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Displaying 61–72 of 4,565

Sunshine Foundation

Founded in 1976, Sunshine Foundation’s sole purpose is to answer the dreams of chronically ill, seriously ill, physically challenged and abused children ages three to eighteen, whose families cannot fulfill their requests due to financial strain that the child’s illness may cause. We answer dreams to children with life-long chronic conditions from income-limited families.

BairFind Foundation

The BairFind Foundation is bringing and keeping more children home through community awareness programs and innovative solutions designed to change the cultural conversation around missing children. As a tax exempt 501(c)(3) , our objective is to expand the search through youth education and prevention, collaborative real-time response technologies and standing with families in their continued search.

Afya Foundation

The mission of the Afya Foundation of America: Supplies for Life is to provide the medical, surgical and community-health inventories needed to support well-established health initiatives in Africa and the Caribbean. The Afya Foundation serves as a donation-based clearinghouse, with the primary intent of partnering and supporting established organizations in the international health community. Since its inception in late 2007, the Afya Foundation has partnered with a vast network of donor hospitals, health organizations and corporations. It has successfully gathered and sorted supplies and repaired equipment that are being discarded due to the strict healthcare regulations under which they operate. Afya collects, sorts and packs these recovered supplies so they can be shipped via container filled with to Africa and the Caribbean. These efforts are only the beginning, and every single item in these shipments represents Afya's ongoing commitment to put all the materials gathered from the New York healthcare market to their optimal use abroad. Our reliability and efficiency has aided in our partnering with numerous organizations that represent program excellence in the international public health sector. We are a supply source for many international health organizations. We have established relationships with leaders in-country throughout Africa. Afya strives to be a highly efficient and effective source of recycled medical supplies, while simultaneously enabling systematic change in health care delivery abroad. Afya also contributes to positive health and environmental outcomes by reducing medical waste incineration.

Bamyan Foundation

Bamyan Foundation is a registered non-profit, non-partisan and an all-volunteer section 501(c)(3) charity in the Washington DC area. We are dedicated to promoting and providing support to at-risk populations in Afghanistan in the following key areas: education, healthcare, women empowerment, community development and youth programs. We believe that improvements in these areas will result in sustainable and equitable social development and stability in Afghanistan.

ZanaAfrica Foundation

ZanaAfrica Foundation supports adolescent girls in Kenya to stay in school by delivering reproductive health education and sanitary pads. We envision a world where girls in East Africa live healthy, safe, educated lives while defining their own purpose- a world in which Menstrual Health is recognized as a human right, and the onset of puberty as the most effective way to engage girls in a range of personal health decisions.

Pratthanadee Foundation

Pratthanadee is an award-winning charity providing life-changing training for underprivileged women and girls in Bangkok and the rural Isaan region of Thailand. The Foundation empowers under-educated women and girls to become confident, independent and ambitious individuals. Through training in crucial skills, such as negotiation, self-presentation, and goal-setting, women are equipped to access better job opportunities and higher salaries. They leave training with the lifelong tools they need to build a more positive life for themselves and their families. The women that Pratthanadee works with have often migrated from a poor rural area to the city, in order to find work and send money home to their families. Over half moved to Bangkok when they were under 18, often on their own. 34% reached only primary school and the remainder have high schooling only and no additional training. They have few marketable skills and little work experience. On arrival in Bangkok, they find their employment opportunities restricted to unskilled manufacturing and service-sector occupations, and the commercial sex sector is one of the few places where they can earn a good wage. As a result, they easily get stuck in a cycle of unstable, unregulated or low-paid work. These women face a high risk of violence and exploitation as they are: - Often isolated in Bangkok and cut off from their usual support network back home. - Financially dependent on a particular employer or a relationship, and therefore unwilling to question any behaviour that might result in losing money to send for their families. - Often working in high-risk jobs where they feel easily replaceable, such as domestic homes, massage and entertainment parlours, and factories. We aim to help two groups: 1) Uneducated women who are already in Bangkok, either looking for work or stuck in a cycle of low quality employment. 2) Teenage girls who are at risk of falling into the same trap. The underlying philosophy of our organization is best found in the words of Ruby Manikan, "If you educate a man you educate a person, but if you educate a woman you educate a family."

Senhoa Foundation

Supporting vulnerable persons and survivors of human trafficking by providing income-generating opportunities, social reintegration, and programs for self-empowerment. We believe in: - Income generation so that vulnerable women can gain economic independence. - Educational and social programs for intellectual empowerment. - Using business sensibilities to achieve humanitarian goals.

Pops Foundation

Orphanage: To provide directions and funding for Prince of Peace Children’s Home (POPCH), that it will be a loving, caring and secure environment for these orphans with special needs. Cultural Exchange: To promote and help the adopted children to learn more about their culture and history of their birth country; finding their own identities; building new friendships within the adoption community; thus promoting understanding and peace between countries. Education Opportunities:To provide educational exchange opportunities for interns and volunteers. Policy Improvement: To work closely with the Ministry of Civil Affairs, People’s Republic of China, to assist and provide expert advice, on policy improvements to help social problems. Social Relief: In conjunction with other organizations, to assist groups affected by wars, natural calamities, and problems in life.

StringsforaCURE Foundation

Helping breast cancer patients and their families.

Dragonfly Foundation

To provide comfort and joy to kids and young adults (up to age 30, and their families) enduring cancer and bone marrow transplants.

Bair Foundation


Citykids Foundation

The mission of CityKids is to empower urban young people, ages 13 to 19, through arts and educational programs to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to succeed in school, the workplace and in life. CityKids believes that to solve the problems facing youth today, we must listen to young people; empower them with the tools to make their voices heard; partner with them to find solutions; and challenge them to create change. Our vision is supported through CityKids’ guiding principles which help young people to develop artistic and leadership skills and include: Safe Space, Youth-to-Youth Communication, Multicultural Bridge Building, and Leadership Development.