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Haiti Healthcare Partners

HHP is a California-registered 501(c)(3) charity founded in 2005 to fund primary care services through a medical clinic in the rural area of Grande Colline. Our clinic in Cherident is staffed by an all Haitian medically-trained team that treats 4.000 patients each year, mostly women and young children. Many patients walk as long as four hours to receive vaccines, antibiotics, other medicines and a peanut-based supplement for infant malnutrition (medika mamba). In the United States, we are a 100% volunteer organization so that all of our donations can be maximized where they matter most: in Haiti.  Over 90% of our current donations go directly to the clinic's expenses. 

All As One

Mission: Providing Sierra Leone's children and women with education, health care and other basic needs - empowering them to develop a healthy nation. Vision: A strong and self-reliant Sierra Leone.

Momentum Global Inc

Momentum Global was created to transform the way humanitarian problems are solved by uniting, developing, and equipping leaders to create stable, independent communities. We have a deep conviction to help lead them into spiritual, emotional, and physical independence and freedom. And we want you to join us!

Focus Humanitarian Assistance U S A

Our mission is to save lives, reduce suffering and create resilience in communities prone to man-made or natural disastersFocus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) is an International crisis response and disaster risk management agency. We provide emergency relief to communities suffering from natural disasters or man-made crises. FOCUS implements disaster risk reduction programs in areas vulnerable to natural hazards and engages in resettlement and reintegration programs for populations displaced by civil instability or conflict.

Pearl S. Buck International

Pearl S. Buck International provides opportunities to explore and appreciate other cultures, builds better lives for children around the globe and promotes the legacy of our founder by preserving her National Historic Landmark home.

Pack Away Hunger

Pack Away Hunger's mission is to eliminate hunger in Indiana and around the world through nutritious food, education and service. Nutritious Food. In the United States, our Nutri-Plenty Meals help stock the shelves of local food banks and pantries. In developing nations, our meals are used to offset chronic malnutrition in children, and to nourish communities suffering from hunger. Education. Each year, through community partnerships and meal packing events, we educate more than 8,000 people about the toll hunger takes on individuals and communities. Our hope is that this information will inspire people to advocate and care for the hungry in their own communities and around the world. Service. Meal packing events are a powerful and hands-on way for organizations and individuals to make a meaningful difference in someone’s life. Appropriate for all ages and all abilities, our events allow diverse groups to serve together, build camaraderie and promote team building.

Overseas Volunteer for a Better India Inc

Overseas Volunteer for a Better India (OVBI) launched in May 2013, is driven by a group of inspired NRIS ready to support initiatives in India and tackle issues the Indian community faces in the U.S. Our movement’s roots are grounded in the Volunteer for a Better India (VBI) movement. On February 3rd, 2013 more than 100,000 concerned citizens united at Ramlila Maidan in New Delhi in response to rampant corruption, violence towards women, suicides and water shortages. On that day, in unison the group pledged to give 1 hour a day for the nation and to inspire millions of others to do so. And volunteer for a better India was born. OVBI is the overseas arm of Volunteer for Better India. We believe that every individual can make a meaningful impact and play a role in the betterment of the global Indian community. Together we can transform the world in a way that would make great leaders like Mahatma Ghandhi proud. We invite you to get involved.


All it takes is one storm. PLAN!T NOW was formed in 2004 after Hurricane Ivan, a Category 5 storm, struck the island nation of Grenada, reducing its rain forest to shrubs, removing roofs from 90 percent of homes, and killing dozens–including children. Originally formed as the Grenada Relief Fund, we assisted in recovery projects in the country, furthering the understanding that appropriate preparedness measures can have a significant positive impact on how a community fares during a storm. Through our work we learned this important lesson: Disaster happens when preparation doesn’t. Today PLAN!T NOW advocates for the power of preparedness as we educate, engage and connect people and organizations preparing for and dealing with natural and human-made disasters. Through a range of programs and resources–including funding emergency kits and planning tools for families in need in Mexico and the U.S.–we’re working to expand our reach to make more communities safer, now and for the future.

Lighthouse Medical Missions

The vision of Lighthouse Medical Missions is to bring the love of God to the sick and dying in the poorer nations of the world. Our teams consist of volunteers who freely give of their time and finances to reach the forgotten and neglected with the truth of the Gospel through medicine.

Strategy and Innovation for Development Initiative

Train and up-skill community volunteers on how to successfully implement community driven projects, how to effectively access resources to be able to deliver a better quality of life for local communities and how to contribute to sustainable national growth and development.

Gram Seva Foundation

We strive towards providing health care, education and employment opportunities for all our village communities, thereby restoring a balance of opportunity and quality of life. An imbalance exists between cities and villages in India. The best health care and medical facilities are available in the cities. However, 75 percent of India's population lives in villages. Unemployment, poverty and lack of adequate facilities for health and education drive ambitious young people to the cities in search of jobs and a better standard of living. This migration drains the energy of the villages while simultaneously putting additional strain on the resources of the cities.

Sociedad Mexicana Pro Derechos de la Mujer, A.C.

We are a feminist fund that mobilizes resources and accompanies women's organizations and groups to achieve gender equality in Mexico.