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Displaying 37–48 of 9,649

Save the Children - Children's Emergency Fund

Millions of children are on the frontlines of conflict, their lives and futures at grave risk. Without immediate support, the world’s most vulnerable children are at risk of physical and emotional harm with devastating, lifelong consequences. That’s why Save the Children works in the hardest-to-reach places, where it’s toughest to be a child. But we need your help. Together, we can fight threats to children's lives. $50 can provide 10 warm, cozy blankets to children affected by conflict $100 helps supply a month’s worth of nutritious food to a family in crisis $200 could help provide psychosocial support to 20 children With your support, Save the Children is there before, during and after an emergency. Working together, we help communities become more resilient so that each time a crisis happens they are stronger, more likely to survive and able to recover more quickly. Your support today helps make this possible.

Fulfillment Fund

Established in 1977, Fulfillment Fund works to make college a reality for students growing up in educationally and economically under-resourced communities. Together, we build pathways to college, navigate educational barriers, create support networks, and empower future leaders.

Treehouse Fund

Treehouse gives foster children a childhood and a future.

World Water Project

World Water Project is a team of social entrepreneurs who strive to deliver the world's best home water filter to those in the developing world.

We The World

The mission of We, The World is to maximize social change globally - until we have a world that works for all.

World Family Foundation

World Family Foundation is dedicated to changing the world one child at a time by providing destitute, marginalized children with a loving, quality education that is their natural birthright, giving them the opportunity to become productive members of their communities.Together we are changing the world one child at a time.

World Of Difference

World of Difference empowers individual and community transformation by:Engaging world and community leaders and strategic partners, andUsing regenerative approaches to nutrition and health, education, and the environment

World Pediatric Project

World Pediatric Project is a nonprofit humanitarian organization linking worldwide pediatric surgical, diagnostic and preventative resources to heal critically ill children in developing countries. World Pediatric Project also helps build indigenous health care capacity - saving kid's lives now and transforming pediatric health outcomes for years to come.

One World Surgery

One World Surgery ignites the spirit of service and transforms lives by providing access to high-quality surgical care globally.

World Hope International

World Hope International is a Christian relief and development organization working with vulnerable and exploited communities to alleviate poverty, suffering and injustice.

America World Adoption

America World Adoption is committed to: Building families according to God's design of adoption, while caring for vulnerable children around the world.  Key Verse: Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)  "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

One World Education

One World’s mission is to transform students into writers with voice, knowledge, and purpose. Our vision is that all students become effective writers and communicators.