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Displaying 241–244 of 244

Changing Footprints Inc.

Changing Footprints realizes the great need for shoes around the world as protection from diseases and a gateway to education. Changing the world two feet at a time. Because of that need, they collect new and gently used shoes for distribution to homeless, disaster-stricken, or underprivileged people locally, nationally, and internationally regardless of race, religion, gender, or ethnicity. They operate from warehouses located in Rushville and Indianapolis, Indiana as a nonprofit, registered 501(c)3 organization, founded in 2005. As their reputation has grown, they have had the pleasure of working with many social service agencies, church missions, medical relief teams, military personnel, and disaster relief teams, requesting shoes for their missions. They never lose sight of their mission since they work personally with teams who actually take the shoes and see that they reach those in need.

Asset-Based Community Development with Equity Foundation

Asset-Based Community Development with Equity Foundation (ABCDE Foundation) believes In "empowering local communities" so that they are able to contribute fully to the life of the community and live dignified lives." The ABCDE Foundation's work is focused specifically on the poorest of the poor as the main object and subject of development. We assist the marginalized poor such as farmers, fishermen, rural workers and out-of-school-youth to attain better quality of life through relevant programs and projects. We help provide training and research on the sustainable management and conservation of the environment and natural resources for and by LGUs, people's organizations, other NGO's and national government agencies. We showcase and demonstrate best management practices on local social mobilization, low external input agriculture and the promotion of resource-based livelihoods. We link with donors and partners in order to effectively run its programs and projects.

Innovating Health International

ABOUT US Innovating Health International (IHI) is a non-profit dedicated to treating chronic diseases and addressing women's health issues in developing countries. What do we do? Working with local partners, we aim to increase access to treatment and education services for chronic diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and injuries. Current projects include a Women's Cancer Center, a large cancer awareness program, opening a pathology laboratory, and helping to build a national comprehensive cancer program. What does Innovating Healthcare look like? Collaboration and discovery are at the heart of our practice and guide our organisation's ethos. Innovating Health means learning with others to bring our expertise in medical care, social engagement, community based research and problem solving into different contexts. We strive to create new and hybrid models of healthcare and engagement that do not seek to simply 'build capacity' but respond to local needs through constant iteration and consultation.