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Displaying 493–504 of 9,426

Saludos Connection

Building connections to facilitate access to quality healthcare, nutrition, and education for Venezuelans.

African Mission Healthcare Foundation

AMHF began in 2010 to meet a need for funding and representation on behalf of African mission hospitals, which provide as much as half the medical care in some countries.  With the declining number of medical missionaries and the withdrawal of some Western churches, many mission hospitals lack access to the historic sources of assistance.

No Thirsty Child

Empowering churches in the developing world with clean water programs.

Sozo Children International

Sozo Children is organized to provide food, shelter, clothing, education and Christian discipleship to children in need. Sozo Children is founded on faith in Jesus Christ and intends to operate from the basis of providing basic physical, medical, educational and emotional needs to children. Sozo means "to save" both physically and spiritually, which encapsulates the sozo children vision. Sozo Children International, through the power and love of christ, intends to provide for children in need by establishing children homes which raise children to be future leaders of their communities. Sozo children's mission statement is "to glorify god by interceding on christ behalf to save children in need, build community, and connect individuals to all experience the love of jesus christ.  

Global Action International

Global Action International is a partnership of people whose mission is to make a difference in this world. We combine humanitarian and spiritual assistance by working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice, and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God. Global Action International partners with organizations and like minded people throughout the world.

CTC International

Providing hope through relationships and using a holistic approach to community development, CTC is empowering our world.

True Vineyard Ministries

True Vineyard Ministries envisions entire communities freed from poverty. We pursue this by reaching out to the most vulnerable people in Rwanda and creating environments where they are empowered to live out their full potential at work, home and in their spiritual lives.

African Entrepreneurship Collective

African Entrepreneur Collective was founded in summer 2012 by social entrepreneurs Julienne Oyler and Sara Leedom, whose experience living and working in Africa convinced them that supporting young entrepreneurs was the most sustainable way to move African nations out of poverty. Executive Director Julienne Oyler has an MBA from Yale University and more than 10 years of experience in education and international development. Managing Director Sara Leedom has an MBA for Oxford’s Said Business School and 15 years experience growing and managing social impact organizations. Both have lived and travelled extensively throughout Africa.

I Am Not4Gotten Ministries Foundation

"Religion that God accepts as pure and without fault is this: caring for orphans or widows who need help, and keeping yourself free from the world's evil influence." James 1:27 NCV

KiloWatts For Humanity

Our mission is to improve people's lives by providing access to electricity and fostering the development of sustainable businesses. Our volunteers offer mentorship and resources to empower less economically developed communities for lasting change.

Dembi Dollo Hospital Foundation

Dembi Dollo Hospital Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization dedicated to actively promoting the recovery of unused medical supplies for the purpose of Global aid, waste reduction, and cost-effectiveness. We are directed to improve healthcare in Africa. Dembi Dollo Hospital Foundation and partners work together with a shared purpose to provide critical medical supplies, equipment and training to hospitals in rural Africa. Our vision is to supply hospitals throughout rural Africa with medical necessities and training until such time they are self-sustaining. We are focussed on creating a community in which all people achieve their full potential for health and well-being across the life-span. Dembi Dollo believes that patients deserve to have timely access to healthcare and that our systems should reflect this value. At Dembi Dollo, our core values are compassion, innovation, integrity and excellence.

Aid For Starving Children

Food, immunizatons, Christian education, water purification and self help programs for children and their families in Africa and Christian orphange support, as well as providing aid for single, black working mothers in the U.S.