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Social Unity Project

Social Unity Project was organized to promote anti-racist education, social unity, and community well-being with a trauma-informed approach through classes, events, programs, and activities. e.V.

Our mission is to support girls and women in need. We focus on Kenya by counselling girls together with their schools, provide accessable medical preventive care and support where necessary together with our local partners. We work sustainable by enabling local partners to deliver the prevention, support, care and treatment according to their regulations and what they feel is neccessary. We have no political or religous mission. We work according to the sustainable development goals 1,3,4,5,10 and 17 by the UN. The UN introduced 2015 the sustainable development goals in order to achieve worldwide improvements for people in respect of health, safe environement, democratic rights and education. The former Millenium Development goals, set 2000, could not meet their target in 2015. Millenium Development Goal 5 was a reduction of maternal mortality by 3/4 until 2015. Only a reduction of 44% was achieved. The SDG now aims at a maternal mortality rate of 70/100.00 maternities or less. At present, the maternal mortality rate in Kenya is 400/100.000,(1) meaning 6.400 women dying each year during pregnancy and childbirth. Nearly half of these deaths are attributed to unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortion. 45% of women requesting abortion were younger than 19 years and did not use family planning methods prior to pregnancy (2). Females suffer from poor education and poor information of physiologic processes like menstruation and fertility. Taboos regarding these phenomena are still in place in underpriviledged parts of society in Kenya. These periodpoverty must end. These horrible figures cry for action by simply providing medical assistance able to deal with family planning, ante natal care and experienced gynae services if necessary. Kenya has a well organized health system, free medical care is guaranteed for everyone. Medical care is provided by governemental institutions, private institutions, and faith based organizations. Poor patients are waived if possible in the private sector and treated for free in the faith based organisations.Kenya is establishing a health insurance at present. Contributions are low. Reality unfortunately shows, that even the low contributions are too high, people can not afford the low charges in public hospitals , especially if young and female. There is an considerably equity gap between the social classes and the rural compared to the urban areas (3).The offer of antenatal care and preventive measures like cancer screening are not taken up by marginalized people in dire straits. Young girls need education regarding menstruation, physiologic female cycle, prevention of sexual transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. Access to menstral hygiene products is necessary to achieve that girls can go to school, do not suffer lack of education just because they menstruate and can achieve the same level of ecucation as their male classmates. (1) (2) fact sheet No 1, African population and Health Research Center, Ministry of Health, Kenya (3) Kenian Demographic health Survey 2008-09

Instituto Alumna Social

Alumna was founded in 2019 as a community project designed by two mid-career alumni from the University of Brasilia, in Brazil. Back in their alma mater, the cofounders ran a survey with students from underrepresented groups and found out that 70% considered dropping out, 60% lack knowledge and skills to enter the labor market and 50% did not know what to do after graduating. To support the transition from college to enter the labor market, they decided to launch a free-of-cost mentoring program to guide and inspire women in their early career journey by creating a network for professional development and women collaboration. Alumna has built a powerful community of senior professional women who are genuinely interested in supporting young women to succeed in their lives and their careers. The one-to-one mentoring program engages women from different backgrounds to learn from each other and to also exercise empathy. This network has to grow. Young women dream of having a mentor and want the opportunity to engage with a more experienced professional. Alumna speeds up these connections, by matching mentors and mentees and providing a successful methodology, all free of cost, so young women can reach their full potential.