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Displaying 337–348 of 466

Nusci Nutrition Science Foundation

Founded in 2012 by people who have had their lives changed by the dietary guidance of the doctors and their books cited here, NuSci Nutrition Science Foundation is a nonprofit --IRS 501(c)(3)-- organization that has a four-fold mission: -Identify the most solid scientific evidence about the relationship between nutrition and health. -Communicate these findings to individuals, health organizations, schools, food manufacturers, and food stores. -Assist healthy eating through publishing a NuSci diet compliant list of food products and allowing food manufacturers and restaurants to print the NuSci trust mark on their compliant products. -Assist healthy eating by maintaining a wiki of NuSci diet compliant recipes and meal plans.

Selah Mountain Ranch

Selah Mountain Ranch is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) restorative foster care organization. Our Ranch, nestled against the San Isabel National Forest on 74 acres in Fremont County, CO is open to local foster care youth, foster families and unaccompanied refugee minors. Our homes specialize in PTSD, anxiety disorders, depression, attachment disorders, trauma and abuse, grief and loss. Foster parents work closely with all child advocates, medical staff and therapists to support the child’s case plan and overall wellbeing. Family homes are available for placements through Colorado Department of Human Services and offer trauma informed therapeutic foster home training and support.

Restoration House Of East Tennessee

The Restoration House accomplishes its purpose by providing supportive transitional housing and ally teams in a safe learning environment where single mothers and their children have an opportunity to restore Life's Four Key Relationships through a personalized, guided plan. Life's Four Key Relationships: God - Our relationship with God is the central relationship that affects all others. Self - God desires for us to view ourselves as He does, as created by Him and in His own image. Others - God desires for us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Creation - God desires for us to act responsibly toward His creation; He calls us to be good stewards of all that He gives us.

Fundacja Pro Akademika

Our mission is to support unique young people in their self-development and in realisation of their plans: either educational, scientific or professional. We believe that in this way we can guarantee the development of society. Thus we: - help students, and young scientists implement their ideas: original research, or other initiatives for education, science, culture, or business - we provide friendly environment and expert support, - support talented pupils, and students who, aware of their abilities, have courage to conquer the highest peaks. One talented person may be responsible for many innovative changes in the future. Our values: - reliability, - transparency, - building bonds with our beneficiaries, and donors, - diversity, - cooperation, - being and working with experts, - popularisation (dissemination), - innovation

Italian Community Center

The Italian Community Center (ICC) was established to serve Italian Americans and to serve the community at large. It carries on human relations activities on a charitable basis for the purpose of demonstrating to the community the positive force of Milwaukee’s Italian American citizens. It plans, promotes and carries out other charitable, educational and cultural activities which best serve the welfare of Americans of Italian extraction and the community at large. The Italian Community Center foster a pride in, and an awareness of, Italian culture by sponsoring lectures, classes, conferences and study groups devoted to the contributions which Italians have made to this country and to mankind. The Italian Community Center organizes and hosts Festa Italiana, the annual celebration of Italian culture, heritage and entertainment, at the Summerfest Grounds.

Impact Metrics
Homeward Bound Of Marin

Founded in 1974, Homeward Bound of Marin strives to end homelessness in our community with training, housing and hope. Our programs range from emergency shelter to permanent supportive housing for families and individuals, combined with services like counseling and job training that help residents build a sustainable, independent future. We also operate several social enterprise businesses, including production of Wagster Treats dog biscuits and The Key Room event venue, that offer hands-on work experience to students and graduates while earning revenue to support our programs. To celebrate its 50th anniversary, Homeward Bound plans to open 50 new units of housing for veterans and people moving back into the workforce.

Congregation Hebrew Educational Alliance

The HEA has over 950 member families and invites participation from the greater Denver community at our social, cultural, educational and religious events including our Annual Art Fair, monthly movie festivals, city-wide Peanut Butter Plan (sandwiches and care packages for the homeless) and preschool. The Hebrew Educational Alliance is a community dedicated to the belief that Jewish tradition has the power to infuse our lives with meaning and purpose. Our congregation is vibrant, active, eager to learn, and truly represents life in Denver. We seek to provide our members with opportunities for study, prayer, culture, and acts of kindness in the building of our community and our city. We'd be happy to provide any additional information or answer any questions.

From Books to Brilliance

From Books to Brilliance provides access to books and educational materials in impoverished communities. Countless children in our world grow up with no books. In Nicaragua and Guatemala, many of the rural poor live on less than one dollar a day. Without access to basic services such as potable water and sanitation, families struggle just to survive each day. Books are rarely found. At the local schools, teachers plan lessons and instruct with no textbooks. Children fortunate enough to attend school learn to read from words written on the blackboard, but without books cannot read to learn. Few children reach their intellectual potential. We believe that in creating access to books and information, a better future becomes possible for citizens living in abject poverty.

Impact Metrics and Stories
Turimiquire Foundation

Our mission is to help low-income families and communities in rural northeastern Venezuela to develop their potential and break out of the cycle of poverty characteristic of the area. We empower women and their children through our Recipe for a Thriving Community, integrating public health, public education and family planning programs with agricultural and environmental projects to help rural communities become productive and sustainable. We also offer targeted humanitarian aid in the current Venezuelan crisis. We believe that community-based experiments like our own can offer effective solutions and models in the less developed world. We think globally and act locally to contribute to the current United Nations Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals to Transform Our World.

Samaritan Healthcare & Hospice

Samaritan Hospice provides specialized medical care and emotional support for people facing serious and progressive illness in the comfort of their homes or other residences. Samaritan offers an interdisciplinary team of nurses, social workers, home health aides, spiritual support coordinators, bereavement counselors and volunteers to help patients and their families live as fully and comfortably as possible through individualized plans of symptom management and emotional support. Services are provided regardless of financial circumstances. Samaritan has been an innovative provider of hospice care since its inception in 1980. It is now one of the 15 largest providers of hospice care in the country. It has cared for more patients than any other hospice in the Middle Atlantic States and remains on the cutting edge of hospice care.

Impact Stories
Global Youth Ministries Usa

Our Mission is to Advance Youth Education, Diversity and International Development -Loving Our Neighbors in Word and Deed. We fund Vocational training for Women and young girls. We provide Equal Access to economic development opportunities and resources for women & young girls in Uganda. We Advance Women's economic empowerment, eradicate Women's poverty and under-paid labour, we help restore Women's hope with sustainable financial prosperity and security. We provide school fees for several disadvantaged K-12, and College students in Uganda so they can achieve education. Education is a sustainable means to eradicating absolute poverty in the villages of Uganda. Furthermore as part of our International development goals, we provided a deep water well to a primary school in Uganda, ensuring access to a reliable source of safe clean drinking water, and sanitation for the students. Our goal is to provide more water wells to schools and village communities in Busoga District of Uganda and beyond. . We have developed and tested a health nutritional supplement, with remarkable clinical trial results in Uganda and USA. The research and development was completed in 2023. Our long term goal is to provide nutritional awareness & instruction to the students and villages of Uganda. We intend to help eliminate many preventable diseases, promote & establish better preventative health practices, healthy diets and nutritional disciplines. With ample funding, we plan on mass producing our nutritional supplement is Uganda and the rest of the World. With your financial support, we will be able to expand our International Development plans for the people of Uganda. Thank you for your partnership in funding.

White Rock Lake Foundation

The White Rock Lake Foundation is instrumental in presenting the case for the rescue and improvement of White Rock Lake. It coordinates public relations efforts, serves as a unified advocacy group before the Dallas City Council, acts in close and effective cooperation with the Dallas Park and Recreation Board to assist in long-term planning and design, and spearheads private fund raising efforts.The White Rock Lake Foundation got its start in 1989, when Dallas business woman Jeannie Terilli founded Friends of White Rock Lake, which consisted of a dozen residents who shared her concern for the lake. Friends' first task was to have the dredging project for the lake placed on the upcoming bond election. Friends was among several similarly concerned groups who pleaded the case before the Dallas City Council, with successful results: the issue was placed on the bond referendum and in May, 1995, Dallas voters overwhelmingly approved a $9 million dollar bond issue to dredge White Rock Lake and restore it to a healthy, life-sustaining depth by the end of the century.From those grassroots origins, the White Rock Lake Foundation has been instrumental in presenting the case for the rescue and improvement of White Rock Lake. The leadership of the White Rock Lake Foundation adopted an initial list of goals that includes the development of a Comprehensive Landscape Architectural Concept Plan and a schedule for all of the restoration, preservation and development efforts at the lake. These goals have been adopted by the Dallas Park and Recreation Department.Fund raising continues to be a critical component of the Foundations' responsibilities. Private funds pay for “amenities" at the park such as picnic tables, bicycle racks, park benches, trash receptacles, and additional landscaping.