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Plan International

Founded in 1937, Plan International is a development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We strive for a just world, working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners.


All it takes is one storm. PLAN!T NOW was formed in 2004 after Hurricane Ivan, a Category 5 storm, struck the island nation of Grenada, reducing its rain forest to shrubs, removing roofs from 90 percent of homes, and killing dozens–including children. Originally formed as the Grenada Relief Fund, we assisted in recovery projects in the country, furthering the understanding that appropriate preparedness measures can have a significant positive impact on how a community fares during a storm. Through our work we learned this important lesson: Disaster happens when preparation doesn’t. Today PLAN!T NOW advocates for the power of preparedness as we educate, engage and connect people and organizations preparing for and dealing with natural and human-made disasters. Through a range of programs and resources–including funding emergency kits and planning tools for families in need in Mexico and the U.S.–we’re working to expand our reach to make more communities safer, now and for the future.

Plan International USA

Plan International USA is part of a global organization that works side-by-side with communities in 50 developing countries to end the cycle of poverty for children. We develop solutions community by community to ensure long-term sustainability.  Our level of community engagement, long-term outlook and constant focus on the needs and priorities of children is unique among international development organizations.  Our solutions are designed up-front to be owned by the community for generations to come and range from clean water and healthcare programs to education projects and child protection initiatives. Plan International USA also includes the former Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA).

Impact Metrics
Heifer International

Heifer International's mission is to end hunger and poverty and to care for the Earth using gifts of livestock, seeds, trees and training in sustainable agriculture community development projects to help millions of people become self-reliant. Since 1944, Heifer has helped transform the lives of more than 18.5 million families (94.5 million people) by giving them gifts of cows, goats and other livestock. Along with the animals, families receive training in animal care and conservation for environmentally sound agricultural development. We also provide training in community development, gender equity, sharing and caring, strategic planning and other subjects as needed, including literacy. The process takes several years and is not declared successful until the community shows sustained improvement in nutrition, income and self-reliance. Each family that receives an animal agrees to Pass on the Gift by sharing the first-born female offspring of their animal with another family in need, so each gift of livestock starts a chain of self-reliance that spreads throughout  entire communities.

Serbs For Serbs

To affect on the consciousness of Americans, Serbs and their friends through planned projects, social and humanitarian activities in order to develop and foster a better society for future generations and provide aid for underprivileged families in need.

Kounkuey Design Initiative

KDI is a non-profit design and community development organization. We partner with people in underserved communities around the world to build healthier, more connected neighborhoods and cities through the tools of design, planning, research, and advocacy.

Manitha Neyam Trust

Our Vision is to Ignite a universal passion and love for humanity that will steer future generations towards a world of peace, opportunity and happiness.  Our Mission is to recreate a future of love, opportunity and happiness for all those who have suffered, and continue to suffer from the civil strife. We plan to achieve this by: