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Displaying 409–420 of 6,400

Marine Toys for Tots Foundation

The mission of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is to assist the U. S. Marine Corps in providing a tangible sign of hope to economically disadvantaged children at Christmas. Through the gift of a new toy, the organization seeks to help bring the joy of Christmas and send a message of hope to America's less fortunate children. Uniting all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign; and to contribute to improving communities in the future.

Shania Kids Can US Ltd.

Shania Kids Can US Ltd. is a registered, nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity and Shania Kids Can is a Canadian registered Charity (charitable registration number 80435 4652 RR0001) founded in 2010 by performer, Shania Twain, in effort to relieve the economic, social and personal sufferings of children that she herself experienced as a child. Shania Kids Can operates in elementary schools throughout North America delivering programs that aim to provide all-inclusive support and stability by qualified professionals in the form of one-on-one consultations as well as group activities and opportunities all while in the safe, confidence-building environment that is the Shania Kids Can Clubhouse.

Wounded Warrior Project

The mission of Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) is to honor and empower wounded warriors. The organization's vision is to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of injured service members in our nation’s history, by CONNECTING, SERVING, and EMPOWERING the wounded men and women who so bravely volunteered to serve our nation on or after the events of September 11, 2001. They CONNECT warriors, their families, and caregivers to peers, programs, and communities to ensure they have a readily available network of support. SERVE by providing free mental and physical health and wellness programs, career and benefits counseling, and by providing ongoing support for the most severely injured. And EMPOWER warriors to live life on their own terms, mentor fellow veterans and service members, and embody the WWP logo by carrying one another on a path toward recovery. Today, more than 110,000 wounded warriors and 26,000 family support members and caregivers are registered with WWP and have access to free programs and services that CONNECT, SERVE, and EMPOWER.

Impact Stories
The Knights & Orchids Society Inc. (TKO Society)

The Knights and Orchids Society (TKO) envisions a future where Transgender, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Gay (TLBG) Black people are empowered to live full and healthy lives free from harm. Our mission is to build the power of TQBLG Black people across the south by providing a spectrum of health and wellness services designed to address the social determinants of health that negatively impact our communities. Since 2019, we have provided 258 clients with services through our primary program Fast, Affirming, Innovative Testing and Healthcare or FAITH.

Impact Metrics
Thirst Project

Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that works with the support of young people to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water, vital to health and sanitation. The Thirst Project seeks to provide health and sanitation. As waterborne diseases kill more children every single year than HIV, Malaria, and all world violence combined. And small children are at significant risk, as they typically do not have strong enough immune systems to fight diseases like cholera, dysentery, or schistosomiasis. By providing a community with safe drinking water, disease rates can drop by up to 88% virtually overnight! Child mortality rates can drop up to 90%- overnight! Likewise, the time children spend collecting water keeps them from going to school and getting an education. Women and children spend on average six to eight hours each day walking to fetch water. The average distance that women and children in developing communities walk to fetch water is 3.75 miles. The Thirst Project makes clean water accessible, lowers health risks and empowers children's education.

Direct Relief

Direct Relief improves the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergency situations by mobilizing and providing essential medical resources needed for their care. Direct Relief works in all 50 U.S. states and in more than 90 countries to expand access to medicine and healthcare by equipping doctors and nurses with lifesaving medical resources.


Oceana, the world's largest international organization focused exclusively on ocean conservation, was founded in 2001 by a group of leading foundations concerned that although the oceans constitute over 70 percent of the earth's surface, an extremely small percentage of environmental funding was dedicated to protecting them.  Oceana's campaigns are designed to change that by forcing clear, identifiable policy changes with real "in the water" results, usually in three to five years. Our international campaigns in North America, Europe, Chile, and Belize are focused on the actions agreed on by scientists throughout the world as necessary to preserve and restore marine life: Protect seafloor habitat from destructive bottom trawling; Set and enforce reasonable catch limits for commercial fishing; Stop subsidizing overcapacity in commercial fishing fleets; Stop marine pollution, particularly carbon dioxide emissions that are making the oceans more acidic; Oceana sets annual goals toward achieving specific changes and holds itself strictly accountable to its Board, funders, and supporters.  Since inception, Oceana has achieved dramatic success in protecting the world's oceans in targeted, practical ways.

On Course Foundation Usa

On Course Foundation supports the recovery of wounded, injured and sick Service members and veterans through golf.Our mission is to build confidence and self-belief in our Members through golf skills and employment events, and set them on the path to meaningful employment opportunities in the golf industry.As a sport, golf offers a unique platform where players of all skills and backgrounds can compete healthily, improving not only their physical but mental strength too. Led by dedicated PGA professionals, our nationwide program of golf activities aims to restore self-confidence and provide a sense of purpose to our Members who once struggled to see hope in their future.With many lacking self- belief, it's our aim to help our Members realize their potential and set them on a fulfilling career path in the golf industry.

Save the Children

As the world's leading independent organization for children in need, Save the Children has programs in nearly 120 countries, including the United States. Their aim is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to create immediate and lasting change in their lives by improving their health, education and economic opportunities. In times of acute crisis, Save the Children mobilizes rapid assistance to help children recover from the effects of war, conflict and natural disasters.

World Wildlife Fund

WWF's mission is the conservation of nature. Using the best available scientific knowledge and advancing that knowledge where we can, we work to preserve the diversity and abundance of life on Earth and the health of ecological systems by protecting natural areas and wild populations of plants and animals, including endangered species; promoting sustainable approaches to the use of renewable natural resources; and promoting more efficient use of resources and energy and the maximum reduction of pollution. We are committed to reversing the degradation of our planet's natural environment and to building a future in which human needs are met in harmony with nature. We recognize the critical relevance of human numbers, poverty and consumption patterns to meeting these goals.


UNICEF's mission is to help very child thrive, all over the world. Over eight decades, it has built an unprecedented global support system for the world’s children. UNICEF relentlessly works day in and day out to deliver the essentials that give every child an equitable chance in life: health care and immunizations, safe water and sanitation, nutrition, education, emergency relief and more. UNICEF USA advances the global mission of UNICEF by rallying the American public to support the world’s most vulnerable children. Through advocacy, education and fundraising in the United States. The organization's Impact Fund for Children provides opportunities for social impact investors seeking to make a difference in the survival and development of children.

Impact Metrics
charity: water

charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. We inspire giving and empower others to fundraise for sustainable water solutions. We use local partners on the ground to build and implement the projects. Then, we prove every single project funded, using GPS coordinates, photos and stories from the field. We have funded 91, 414 water projects, aimed to serve 14, 762, 215 people in 29 countries. We believe that sustainable work is locally-led. Along with implementing community-owned water projects, our local partners help facilitate comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programming to protect everyone’s long-term health.