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Literacy Bridge / Amplio

Amplio's durable, low-cost Talking Book audio device and innovative programs amplify the reach of our global partners. Together, we share knowledge with the world’s hardest-to-reach communities, using audio technology to educate and gather feedback from illiterate and low-literacy populations. Our Talking Book programs allow organizations to customize messages, songs, radio dramas, and information in local languages and measure impact. Amplio partners with global and in-country organizations, businesses, and government agencies that work in various sectors, including health, agriculture, gender equity, humanitarian aid, and more.

Alliance For Smiles International

To provide free reconstructive surgery and dental treatment to children with cleft lip and palate anomalies in underserved areas of the world. 2. To establish comprehensive cleft treatment centers in collaboration with local professionals and inspire them to support free interdisciplinary treatment programs. 3. To foster an awareness of the necessity to provide timely comprehensive care for all cleft lip and palate anomalies. 4. To develop and implement programs to identify causes and support preventive measures to reduce the incidence of cleft lip and palate. 5. To create international understanding and goodwill by building bridges of friendship among all people.

Ekam USA

Ekam USA Inc Mission Statement To develop a high quality, comprehensive, continuous healthcare model that will ensure the care of every neonate, infant, child, adolescent and mother in a respectful, caring and family-centered environment, regardless of their financial situations by supporting and improving the public health care system. To support and improve health care for children in financial need. To remove financial constraints on parents of needy children. To develop a healthy world population by improving awareness through education and preventive program, as well as providing support for children’s health care. To develop a sense of service in the community by local service projects.

Inter-American Restoration Corporation

Vision Statement- To provide social restoration for third-world countries and the US in all phases of social interaction, including: health and medical, spiritual, social, educational, and vocational spheres of human existence. Mission Statement-The Inter-American Restoration Corporation is committed to addressing the needs of impoverished, underprivileged, or traumatized people, both at home and abroad. Established as a 501C3 corporation in 2002, IRC has strategically incorporated first-world resources, business practices, and efficiency with compassion and focus. The result has been to provide necessary and needed relief directly to the people who lack life's essential conveniences. Driven to satisfy the complete spectrum of the individual, IRC is dedicated to facilitating the spiritual, educational, physical, and the community needs of the person. As such, IRC directs projects geared toward the revitalization of the whole person and whole community. VALUES: 1) We Value the strength of community to empower operations, to leverage opportunities, and enhance communication. 2) We Value individual passions. 3) We Value organization that leads to efficient process, purposeful actions, and dynamic results.4) We Value Spiritual leadership as expressed in outward, inward and unseen actions. 5) We Value the necessity of empowering indigenous peoples to take control of their own social destiny. 6)We Value cultures of all kinds 7) We value opportunity.

Fflv Usa

FFLV USA is a US charity dedicated to raising awareness, funds and coordinating support for Food For Life Vrindavan (FFLV). FFLV is dedicated to serving the poorest of the poor residents of Vrindavan and the Raj region of Uttar Pradesh, India. - particularly girls and women - by providing comprehensive, essential human services which empower them to pursue fulfilling lives and become exemplary members of society and by protecting the natural environment in which they live.

Mercy Mission Hope

Mercy Mission Hope is a non-profit charity focused on improving the lives of people in an impoverished area of Egypt. Our 2002 introduction to the needs of the region came when our family visited there to teach English. What we learned however, far surpassed anything we could have taught. We saw the light of Christ in the hopes and dreams of the young girls and boys. Children left to find their way in the world with little resources or guidance. Humbled by their stories and keenly aware of our own excesses, we strive to provide the basic needs of our brothers and sisters through various outreach events and charitable contributions.

MADRE, An International Women's Human Rights Org.

MADRE's mission is to advance women's human rights by meeting urgent needs in communities and building lasting solutions to the crises women face. MADRE works towards a world in which all people enjoy the fullest range of individual and collective human rights; in which resources are shared equitably and sustainably; in which women participate effectively in all aspects of society; and in which people have a meaningful say in policies that affect their lives. MADRE's vision is enacted with an understanding of the inter-relationships between the various issues we address and by a commitment to working in partnership with women at the local, regional and international levels who share our goals.

American Friends Of Yahad In Unum

Yahad-In Unum (“together in One” in Hebrew and Latin) is a Paris-based organization established in 2004 by Father Patrick Desbois and dedicated to systematically identifying and documenting sites of Jewish mass executions by Nazi mobile-killing units in Eastern Europe and Lithuania during World War II. The objective of this work is to: (1) substantiate a “Holocaust by Bullets,” in addition to those Jews murdered in Nazi concentration camps, (2) give proper respect to the victims’ burial places by identifying their locations, (3) provide evidence of such mass executions to answer the Holocaust deniers of today and tomorrow, and (4) apply the lessons learned to combat contemporary anti-Semitism and genocidal violence.


Soroptimist International of Marysville is celebrating 30 years of service to our community. We are part of Soroptimist International, with over 95,000 members in 120 countries around the globe. Our focus is on service: we are committed to improving the lives of women and children in our community, our country, and around the world. at our local club level, we organize fundraisers to support various service projects chosen by the members. We do several hands-on projects and also donate money to projects that share our vision. We recognize exceptional women and girls with awards and monetary grants to help them continue their work.


All it takes is one storm. PLAN!T NOW was formed in 2004 after Hurricane Ivan, a Category 5 storm, struck the island nation of Grenada, reducing its rain forest to shrubs, removing roofs from 90 percent of homes, and killing dozens–including children. Originally formed as the Grenada Relief Fund, we assisted in recovery projects in the country, furthering the understanding that appropriate preparedness measures can have a significant positive impact on how a community fares during a storm. Through our work we learned this important lesson: Disaster happens when preparation doesn’t. Today PLAN!T NOW advocates for the power of preparedness as we educate, engage and connect people and organizations preparing for and dealing with natural and human-made disasters. Through a range of programs and resources–including funding emergency kits and planning tools for families in need in Mexico and the U.S.–we’re working to expand our reach to make more communities safer, now and for the future.

Children To Love International

To provide hope for suffering children in the name of Jesus. Children to Love International is focused on meeting the needs of the suffering children of the world, providing help and assistance to empower 'the least of these' (Matthew 25:40). Our efforts are focused on education, spiritual teaching, economic support, physical assistance, and social intervention. We seek to equip all children to become independent, contributing members of their communities, and fully committed followers of Jesus. Children to Love is committed to partnering with local Christians to assist in developing sustainable strategy to help bring change within their own cultures. Each of our ministry partners is led by committed Christians serving within their own cultures and communities.


MissionCleanWater is a nonprofit working to bring clean water and sanitation to the most underserved communities. Our approach focuses heavily at the community level, ensuring a clean water source is developed with quality and long term growth.Many other organizations move quickly and do not collaborate with communities which is why the World Health Organization reports that 60% of all clean water projects fail within their first year. We work closely with each community to develop a solution together. Through community relationship building, training, and long-term involvement, we want to fully maximize the investment of clean water in the community and bring out its full potential.