy food everyday. Our mission: guarantee that every meal consumed by every mother and child contains live-saving nutrients, forever. To date, we have given 2.5 million East Africans access to the basic human right of nutritious food and we are on track to reach 25 million people by 2025.

Project Concern International

Founded in 1961, PCI's mission is to prevent disease, improve community health, and promote sustainable development worldwide. PCI is committed to sustainable change in the health and self-sufficiency of people living in acute poverty. After 50 years experience working in communities living in poverty around the world, key learnings form the foundation for everything we do and for our distinct approach to international health and development programming.  We know that the problems of poor health and poverty are inseparable, and that there is no simple or single solution.  We know that sustainable solutions require individual and community ownership, and must address the root causes of the problems they face.  We know that the job is too big for any one organization and that it takes partnerships, from the community level to business interests, through government, to succeed in the long-term.  Finally, we know that the ability to measure the real results and impact of our work, not just the activities, is critical to justify investment in our programs and in our organization.

The Prasad Project

PRASAD works in partnership with the people to benefit children and communities in need, regardless of race or belief. We implement innovative solutions that respond to local conditions and cultures.

Project Transformation Dc

Our mission is to engage young adults in purposeful leadership and ministry, support children in holistic development, and connect churches with communities.

Heroic Hearts Project

Our mission is to provide hope and healing to military veterans that have been left hopeless by the current Veteran Affairs system. We seek to spread awareness in the veteran community of powerful plant based therapies like ayahuasca and end the excessive dependence on powerful medications to treat mental traumas.

Womens Education Project

To help women of limited means realize their unlimited ability to change their lives.

The Dream Project

We believe that quality, early and continuing education is the most effective way to break the cycle of poverty and change destinies. We accomplish this by running sustainable education programs for all children and youth in the Dominican Republic that can be replicated throughout impoverished global communities. It is our vision that all children in the Dominican Republic have the opportunity to receive a superior education and learn to their full potential. 

Project Giving Kids

We envision a more compassionate world and believe that encouraging and making it easier for kids, teens, and families to engage in volunteer service builds empathy, compassion, communication, and teamwork. These skills are not necessarily taught in every school but are crucial for life-long success and essential for tomorrow’s leaders.

The Resolution Project

To develop socially-responsible young leaders and empower them to make a positive impact today.

Queen B Project

Our mission is to provide connection and resources, as well as help in the healing journey of bereaved families, by offering comfort to those whose sweet precious babies have gone too soon. We exist to raise awareness, support research, act as a resource to the community, provide Queen B Bags to hospitals, and raise money for cuddle cots

Fairy Godmother Project

To ease the burden of everyday life for local families who have a child in treatment for a form of pediatric cancer