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Idjwi Island Education Fund

The Idjwi Island Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the mission of providing a better school for children in the village of Buhumba on Idjwi Island in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Idjwi Island, located in Lake Kivu on the eastern border of the DRC, has seen a dramatic increase in its population in recent years, much of which is the result of refugees fleeing violence in Rwanda and the DRC. A substantial number of these new residents are children, including many orphans. Approximately 400 children attend the existing primary school. This makeshift school is overcrowded, has a leaky roof, and does not provide desks or even books for the students. In 2009, Them Nyamunongo, who grew up on Idjwi and now works in Washington, D.C., returned to visit family on the island. During his stay, he gave gifts to children that he met in Buhumba. As he spent time with the children, he learned about the extremely poor conditions at the school, including how it has become overcrowded due to the increase in refugees and orphans. The children told him that their true wish was for a school with a roof so that they were not sent home every time that it rained. When Them returned to Washington, D.C., he and his wife, Safi, approached a friend who is a director at a local preschool. From this meeting in late 2009, the Idjwi Island Education Fund was formed. In just over eighteen months, the Idjwi Island Education Fund has obtained property in Buhumba for the new school (which was donated by Them's family), met with and conducted a needs assessment with the director of the existing school, and provided some interim support for the facilities at the existing school. The Fund has recruited a board of directors that includes professionals with experience in international development and project management. The Fund has also conducted a series of fundraising events through which it has raised more than $15,000, in gifts ranging from $20 to 1,000, from more than 100 different donors. With this foundation in place, the Fund is intensifying its efforts on the design program for the new school, interviewing representatives of other non-governmental organizations with experience with similar projects in the region, and identifying local organizations to collaborate in the building process. The ultimate goal of this effort is to provide improved facilities, desks, books, and a safe-haven for more than 400 primary school children in this isolated community.

Denise Louie Education Center

Denise Louie Education Center promotes school and life readiness by providing multi-cultural early learning services to children and families, especially those who need our services the most. We will respect and preserve each child and family's individuality, cultural heritage and home language. We will promote personal and social responsibility with integrity and love in an environment defined by social justice and peace.

Lussier Community Education Center

Building community. Creating opportunities. Enriching education. We envision the Lussier Community Education Center drawing in generations of community members from all walks of life to take care of one another and create a more just, healthy, and vibrant community.

Aid Afghanistan for Education

To unlock the potential of young marginalized Afghans through education as a means to prepare them to fully participate in the society.

Association for the Children of Regnier Haiti

The mission of the Association for the Children of Regnier Haiti, Inc. (ACR) is to provide comprehensive services designed to meet the emotional, physical, educational and social needs of the children of Regnier in Cayes, Haiti, hence, promoting self-sufficiency.

Voices for Children Foundation - Miami-Dade County

Voices For Children raises funds to support Miami-Dade's Guardian Ad Litem Program in their efforts to recruit, train, and support Guardians Ad Litem, court appointed volunteers who serve as advocates for the best interests of abused, abandoned, and neglected children involved in dependency court proceedings. Additionally, Voices For Children provides direct financial assistance and other resources to meet these children's medical, educational, and social needs.

Charity Centre for Children and Youth Development

Charity Centre for Children and Youth Development exists to supporting HIV/AIDS education, Persons living with disabilities, orphans and vulnerable children, youth and women in Solwezi district of Zambia by providing them with, educational support (provision of school requisites and literacy materials), health and life skills and vocational Training. These enables disadvantaged members of our society live life of independence and contribute to the national economy. We envision a society that will work towards eradication of vulnerability and illiteracy among Orphans and vulnerable children, youths and women. The Organization's mission is to promote and enhance the capabilities of children, youth and women in Solwezi district and beyond to effect positive social change that would necessitate the development of their lives, communities and the nation at large.

Parents Of Autistic Children Of Ocean County

POAC is dedicated to helping children and adults with autism achieve their fullest potential by providing quality education, support and recreation at no cost to participants.POAC provides free training for parents and educators; free recreational and support services to children and adults with autism and their families; and free training for police and first responders which, we are proud to say, has saved the lives of children with autism all over New Jersey.Additionally, POAC supports ongoing quality research and promotes legislative issues that impact those with autism and their families. POAC is meeting the needs of those with autism in a very real way every day.

Connections For Abused Women And Their Children

Connections for Abused Women and their Children (CAWC) is committed to ending domestic violence. Using a self-help, empowerment approach, we provide a shelter for adults and children, counseling, advocacy, and a 24-hour hotline for people affected by domestic violence. We work for social change through education, service collaboration, and institutional advocacy.

St. Marys Center For Women And Children

St. Mary's Center for Women and Children offers innovative and family-centered programs for women and children who have experienced trauma and are living in poverty. Placing families at the center of our efforts, St. Mary's Center works in partnership with young women, many of them mothers, to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and achieve lasting, powerful change by building their emotional well-being, educational achievements, and economic independence. Located in Uphams Corner in Dorchester, Massachusetts, St. Mary's Center supports 600 women and children annually with shelter, clinical and educational services, job training, employment placement, and search for affordable permanent housing.

Third Street Alliance For Women And Children

The mission of Third Street Alliance for Women & Children is to inspire and equip women, children, and families to live, learn, and thrive.

Old Mill Center For Children And Families

Partner with the community to help children and families thrive through safety, support and success